Chapter 213

Zack and the others were walking upstairs to get an early start on the day. Olivia went to inform the others and to prepare breakfast. She was so happy the hatching was a success and was eager to begin her new duties. Olivia has tutored many powerful rulers, but this was the first student she looked forward to.

'Tutoring her will be a breeze compared to my last student.' Olivia smiled thinking of the rebellious Lilith.

Destiny was walking alongside Zack as they went towards the courtyard. As they walked through the doors Helena was looking up at the rising sun with a look of awe. Zack saw this and lifted her up onto his shoulders.

"It's so pretty." Helena smiled reaching her hand towards the sun.

"Just don't look at it directly," Destiny warned.

"Wanna see someplace special?" Zack asked.

Helena nodded as they walked through the garden towards Lauren's grave. She was looking around at all the beautiful flowers surrounding the tree, and Zack carefully put her down. Zack had a large smile as he placed his hand around Destiny, and the other on Helena's head.

"This place is very important to me, and I wanted you to see it," Zack told Helena.

"She's beautiful." Lilith smiled.

Standing behind them with smiles on their faces were Cynthia, Kaya, Octavia, and Yu. When they heard the news they rushed to get ready. They all took turns introducing themselves to Helena, and she seemed excited to see all the new faces.

"Doesn't really have much of your features though huh?" Lilith teased.

"I'm okay with that." Destiny smiled watching Helena chase Yu around the garden.

"She has your eyes at least," Cynthia stated.

"Now that we know it's possible why don't we try," Kaya asked Zack while pressing against him.

"You can have him after me," Octavia replied attempting to lure Zack away.

"I asked first," Kaya said trying to be civil.

"And?" Octavia smirked.

They both continued arguing and pulling on Zack. Hearing the hostile tone Helena looked over and saw them pulling on her papa. Still new to emotions Helena assumed they were trying to hurt him. A strong urge to protect Zack arose, and before anyone noticed it golden threads tightly bound the two troublemakers.

"Leave papa alone!" Helena shouted.

Looking at Helena her arms, and neck were covered in black armor. Protruding from her back were six thin spider legs, and the tips were sharp enough to pierce armor with ease. From the tips of her fingers were golden threads, and they were squeezing the two immensely. Their energy was rapidly being sapped leaving them powerless to break free.

Zack could feel the power radiating from Helena, and could sense it preparing to flow into the threads. He attempted to break it with his hands, but his normal strength wasn't sufficient. Zack's wings rapidly appeared slicing the threads as he quickly appeared in front of Helena hugging her.

The sudden appearance of Zack caused Helena's instincts to kick in, and two of the legs rapidly struck. They were lodged into Zack's shoulders, but he didn't let go. Helena realized it was her papa holding her, and began to panic.

"Your bleeding!" Helena shouted.

"It's okay just calm down," Zack smiled trying to comfort her.

Helena calmed down, and her form slowly reverted to normal. All the others watched carefully scared to move with exception of Destiny.

"I'm sorry papa I didn't wanna hurt you," Helena said while crying.

"It's already healed see?" Zack smiled showing his back.

Helena stopped crying seeing his calming smile.

"I only wanted to protect you..."

"I know, and it's okay. They didn't wanna hurt me, and I'm the one who supposed to do the protecting. A lot of people here will try to grab me, but they won't hurt me. I promise we're safe here so try not to do that again until we can train okay?" Zack smiled wiping the tears from her face.

Helena nodded as she looked at Kaya and Octavia. She walked up to them with her head lowered.

"I'm sorry," Helena apologized.

"It's okay you just wanted to protect someone special to you." Kaya smiled.

"You definitely have your papa's strength," Octavia said while tussling Helena's hair.

Hearing this Helena had a large smile.

"We definitely need to make her something special," Destiny said while seeing the small holes in the back of her dress.

"Breakfast is ready," Olivia announced from the doorway.

They gathered together in the dining hall while waiting for the others. Sitting at the head of the table was Zack and at his side Helena, and Yu.

"Can we see Vanessa today?" Yu asked.

"She should've rested enough by now, and is probably checking the fields. We can go looking after breakfast." Zack replied.

"Are you joining tomorrow's rescue mission?" Kaya asked.

"Dealing with ferals requires a delicate touch so I'll be leading it," Zack replied.

"You're leaving?" Helena asked with concern.

"Just to go help some people, but It won't take long." Zack smiled.

"Papa helps a lot of people, and leaves a lot, but he always comes home," Destiny told Helena.

"Can I go?" Helena asked.

"When you get older you can, but for now it's safer here," Zack said while grabbing her hand.

While Zack was explaining why it was safer at home Ren, and Yuki appeared. Noticing the child at the table they were speechless. Olivia let them sleep in wanting Helena to be a surprise, and given the looks on their faces it was. They never expected to see Zack's daughter, and definitely not in a form like that. Zack got up from the table embracing the two.

"I want you two to meet Helena." Zack smiled calling her over.

Helena walked up nervously seeing how closely they were examing her.

"This is Ren and Yuki," Zack told Helena.

"Are they like momma too?" Helena asked.

"Yes they are, and they are pregnant with your younger siblings." Zack smiled.

Hearing this Helena's eyes lit up. She was puzzled to hear there was no egg and began staring at their baby bumps.

"Wanna feel? They've been kicking a lot this morning." Ren asked.

Helena carefully placed her hand against Ren's stomach, and the second she did there was a kick. She began giggling when it continued to kick. Ren looked down with a surprised look. The baby seemed to be reacting to Helena's touch. While they were standing around the other children were arriving to eat.