Chapter 249

On the outskirts of the garden was a small home with white lights flickering in the windows. Naomi was inside gripping the end of the table as her eyes flashed on, and off with white light. Zack appeared at the door and knocked before entering.

"The others are on the way so let's get you in bed," Zack said as he approached Naomi.

Zack offered his support to Naomi, and she clutched his hand. The two walked towards the bed slowly as Zack focused to ease the pulses. Naomi's eyes returned to normal, and her breathing steadied.

"Th-thanks," Naomi said as she got up on the bed.

"No problem. Need me to grab anything while we wait?" Zack asked.

"Just get comfortable this can take a while," Namoi replied.

Back at the arena, the forces were still gathering from being scattered through the regions. A few small skirmishes broke out, but most were waiting to engage on a united front. Leading one of the groups was Halfdan, and the other was led by a warrior named Baldur. Halfdan's group was trailing on the outskirts of the forest following the river, and Baldur was looking for the exit to the canyons.

"Are you sure this is the right way?" Halfdan asked.

Walking alongside Halfdan is a woman with rows of runes tattooed along each forearm. Her chestnut hair trailed down to her shoulders with braids along the left side of her head. Around her waist were several large pouches, and a seax sheathed on her back. The woman's name is Skade, and she is the seer for their clan.

"They aren't hiding their aura's, and are wandering in this direction," Skade replied.

"You can get started," Halfdan told Skade while motioning men into position.

Reaching into one of the pouches Skade retrieved several stones with runes carved in them. She began chanting as one flew from her palm into the river and the others into the air. As the stone hit the water it rapidly froze forming a bridge for their warriors.

The other three in the air had mana shoot between them forming a triangle. At the center of the formation, mana was gathering rapidly as an unkindness of ravens appeared in the air. Skade closed one eye as they all scattered in search of the others.

As Baldur's group was scaling down the side of a canyon they could see the river at a distance. The warriors pushed forward while maintaining their formation, and when they approached the bank they retrieved several boats from their rings.

"Get your shields in position, and have them ready for action," Baldur ordered.

Everyone loaded into the ships and did as Baldur instructed. Being Sven's younger brother he was an ideal candidate for leading the new settlement. At his side was an older warrior named Henrik who has guided the two brothers since adolescence.

'Ensuring our clan holds sway is crucial. It's a good thing I always keep a few on me.' Henrik glanced at the items in his pouch.

"Don't get left behind, old man."

Smirking from the side of the boat was a woman named Thyra. Having lost her parents at an early age Henrik took the role of her father. The entire trip here Thrya has been teasing the old man about needing aide, but it was just her way of sticking close to ensure his well-being.

"You should worry about the angle of your shield," Henrik replied as he walked into the water.

'Didn't have to say it so loud.' Thyra quickly corrected the shield while glancing at Baldur.

"Everyone needs to stay in formation, and keep an eye out for ambushes," Baldur observed the ridge of the canyons.

With everyone aboard, they started down the river as two casters powered their sails. The canyon walls that were narrowly surrounding them began to part and opened up to a large wasteland with towering rocks.

In the air above them, the familiars started to come into proximity of the boat. Skade relayed the information to the others, and they adjusted their tactics accordingly. The ravens continued to follow overhead, but their presence wasn't unnoticed.

"They're closer than we thought," Thyra announced.

Lightning began crackling between the palm of Thyra's hands, and she directed it towards the familiars. As the bolt passed a crow it released arcs in different directions clearing the skies, but other ravens were seen at a distance preparing to take their place.

Thyra walked towards the front of the boat and trailed her hands along the dragonhead. The carvings reacted to her mana, and from its mouth spewed mist. It rapidly engulfed the area and left traces of Thyra's aura everywhere. This made it difficult for Skade to pinpoint their location, and the familiars rapidly scattered.

"Man the shields on the front, and the rest of you prepare to strike," Baldur ordered while sitting calmly at the back of the boat.

"Mind if I join you? I need a good view if we need to switch strategies." Thyra asked.

"Even if I said no it would change nothing," Baldur smirked.

"You two should focus on preparations, and remember to reserve your energy for Halfdan." Henrik cautioned.

"You worry too much. No one could match Baldur's strength." Thyra smiled.

"I've witnessed his feats in battle firsthand, and underestimating him is unwise." Henrik scolded Thyra.

"Thyra just hopes her ass-kissing will lead to Baldur returning the favor." A warrior stated.

Laughing broke out on the boat, but the sound of electricity crackling behind them halted their teasing. Thyra couldn't bear to see Baldur's reaction and went back to the front of the boat. At a distance, there was a faint light that was rapidly growing.

"Incoming!"Thyra shouted.

The warriors in Baldur's ship were quick to activate their shields, but it soared straight past them. All the warriors in the ship behind them jumped into the river as the flames engulfed the boat. Their ships were meant for war, and wouldn't burn from flames, but staying aboard would be reckless.

Knowing their position was compromised Thyra cleared the mist to allow the others to counter, and that's when they saw an unkindness of ravens rapidly descending. The ravens closest to the boats started swelling up as they burst into flames.