Chapter 260

Deep in the neutral territory stood a tower that could be seen for miles around. Surrounding the tower were two large walls with cities between them both. On the outskirts was a trade hub, beyond the next was several institutions for candidates of the mages guild, and the tower in the center housed the guild members.

Gathering on the top floor of the tower is the members of the circle. Vanessa was walking into the hall, and glancing around for Shen, but he was running late. She was prepared to step out until his arrival, but blocking the door was another member named Felix.

Felix is one of the people responsible for the teasing Vanessa received around the guild. He was once a hard-working member of the guild, but after receiving his position on the circle the power went to his head. Knowing the timid nature Vanessa possessed Felix would often push his duties onto her so he could chase around new recruits.

"About time you returned. Everyone here has been picking up the slack since you left." Felix smirked at Vanessa.

"Don't listen to him. It is nice to have you back though."

The man standing up for Vanessa was a veteran member of the circle named Aaron. They both have a fascination for familiars, and would often exchange tips. The kindness shown by Aaron was a nice relief from the hassling done by Felix, but it had a side effect.

Glaring from the edge of the table while biting on their nail is a woman named Fumiko. She spent all night picking out the perfect attire for today's meeting, and Aaron had yet to compliment her. Fumiko was the second person to fan the teasing that occurred, and she would typically do this through the other women in the guild.

'You're gonna regret coming back.' Fumiko scoffed and turned away.

Quietly entering the room undetected was a youth wearing a black robe and hood. She sat in the corner of the room with her head down on the table muttering. Her name is Lenora, and she is another veteran of the circle.

'Why can't we have the meeting later?...I'll just rest my eyes a little.'

While Aaron was discussing Eden with Vanessa four members entered the chambers. Once Shen arrived, everyone took their seats, and the meeting began. After discussing the typical topics of promising members on the rise, and disciplinary matters at the schools they moved onto serious matters.

Everyone turned their attention to an older man named Ricardo. He was in charge of managing the templars, and matters of security regarding their schools. Ricardo was clad in heavy templar armor, and the shimmer revealed its quality was mithril.

"We've received word from our outpost that a shapeshifter was found monitoring the western academy. They managed to avoid capture so their origin is unknown, but we need to increase the security at each location just to be safe." Ricardo announced.

"Spreading your templars pretty thin there aren't you?" Felix proposed.

"To protect the students we must do what's necessary," Ricardo replied.

"I'll send some of the Shaolin. The students could use their guidance, and no harm will come to them in their presence." Shen announced.

"Are you sure they will come down from their meditation?" Aaron asked.

"With the current situation, I'm confident they will accept," Shen replied.

"Maybe if we had everyone at the tower we wouldn't have to rely on them," Felix stated.

"I st-still worked on...."

"Your last report said the fields were self-sufficient. Was that a lie?" Felix investigated.

Vanessa felt the others gazing in her direction and pulled her hood up.

"N-no," Vanessa muttered.

"We all voted on sending her as the liaison, and she did her job to perfection now quit interrogating her." Aaron scolded Felix.

'What's so great about her?'Fumiko glared.

"He's right. Because of her efforts, there has been a drastic increase in our funding and research."

Siding with Vanessa was a woman wearing a white robe the exposed her left arm, and trailing down her forearm is a stack of golden rings with glyphs etched into it. The woman's name is Naki, and she has always been a voice of reason. She resembled obsidian in the flesh, and Naki's beauty was only surpassed by her battle prowess.

"The fields may be self-sufficient, but her presence could still increase results," Naki told the circle.

"The ruler of Eden has also requested that she continue her duties. Maintaining this relationship is important, and I believe we still have more to benefit from it." Shen stated.

"If that's the case I suggest that we vacate her seat for the meantime," Felix suggested.

"I can't believe I'm gonna say this, but I agree with Felix. Our meetings have been delayed in her absence, and to continue to do so would hinder our progress."

The man siding with Felix was sitting back in his seat with his arms crossed. His name is Datu, and agreeing with Felix was the last thing he wanted to do. It was obvious Felix possessed ulterior motives, but Datu was speaking for the sake of guild progress.

"We should vote on a member staying in Eden first, and figure it out from there."

Scooted away from the table balancing daggers of mana on his fingertip is a man named Akim. He would prefer Vanessa stay in Eden, and keep her seat on the circle, but it was too much of a hassle to argue it.

If there wasn't a bump in research funding for circle members Akim would have no interest in the position. These meetings were a bore to him, and a simple formality he was required to abide by to keep his seat.

"Those in favor of keeping a member in Eden to oversee our partnership give the signal," Shen announced.

Along the centerpiece were nine circles, and they all rapidly ignited with green flames signaling a unanimous decision. Hearing this Vanessa had hope, but immediately after the vote, Felix pushed to change the representative. He argued they could send a trustee to handle the affairs, and it would allow Vanessa to continue her duties.

"But who would take her place?" Aaron asked.

"Natalie has done a lot for the guild lately, and I believe she's ready for more responsibility," Felix suggested.

"And I'm sure her credentials aren't biased in the slightest." Akim retorted.

"I w-wa-wan.." Vanessa muttered.

"Discretion was one of the foundations of the deal so they need to be someone we all trust," Ricardo stated.

"Merlin has been with the guild long enough, and has always been dependable," Naki stated.

"Pl-please I."

"Merlin will spend his time chasing women if left without supervision, and sending two defeats the purpose," Felix replied.