Chapter 211

"I'm gonna get that little shit this time." Ericka declared.

"I can handle it just tell me where to go," Elizabeth replied.

The two were preparing to take off, and Risa seeing this was thinking of hiding spots. Zack walked up to the keg peeling off the emblem, and with a little mana, it returned to a leaf.

"You two will just cause a ruckus with the sentries so I'll talk to her," Zack said while disappearing.

"Did Zack realize he was naked?" Felicity asked while chuckling.

"With the scuffle going on I kinda forgot to," Karin replied.

Zack appeared in Risa's room, and she was under the covers pretending to sleep.

"You know your thoughts are easy to read, and the fake snoring is a tad too much," Zack stated.

Risa was giggling under the covers before the blanket went flying into the air to obstruct his vision. She tossed out a few talismans as she sprinted for the window. Zack dodged them with little effort catching Risa around the stomach as she lept for freedom. While dangling in the air in defeat she looked up with a smirk.

"What are you gonna do throw me in jail?" Risa laughed.

Zack tossed her on the bed quickly spanking her ass roughly. Risa winced and moaned at the same time looking up like it was a game.

"You just want attention huh?" Zack sighed realizing it was pointless.

"No, it's just fun to toy with people," Risa replied while getting behind Zack.

"You already know lying to me is pointless," Zack stated.

"You don't know what you're talking about," Risa said while trying to get him in a chokehold.

"I know when you pull pranks you feel a sliver of happiness followed by heavy sorrow. Meaning it reminds you of loss." Zack replied as Risa let him go.

"I won't pry, but if you decide you wanna talk about it let me know. For now no more aphrodisiac pranks okay? I'm gonna tell the others I scolded you really bad so they don't try to take you to the arena. So try to use those acting skills to pretend your upset." Zack said while walking for the door.

"I do wanna talk about something..." Risa said as Zack turned around.

"What's that?" Zack asked.

"Why did you come here naked?" Risa laughed.

Zack looked down seeing it was true and quickly retrieved some clothes from his ring before leaving. Once he was clear of the house Risa turned over in her bed curling up in a ball. The image of her brother popped in her head as a tear went down her face.

'You would've liked it here.'

Zack was nearby monitoring her emotion and seeing Risa in such a state he wanted to help. Knowing she would shut down a direct approach he would have to get creative. Zack was heading back to the bath when the others were exiting.

"Sorry I missed the show," Lilith smirked.

"Where is she?" Elizabeth asked with irritation.

"I handled it already," Zack replied.

"You probably went easy on her so let me do it." Ericka offered walking past Zack.

"I'm coming to." Elizabeth declared.

Zack walked between the two wrappings his arms around them.

"I promise it's being taken care of so leave her alone," Zack said while pulling them close.

Ericka listened without a problem, but Elizabeth required some convincing. Once they were done talking Karin, and Zack escorted Denam towards their cabin. Walking up they saw a tiny wooden cabin wedged between two trees with glyphs along the threshold of the door.

"If you need anything just ask," Zack said while walking up to Karin.

"Everyone here is very helpful so it shouldn't be hard to get assistance," Karin told Zess.

Zack walked away with Karin as the others examined their new home. It seemed too small for two people, but they couldn't back out now. They pushed the door open, and when they stepped in their surroundings left them speechless.

Looking around the inside of the cabin it resembled a large house. Zess walked back out and looked at it from the outside. No matter how he tried to rationalize it nothing made sense. Vanessa's research into the library led them to a breakthrough for renovating the city going forward.

"Magic is the only way to explain something like this," Zess stated.

"This world definitely has its upsides. I wonder what's in here." Denam replied.

While Zack was walking Karin home there was an awkward silence as they got to the door.

"I'll see you in th..."

Karin leaned in kissing Zack, and when she pulled away there was a confused look on his face.

"You seemed into it earlier so what happened?" Karin asked.

"It was the honey,"

Karin was preparing to dash inside when Zack grabbed her arm.

"You didn't let me finish," Zack told Karin as she turned around.

"The honey made me more forward about my actions. I thought Tanya was the only reason you came around and didn't know you felt like that. Not sure if you noticed but I'm used to a direct approach." Zack stated.

"So I have to be pushy to get your attention?" Karin pouted.

Zack wrapped his arms around her.

"Not at all. I like the way you are now and prefer a more intimate approach anyway. If I'm being honest I was checking you out the first day we met." Zack said while averting his gaze.

"It was a little obvious. I thought you were just a pervert at the time though." Karin replied.

"What do you think now?" Zack asked.

"I'm still on the fence about the pervert part, but I know you're a good man," Karin replied while wrapping her arms around his neck.

The two kissed passionately as the moonlight peered through the canopy.

"Do you wanna come inside?" Karin asked.

"I have to be with Destiny just in case. How about we do something after tomorrow's ceremony? If you don't mind taking it slow that is." Zack replied.

"I've waited a few months so going a little longer won't hurt." Karin smiled kissing him goodnight.

Zack began walking out of the forest realizing all the signs he had missed. Karin walked inside her house, and the others were surprised to see her so happy. Amara smirked walking up to wrap her arm around Karin as they walked upstairs.

"It seems we both found a mate just in time." Amara teased.