Chapter 232

John glanced at his allies, and the looks on their faces made one thing clear. Jordan was still here, and they were simply too scared to speak up. Dyna could sense his concerns, and approached the queen while bowing.

"I understand the need for males, but holding him here against his will isn't the way. Please return our friend so we can move forward between our people." Dyna requested.

"You accuse me of lying in my own court?" Alyssa replied while nodding at her guards.

With the captives around Dyna had to change the plans, and she relayed the exit to John. He looked at Dyna with concern, but seeing the conviction in her face John nodded. They rushed for the exit, and the nearby guards were preparing to seize them.

"Don't worry about them protect the queen!"

The guards looked to see Dyna's blade drawn as she charged towards Alyssa. The captives could be seized later, but if their queen fell it would cripple the hive. They darted for Dyna, but she sprang up disabling the bee with a single kick. As the other attempted to sting her Dyna cut them down.

Dyna landed back on the ground as her horns began growing, and curling to the sharp points were directed outwards. The next few bees to swarm her were caught off guard by the burst of speed. With the increase in leg power, her kicks could easily dent armor, and her horns could be used to shrug off nearby forces. During one of the exchanges, a stinger reached Dyna's chest but broke against her armor, and only left a small chip as a result.

After the next exchange, three more bees were indisposed, but they were still left alive. The aura swirling around Dyna showed she meant business, and she was within striking distance of the queen. Knowing her armor was strong enough to withstand their stingers their options for attacking were limited.

'They should be nearing the exit.'Dyna pressed a button on the side of her ring.

"We didn't want it to go this way. He had hopes we could settle this feud between you two, and find a way to bring peace to this jungle." Dyna announced while glancing at the surrounding forces.

"They will never agree to a ceasefire, and that man is needed here. If you choose to let the matter go you can still leave. Think it over carefully because that armor can't protect you for long." Alyssa replied as more filled the hall.

With the queen under attack, a signal went to all the bees, and they rapidly took to their queens' side. A small group attempted to apprehend the escaping humans, but with John's persistence and the arrival of Haruna's group they escaped.

"We weren't able to secure the prisoners, but we can send search parties."

"Hold off on that. I'm still waiting for a response." Alyssa ordered.

Dyna was surrounded, but hearing the others escaped put her at ease. She was confident in her skills, but the numbers were simply too many. They saved so many, and that could already be considered a win for a diplomat. Knowing what Zack would do in this situation she gripped her sword taking a stance.

"I won't abandon that man, and nothing will change my mind." Dyna declared.

"Your desire to save your people is admirable, but standing against so many alone is foolish," Alyssa replied.

"She's not alone," Zack said from the door.

The bees swarmed Zack as he called his spear twirling it as lightning struck the women forcing loud moans out as they fell to the ground quivering. Alyssa witnessed a large group of her soldiers brought to their knees by one man. Seeing the women shaking on the ground while caressing their bodies a lecherous smirk swept Alyssa's face.

"Who's this?" Alyssa asked.

Zack walked towards Dyna as the other bees created a path. He wrapped his arm around Dyna's waist and kissed her cheek.

"This is the ruler of Eden," Dyna said while sheathing her blade.

"Why keep the man here?" Zack asked.

"Would you like to take his place, or would your woman not take kindly to that," Alyssa smirked.

"Your offer is tempting, and she enjoys the extra company but I have to pass right now. I can sense he's in no danger, but his friend is deeply concerned for his well-being. You don't have to concern yourself with the hornets anymore, and our city has many willing candidates." Zack replied.

"How did you pull that off?" Alyssa investigated.

After hearing of the siege on their rival being a success, and them being forced to hand over the prisoners Alyssa began apologizing. The guards swiftly brought Jordan, but he had a concerned look on his face. Jordan didn't recognize the two after all, and couldn't understand them. Zack helped him break the language barrier and notified Jordan of their safety.

"If you wanna follow us we can take you to them," Zack told Jordan.

"Wait," Jordan replied while turning towards the hall.

Zack noticed a member of the royal family crying at the door. The reason Alyssa attempted to keep Jordan was due to the infatuation her daughter had with him. All though they couldn't understand each other their relations since his arrival was all voluntary. Jordan found her to be beautiful and desired so badly to speak with her.

"They want me to go with them, but I'll come back I promise," Jordan told Brianna.

"I have no desire to separate two people who care for each other. I'll tell your friend what happened, and he will understand so don't worry." Zack smiled seeing the two embrace.

"He can stay?" Brianna asked excitedly.

"We only wanted the people to be safe," Zack replied while healing the wounded bees.

"There are honey bees like yourself living among us, and we have space for more. Your desire is to ensure your peoples' survival, and we can offer a safe place for the two to thrive." Dyna told Alyssa.

"Is this true?" Alyssa asked Zack.

"They narrowly survived a dragon attack, and only had a few members of their hive remain. Now their children are roaming the forest without a worry. We just started expanding into a second forest district if being too close to another hive is an issue." Zack replied.