Chapter 222

Wade was watching Emilia closely and was already in the process of moving in to assist. Edward however was already preparing to snatch Emilia up again, and they could feel his mana swelling. Before Edward could seize her wrist once more Arthur grabbed his forearm squeezing tightly.

"Unhand me this instant," Edward demanded.

"You heard what she had to say now back off." Arthur declared as his eyes shimmered red, and he increasing the pressure.

Edward shouted in pain quickly retrieving his hand as he reached for his blade. Arthur's reaction time was far greater and his sword was already pointed at Edward's throat before he could draw. With the two dragon leaders present Zack had the sentries set to remote orders to avoid them going off when the two would talk. Feeling a disturbance in the crowd Zack calmed his mind in an attempt to locate it.

"You have no right to touch royalty," Edward said while motioning his men.

"You just did it so why not?" Arthur retorted.

Roderick rapidly dashed in attempting to knock the blade from Arthur's hands as another guard flanked him aiming for his neck. Wade's group was blocking the other guards, but couldn't hold them all without using magic. Arthur faded into mist reappearing behind the guard who flanked him rapidly disarming him.

"Filthy vampire!" Edward shouted launching a blast of flames in his direction.

Wade saw the incoming attack knowing Arthur couldn't evade it without damaging the area and met the attack head-on to protect him. By now the others realized what was going on as guards rapidly stood at the ready around their leaders. Helena could sense all the commotion, and her power began to flare.

"It's okay remember you're always safe around me," Zack told Helena as he got up from the table.

Feeling the warm glow radiating from Zack she was put at ease as he disappeared. As Wade was starting to be overwhelmed the blast rapidly came to halt. In a flash, the blast was extinguished as steam filled the hall. When it faded away Zack was seen standing in the center of the commotion. When he saw the source of the problem an irritated look appeared on Zack's face.

Since the founding of the Eden matters like this were left to the arena or kept outside the walls. Knowing the culprit was a spoiled brat wanting to treat his friend like an object irritated Zack. Due to Emilia's wishes, he agreed to stay out of the matter, but now his daughter was upset.

When Arthur saw Zack appear with an angry look he quickly released his weapon. Seeing the concern on Emilia's face earlier it wasn't hard for Edward to realize who her lover was. Edward tried to take advantage of the distracted Arthur and was preparing another attack. Arthur felt the mana surging looking over realizing it was too late to dodge.

Zack got between the blast with his armor drawn to protect his clothing. All six of his wings appeared rapidly snuffing the blast, and Zack rapidly struck Edward in the stomach forcing him to vomit blood. Edward collapsed to his knees struggling to breathe and stay conscious.

"Protect the prince!" Roderick ordered.

The guards surrounding Edward charged forward but were rapidly disarmed with a quick swipe of Zack's upper wings. Several of them attempted to strike with magic, but it wasn't gathering properly. They looked at their hands seeing them tremble. Their bodies were reacting to the pressure of Zack making them unable to focus properly.

Roderick attempted to rush in, but the closer he got the tougher it was to move. The only one to notice the cause was the dragons, and Madison. A powerful force of wind was swirling around Zack, and all of the guards were already within his domain. Samuel glanced at the orb of wind swirling in Zack's hand.

'That's a new one.' Samuel smirked.

It felt as if the weight of the world was on their shoulders as the air was being forced out from their lungs. It was becoming difficult to breathe, and every instinct in Roderick's body told him to flee.

Even under immense pressure, Roderick stepped forward igniting his blade with mana. When Zack's gaze fixated on Roderick he froze. In the corner of his eye, there were golden lights, and he slowly turned around to see the cause.

'When did he do that?' Roderick began sweating.

Surrounding Edward's men were five orbs of holy light and wanting to show his sincerity Zack made sure to uncloak his aura. Ozen for the first time felt the power dwelling within Zack as the hall fell silent. The city was structured to withstand assaults now, and Zack wanted everyone to get a clear message.

"We have lived here peacefully without any problems till your arrival. You placed your hands on my friends against her wishes and tried to kill another. If my daughter wasn't watching you would all be rendered to salt right here, but if you truly wish to test me I have ways of obscuring these actions." Zack said in a cold tone as the men put down their weapons.

"It doesn't matter who you are. You can't act like this without repercussions." Edward said while wiping the blood from his mouth.

Zack recalled the hardheaded Modestus, and the true threat lingering in the world. Knowing a man like this understood one thing Zack wanted to him understand his situation.

"This is my kingdom, and under the treaty, I can do as I please. Besides if I wanted to act do you think anyone here could stop me?" Zack asked as Edward glanced at the crowd.

Ozen's guard detail continued downing their drinks trying to settle their nerves. They knew Zack had no intention of harming them, but his aura was still having an effect. Samuel and Ozen just smirked from the table while the dragons studied Zack's power closely. Glancing at the other leaders present none of them met his gaze. Edward realized he was powerless here, and averted his eyes to the ground.

"By now you know that I'm the Nephilim from the recent rumors. Today's ceremony was simply a formality to ensure the security of our city. The people of Eden live as equals and will bow to no one. The only thing we desire is to live in peace and we welcome new allies who share our ideals, but if your desire is to harm our allies or the innocents of this world you will receive no mercy from me." Zack declared while glancing over the crowd.

The guest began discussing Zack's words and seeing the calm nature of the rest of the residents they returned to their meal. Even if there weren't special rules in this kingdom Edward put his hand on a queen. These actions could easily be rewarded with death even given Edward's status as a prince. As far as they were concerned Kirkwall was at fault here.

"Your group is banned from this city, and if I catch you within my border again I won't be so forgiving," Zack told Edward as sentries appeared dragging them from the city.

After checking on his friends he walked back towards the table. Helena watched her papa returning with a look of awe. With little effort, he defused the situation and was already back at her side.

"I told you everything would be okay, and good job on keeping yourself calm," Zack told Helena while tussling her hair.

"That brat has always been annoying, but don't underestimate the might of their army. They are one of the few human kingdoms to thrive here before the new treaty coddled humans. The reason for this is their legions are vast, and well trained in warfare against our kind." Ozen warned Zack.

"Their defenses are also difficult to breach, and a siege hasn't reached their walls since the third dark age. We haven't had an operative inside their borders since my father's leadership, and the information we received cost them their life." Hisato stated.

"The defenses don't matter much for an angel of his caliber. Smiting a city like that wouldn't be difficult, but it would draw attention. I know you would never consider such methods though." Samuel told Zack.

"We have many contingencies in place to protect our home so I have no concerns about them. Let's put their disturbance behind us, and enjoy the rest of the celebration." Zack replied while smiling at Helena.