Chapter 265

Making their way to the arena for a private training session was Zack and his companions. They would've opened it to the public, but Helena's abilities are still unknown, and if anything could affect the barrier it would be a power similar to Zack's. Because of this, only a handful of them joined them in the arena, and the rest watched in the stands.

The test with magic showed they made the right move. After trying to conjure a small flame like her papa there was a large bonfire. Zack focused on maintaining her abilities while guidance was being given by Kaya and Vanessa.

With everyone around being supportive Helena remained calm, and after an hour the magic was less erratic. Helena was slowly working on shapes, and as the element shifted the others were surprised, but Zack just smiled.

"You learn so much faster than I did." Zack complimented while tussling her hair.

"What now papa?" Helena asked.

"Can you give us some space?" Zack requested while sitting in front of Helena.

"We can handle it," Lilith smirked.

"She's right." Elizabeth boasted.

Zack conjured a holy attack in his hand, and Lilith immediately fell back as requested. Elizabeth could feel the ringing resonating in her bones, and recalling the outburst earlier she walked back with an embarrassed look.

The slavers' initial strike may have been halted, but their forces are still out there. Zack's abilities offer him an advantage over the others, and many territories are still suffering from other means. Before Zack could even consider traveling he needed Helena to have some understanding of her abilities. Just enough to ensure no accidents similar to the courtyard would occur in his absence.

"It's so pretty," Helena said while reaching her hand towards it.

"The threads you created were similar to this. Close your eyes, and practice as we've shown you, but don't use magic. Just focus on the orb, and my voice." Zack told Helena.

"Okay." Helena smiled eagerly closing her eyes.

"I'm gonna head upstairs," Lilith told Zack while flying through the barrier.

Lilith took a seat near Destiny and Yuki. All of them were eager to see her abilities, but given the delicate condition of the two of them, it was too risky. While Ren was watching the barrier closely she wondered if her children would possess similar natures. The onis have always had one weakness, and that's magic.

"Can Arachne's typically usually magic?" Ren asked.

"None that I've met. I've tried to, but they say everyone is unique. Maybe I just lack the skill." Destiny replied.

"I can't either," Yu told Destiny attempting to comfort her.

"There have been a few Oshi Ona capable of using chaos, but no records of other spider species using magic. The arachne has always had a weakness to fire, but she conjures it in her hands with no concerns. The stories by Samuel imply the original Nephilim created some new races. Helena seems to be the start of the next." Haruna stated.

"You think it will be similar scenarios with us?" Ren asked.

"Your nature is closer to human, but you belong to one of the demon races. The two powers were meant to clash. Yuki on the other hand shares a similar nature to Zack, but does that mean it will be a new race or another angel? I need more information to form a better assessment. Could you get Samuel to return?" Haruna asked Lilith.

"I could try," Lilith replied.

"I'll secure enough refreshments then to ensure he's chatty," Haruna stated.

"Why not ask Naomi?" Yuki suggested.

"I don't wanna bother her, and the baby. She may have gone through adjustments as well." Haruna replied.

Helena was starting to get familiar with the sensation, and Zack guided her to gently produce the energy into her hand. The light produced at first was blinding for the observers, but it began to settle as the tips of her fingers had a faint glow.

"You can open your eyes," Zack told Helena.

Upon seeing her hand with a similar light Helena got excited.

"Power like ours is special. It can create..."

Zack caused the vegetation around him to flourish and shifted the orb into his spear.

"When used properly it can even heal, but it also has the power to destroy. That's why we need to be careful with it. Do you understand?" Zack asked.

Helena nodded as they continued to practice together in the arena. Once Zack finished his part Vanessa, and Elizabeth took over. They were both offering tips to help her activate her other form, but they had no luck. It seemed to be a defense mechanism, and a couple of them suggested attacking Zack to trigger it. He refused to use such methods for tricking his daughter felt wrong, and they understood.

While walking out of the arena they talked about Zack's trip and eased Helena into the idea of him leaving for a few days at a time. It wasn't the easiest task to accomplish, but the promise of souvenirs and game days on his return did the job.

"I need to talk with someone now, but I had fun with you today." Vanessa smiled at Helena.

"Make sure you join us after," Destiny told Vanessa.

"It won't take long," Vanessa replied while walking towards the market.

"If I can control it right can I go with you?" Helena asked.

"That a reasonable request," Lilith told Zack.

"It's not always safe," Zack replied.

"But papa is the strongest." Helena smiled.

"She handled our troublemakers with ease." Lilith teased the elves.

"Papa is just worried about you. The outside world can be very different, but when your ready we will go together." Destiny told Helena.

"And we will be there to protect you." Octavia declared.

As they walked towards the garden to check on the children Vaness was arriving at Jacob's workshop. Standing outside waiting for her was Vicente and Valan. They received a message from the dolls and seeing the writer was a shock to them all. Valan had some discussions with Vanessa in the library, but Vicente only saw her on a rare occasion.

'Never noticed because of the hood, but she's cute.'

"What did you need us for?" Vicente asked.

"Let's talk inside," Vanessa replied.

While walking into the shop they saw Jacob and his apprentice preparing the materials for a large project. When Jacob glanced over to see who entered a smile went across his face. Early this morning Vanessa sent word to Jacob and hired him for a special job. After a brief explanation, a determined look appeared on their face as they quickly left to make preparations.

'I hope this works.'

Dinner that night came with extra festivities for it was the last night they would dine with their leader present. It would be the first time since the founding of Eden that he would be absent longer than a night, but it was the only way to accomplish their goal.