Chapter 216

"What color do you like the most?" Destiny asked.

Helena examined the ribbons in front of her and pointed towards the blue one. As they browsed through various types of clothing Dyna appeared in the shop with Bella and her sisters at their side.

Sera was giving Bella's family their sets of clothing prepared for their needs. Feeling the comfort with their wings they all began smiling while fluttering into the air. Seeing her sisters happy Bella approached Destiny to give thanks for helping with the clothes, and the youngest sister Nina followed behind her.

"Thank you for this. If you need help with anything in return just let me know." Bella told Destiny.

"It's no problem at all. If you need any adjustments just let us know." Destiny replied.

"Your eyes are really pretty." Nina smiled as she landed before Helena.

"Thank you. Your wings look so cool. Is it fun to fly?" Helena asked.

"Yeah, it is. We should play sometime." Nina waved as she went to her sister.

"Papa can fly to, and if you ask him he could show you," Destiny told Helena.

While they were talking in the shop Tanya appeared with Yuki.

"Zack is in the forest playing with the others and wanted me to get Helena. If that's okay with you." Yuki asked Destiny.

Hearing this Helena looked up with an eager smile.

"Go have some fun. When I finish your new clothes I'll join you." Destiny smiled.

Helena quickly ran towards the others as they left for the forest. Appearing at the gateway was Karim with a group of deathstalkers. Dyna was given notice of the new allies that may appear and sent word to the others.

"How far did that move us?" Karim asked.

"We are in the southern territory along the demon border," Dyna replied.

Not long after the deathstalkers arrived the matriarch of the lamia appeared. It was a woman with emerald eyes, and curly blonde hair trailing to her shoulders. Her name is Melissa, and walking behind her was a band of six warriors. The youngest of the bunch was a woman named Sophia, and in the crowd, she saw a familiar face.

"Nice to see you again," Sophia told Nanu.

"I'm glad this meeting is around honorable people," Nanu replied.

The portal in the right corner lit up as Harald walkthrough with a small group of soldiers and several boys at his side. Next to Harald was a gorgeous woman with long blond tied up in a braid, and on her back was a large shield radiating mana. The shieldmaiden at his side is his wife Helga and the mother of his three sons.

"Seem's we weren't early enough to avoid the rush," Helga said while glaring at Harald.

"And you wanted to ride in one of the boats."

Standing behind Harald was a large warrior with two girthy axes on the side of his hips. He had long brown hair, a thick beard, and on the right side of his face was a tattoo. The warrior's name is Sven, and he belonged to a neighboring clan.

"Can you blame me? This way of traveling is convenient, but there's a certain tranquility to the sea." Harald replied.

Karim finished his orientation and waited around for the others while talking with Dyna.

"Are our weapons allowed?" Karim asked.

"Once you pass orientation you have the same rights as everyone else. If any of your warriors wish to do battle we ask that use the arena or training grounds." Dyna announced

As the waystation was getting its first real stress test it showed their planning had paid off. It didn't take long for the hall to be empty, and the guest to fill the streets. Karim saw the fertile land, and how much they were able to cultivate with it.

"No wonder they were giving away food," Karim said while observing the dolls harvesting.

Wesley was strolling the city while talking with Valan about some new concepts they could try with mana. Seeing Nanu in the city he was completely distracted from his talk of renovations. Nanu smiled walking towards Wesley with her arm covering her abs.

'He doesn't seem to be staring as much, but I can't shake that feeling.'Nanu blushed.

"I wasn't sure if I would actually see you again." Wesley smiled.

"We came to give our thanks, and find a way to repay the debt," Nanu replied.

"If we mounted a rescue by ourselves the casualties would've been high, and we still could've failed," Karim stated.

"Where is the leader?" Melissa asked.

"Last time I saw him was around the forest playing with children. It's in the northern part of the city, and if you head for the giant tree you can't miss it. "Valan replied.

While they were talking Anaya was searching for Zack. Seeing the lamia roaming the grounds she went over to greet them politely. If another lamia tribe was moving in it would be best to establish an alliance early on.

"It's been so long since I've seen a Naga. How are the mates here?" Melissa asked.

"There are plenty to go around. If your interested the bath in the mountain is worth visiting. If you need a guide I'm happy to oblige." Anaya smiled.

"A tour would be wonderful. Hopefully, we can see each other again." Sophia told Nanu.

Wesley began talking to the deathstalkers about their purpose here and apologizing for the misunderstanding. Above the forest, Zack was hovering with Helena and a few of the children. With his magic, they were trailing behind him slowly as they looked down waving at the others.

"Can we go faster?" Helena asked.

"Only a little. Too much, and the others might get dizzy." Zack replied as the wind around the children amplified.

Sure enough, the faster speed caused a few of the children to feel a little sick, and when they were landing Zack noticed the visitors. Seeing her papa wander off Helena took off right behind him. When she caught up Zack was talking with Karim and Madison.

"I saw them wandering around looking for you so I figured I would help," Madison said as she noticed Helena.

"Thank you," Zack replied while embracing Madison.

"We didn't mean to interrupt your personal time." Karim apologized.

"It's not a problem we're just about to take a break. My name is Zack, and it's nice to meet you," Zack replied while extending his hand.