Chapter 234

"Can we join?"

Amy and Zack looked up to see the other harpies smirking in the trees. A few of them were working on undoing their buttons. Amy jumped up waving at her companions while Zack got up sensing his surroundings.

"Your control is already greater than mine, and it seems your making other improvements," Andrea told Amy while landing before her.

Andrea looked at the bulge in Zack's trousers before smiling at Amy. The other harpies rapidly took to his side and began tempting him.

"We have a job to do, and she won fairly," Andrea told the others.

"What's a date?" Amy asked Andrea.

"We need to search in twos anyway so come with me, and I'll tell you," Andrea replied as she signaled the others.

"I'll see you later!" Amy shouted while flying after Andrea.

'There's one of them nearby I'm sure of it.'

Zack began walking through the jungle, and after a few minutes came across the aura, but saw no one in sight. After visiting the jungle he learned many species are great at hiding in plain sight. He strolled through the area looking for a den, or home in the canopy.

While Zack was searching Luke was in the den sorting through the food he scavenged. Luan was still out hunting, and he wanted to surprise her with food. The language barrier was a challenge, but he hoped a gesture like this could be understood by anyone. He was straightening up the den when he heard someone outside.

Luke was working his way up the makeshift steps he built, and once he was outside he noticed Zack. Zack turned around seeing Luke and was preparing to greet him when he sprang back as a spear struck the dirt. Luan sprang out from the jungle and began staring down Zack. She was blocking the path to Luke with a serious look on her face.

"I'm not here to hurt you," Zack said while raising his hands.

"Then what do you want?" Luan investigated.

"I know some of his friends, and we are out here searching for the others as well as people to join us. The slavers will be returning, and we're safer together." Zack replied.

Luan looked at Luke to gauge his opinion on the matter, but he had a confused expression. He didn't recognize Zack, and the memory of slavers rummaging through the jungle was still fresh. The look of panic on Luan's face was something he never wanted to see again.

Knowing it would be easier to breach the language barrier first Zack started writing glyphs with his fingers. Luan was worried about the light launching in their direction, and seeing Luke struck with it she quickly checked him over.

"The rest of your group is living with us, and it's a safe place to have a family," Zack said while glancing at Luan.

"He can't understand us. We've been trying, but the most we can get across is names. What did you do to him?" Luan asked with a serious glare.

"So everyone's safe then?" Luke asked.

"They lost a few along the way, but now they are safe in our city," Zack replied.

Hearing the two talk about Eden Luan started to feel insecure. Luke was kind to her the last few days, but given his situation, it could've been an act. Luan wasn't confident that he would stick around. She could attempt to snatch him again, but being unable to read Zack's aura she stood down.

Noticing the sad look on Luan's face Luke approached her. His first day was a little scary, but eventually, he realized Luan wasn't gonna hurt him. The constant pleasure was one of the things to put his mind at ease, but his favorite part was the cuddling. He always dreamed of having a girlfriend living in his apartment, but was bad at talking with women, and always working.

The words Luan used weren't understandable, and the tone was occasionally aggressive, but the expressions were adorable. How clingy she was after their acts, and the smile she gave him when returning home made his heart flutter. Being able to speak with her filled him with excitement, but it was wiped away when seeing the sorrow on her face.

"What's wrong?" Luke investigated.

"Nothing at all. You wanted to leave so go." Luan retorted while crossing her arms and turning away.

"I'm not going anywhere without you." Luke declared.

"Why?" Luan asked as she turned around.

Luke wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her close and leaned in kissing Luan as her grey cheeks went red.

"Because you're my woman." Luke smiled.

"Ev-even if I wanna stay?" Luan asked while averting her gaze.

"So long as we're together that's all that matters," Luke replied.

"Our city has a variety of species and is a perfect environment to raise a child. If you two still wanna stay I can set up a barrier to help hide you from the slavers." Zack offered.

The two debated Zack's offer, and the curiosity to meet Luke's friends won Luna over. As Zack led them to Ling's village as he searched for more survivors. Luke's aura was the only one Zack could find, and after relaying it to the others they focused on recruitment.

After an hour everyone returned to the rendezvous point with the exception of one group. Having sent no distress signal there wasn't much concern. Zack sent everyone through and went searching for Dyna's group.

'She should be around here somewhere.'

Zack was tracking Dyna's aura when it rapidly disappeared. With a burst of speed he appeared above a village, and as he was soaring down several fireballs launched his way. Zack weaved through the blast, and as he landed a group of warriors surrounded him.

All of them were youkos, and they each had fire attacks ready to release. The strongest aura was radiating from a man with seven tails. The man is wearing a white hanfu, and his name is Kang. Seeing the wings behind Zack he raised his hand halting the warriors.

"Stand down he must be the leader she spoke of," Kang ordered.

Feeling no malicious intent, and glancing around the village Zack realized he overreacted. There was an array set up nearby, and only a few people possessed the cores to do this. Zack immediately cupped his hands and bowed politely.

"Sorry for the misunderstanding. I sensed my ally disappeared and feared the worst."