Chapter 247

Suinin's family has served as samurai since the days' Japan still stood. Being the only heir to the Yamada household his father Hizashi took training seriously. If tragedy were to ever fall upon their village it was their duty to stand at the front of the line to face it.

During training Suinin picked up the trade quickly, but once he discovered creation magic things changed. Suinin became obsessed with the armor left by their ancestors, but it was too damaged to wear, and the art of forging that steel was lost to their village.

Wanting to recreate the armor Suinin began his own training at night. It took over a year to finally get a grip on the magic, and he was preparing to show his father. Before he could Hizashi found him, and was impressed with the initiative taken by his son.

"To recreate his armor is truly impressive, but it will cause problems," Hizashi warned.

"How so?" Suinin asked.

"That armor will indeed protect you, but maintaining it draws from your mind and blade. Depending too much on that armor could make you weak. In the heat of battle, this is the only thing you can rely on." Hizashi said while displaying his katana.

His father's words rang in his head, and Suinin took them to heart. Kishi could eliminate his armor with a single blow, and focusing to reinforce it would only split his focus. Slowly the armor was fading away, and the mana began pouring into Suinin.

'It's time to finish this.'

Suinin got up, and seeing the exit to the forest nearby he walked out to see the plains at a distance. There was an open field that would work well to settle things. Suinin rapidly drew his katana, and the sword aura launched into the air caught Kishi's attention.

'Guess you weren't hiding after all.' Kishi smirked.

While waiting for his opponent Suinin prepared himself. His eyes were closed as he redirected mana to the proper channels. The sounds of Kishi charging were rapidly closing in, but it didn't break his focus. Suinin took a stance and gripped the hilt of his blade with a determined look on his face. When Suinin opened his eyes Kishi was only six feet away as he rapidly drew the blade.

"You know this won't work," Kishi smirked as he prepared to halt the blast.

As Kishi placed his hands out to confront it when a sharp pain struck his hand, and he struggled to keep his grip. The sword aura appeared to be the same, but the density was far greater than Kishi imagined. He began sliding back, and sinking down from the weight of the blast as his gauntlets began humming.

The last time this occurred Kishi thought the gauntlets were giving way under the pressure. Glancing at the glyphs along the knuckles the other light began filling. The gauntlets were holding, and they seemed to be reacting to the attack.

'Where did they get these?'

While Kishi was fascinated with the craftsmanship and attempting to break apart the blast Suinin appeared before him. With a quick swipe of his katana, a deep cut appeared across Kishi's back. Before the second strike could land Kishi exerted all his strength hurling it into the air, and turned hurling a right hook.

Suinin rapidly parried with his katana while cutting a deep laceration on Kishi's forearm. Kishi was preparing to seize Suinin by the collar, but after a swift stroke of his katana, Suinin lept back to safety.

'Damn it.' Suinin seized up slightly from the throbbing pain in his ribs.

"Not bad," Kishi said while touching the blood trailing on his chest.

Not wanting to give his opponent a chance to take the lead again Suinin dashed in to strike. Kishi noticed the attack late, but his instincts for combat were forged over centuries. As the katana was swiping down Kishi struck from both sides to shatter the blade.

Suinin's strike was too swift as it narrowly slipped through as a gash appeared across Kishi's forehead. Even with blood obscuring his vision Kishi went on the attack delivering a kick. Suinin attempted to block with his katana, but it did little to protect him from the force as he went flying back.

'Damn it even with little contact it hurts this much.' Suinin winced as he attempted to line up his katana.

The tip of Suinin's katana was pointed at Kishi as a loud ring ensued. From the tip of the blade, a beam was released that pierced Kishi's right thigh, and straight into the ground behind it. As Kishi stumbled from the attack Suinin struck the ground as he began rolling across the land. Suinin was covered in scratches, and wounds from the stones along his path.

'Where did it go?' Suinin looked frantically for his katana, and up at Kishi heading his way.

Kishi was slowed by the injured leg, but the pain meant little to him as he powered through it. Suinin saw the katana too far to reach, and Kishi preparing to pass it. Knowing it was a lost cause to retrieve Suinin sat down to focus.

Even with strong pain in his ribs, and every bone in his body aching Suinin was calm. He drew out all the mana he had left rapidly condensing it into his lap. From his efforts, a katana with a white scabbard and a golden guard formed. Suinin opened his eyes to grab the katana, and he drew it to examine the quality as it shimmered from the sun's rays.

'I won't let you down.' Suinin sheathed the blade as he stood up to face Kishi.

While Suinin was focused Kishi already closed the distance, but he waited patiently for his opponent. With his advisory on his feet, and a weapon in his hand Kishi smirked.

"Let's finish this." Kishi declared.

Suinin drew his blade as the two clashed, and exchanged strikes. With all his mana residing in the katana, Suinin had to rely on his natural reflexes. If not for the wound in Kishi's leg this weakness would've been exploited by now.

As they were now both warriors were fighting on par with one another. Sparks and large gusts of wind were flying about. Another strike was narrowly dodged by Suinin as his hair went wild from the shockwave produced.

'Just one will be enough to end this, and my best strikes don't go deep enough. I hope this works.' Suinin was sweating as the loud pops rang in his ears.

A swift thrust was aimed for Kishi's shoulder, but he seized it in his hand. He rapidly retrieved his other hand to end it here, and now, but he rapidly let go of the katana. Kishi looked down as the gauntlets were bright red, and his hands felt like they were boiling within. As the gauntlets settled Kishi examined the katana.

'It resisted the other attacks just fine, but one more second and my hands would've been roasted.'