Chapter 276

Cassandra and Zack were sitting with Dasan discussing a deal that could benefit their people. The Blackclaw tribe didn't have any need for silver, or gold. After negotiating for some time they agreed to take furs and fish.

"Any preference?" Zack asked while retrieving samples of their inventory.

Dasan glanced over the types of fish and being so far from the ocean the tuna caught his eye. When they moved onto the furs Dasan was surprised to find hides from the colossal boar. Something of this quality was often used in enchanting, but even in its natural state, it could resist iron weapons.

"Are you sure about giving us both?" Dasan asked.

"We have a pen full of boars at home, and getting more fish isn't an issue," Zack replied.

"If you wanna get started on the array I'll make arrangements for you to sleep," Dasan said as he stood up.

"No need I can do it," Zack replied.

"I can handle the array if you wanna get started." Cassandra offered.

"I was gonna put them in the same spot, but I wouldn't mind the company." Zack smiled.

They walked out of the hut and saw Savannah playing with the children. Zack found an empty spot that they had no use for, and got to work. While Cassandra was laying down the formation in the center Zack constructed the walls around her. He modeled it after their waystation with a few guest rooms in place of multiple arrays.

As Dasan and the others watched Zack work they couldn't believe their eyes. They have witnessed magic before, and a few members of their tribe were mystics, but none could replicate this. Once Zack finished the waystation he offered to make alterations to their village.

"Having access to the swamp is essential. I'm not proud to admit that the barrier looks sturdy, but if it should fail it's our last sanctuary." Nayla told Zack.

"How does that work when they attack from the swamp?" Cassandra asked politely.

"Our transformation may hinder our movement on the land, but in the swamp we thrive," Dasan said as he raised his hand.

Dasan's hand did a partial transformation as it turned into a webbed claw. Zack had seen other species pull this off, but only skilled warriors could accomplish it. Only the monsters who have mastered control of their essence could pull this off.

"They would never attack in the swamp. We rely on ambush to catch our prey, and that lot is too cowardly to engage in a fair fight." Lexi said from the bank.

"With the advantage in numbers, they don't have to," Nayla replied.

"Our partnerships extend beyond trading so if you ever find yourself in need of assistance just send word," Savannah stated.

"Beat me to it." Zack smiled.

"We are ready to head out."

Approaching Dasan with a band of warriors was a human named Koda. His family has coexisted with the Blackclaw tribe for two centuries. They migrated from deep in the neutral territory after war erupted from the remaining tribes.

When searching for land to settle safely from the demons they encountered Dasan's ancestors. They learned they lived similar lifestyles and shared customs of tribes they met in plains. The similarities found between them forged a powerful union, and the two sides have coexisted since.

"Don't push too far," Dasan cautioned.

"Something wrong?" Zack investigated.

"Just wanna ensure they aren't lurking in the area," Dasan replied.

"Mind if we tag along?" Savannah asked with Lexi at her side.

Koda looked at the chief, and with no objections, they trailed off into the swamp. Before they were out of view Savannah turned back to smile at Cassandra. It was nighttime, and they had plans to explore in the morning before leaving. To accomplish this they would need to turn it in earlier than usual.

Cassandra glanced at Zack talking with the villagers as he improved the quality of their village. Needing access to the swamp was crucial, but he created a wall that left the bank open. With one gate on the wall, and an exit through the bank Nayla was satisfied.

'He's always working.'

After some minor adjustments to the huts, Zack was retiring to the guest rooms. With their journey coming to an end he was eager to see his family. Having the array, nearby heading home was more tempting than ever, but they still had work to do. If he returned to their side now leaving again in the morning would be impossible.

'Maybe a quick stop.'

Before Zack could commit to the thought a knock was heard at his door. It slowly pushed open as Cassandra slipped in wearing a nightgown with thin black straps. He was captivated by the way the black lace clashed with her porcelain skin, and pink hair draped over her shoulder.

Zack's eyes trailed to her collar bone and to the cleavage that was typically disguised in her dresses, or armor. Feeling the sensual gaze her cheeks went red as her body faded into mist, and Cassandra reappeared under the covers.

Cassandra was facing the wall with her back to Zack. Glancing over his shoulder Zack could see the nape of her neck. The desire to turn around, and embrace from behind was tempting, but Zack wanted her to adjust first.

"Today has been amazing, and it means a lot to join you. I know you didn't invite me, bu..."

"I still have our maps you know. Bringing more people was something I wanted to do, but since it was a short journey, and Savannah hasn't been around much lately I invited her." Zack told Cassandra.

While talking about adventuring Haruna overheard them, and provided maps from the surveys they took in the past. They were out of date, and the tribes have changed since their creation, but the terrain was relatively the same. Glancing over them they fantasized about how the areas would look in person. They spent weeks planning routes based on the environments.

"Which one did you keep?" Cassandra smiled.

"All of them," Zack replied while turning around.

Cassandra turned to face Zack, and the smile displayed her fangs. She was always so reserved about showing them, and rarely fed around others it was easy to forget Cassandra had them. Realizing they were exposed she quickly hid the smile.

"I think they're cute," Zack caressed her cheek tenderly.