Chapter 281

After they were done crowding around Zack the students began showing their progress. With only three days they accomplished their goals and could already use creation magic outside of mediation. After waiting for her turn Helena was shifting the elements in her hand.

Kaya, and Octavia both gave each other smirk proud of their involvement as they looked towards Zack for praise. With their guidance, Helena could now shift the elements in her hands at will, but that was just the start.

Helena looked up at Elizabeth standing at her side. Elizabeth smiled and gave a nod that it was okay to show them. Helena closed her eyes and tuned everyone out except Elizabeth. Her breathing slowed, and Helena's heartbeat was rapidly slowing down.

'It took me a year, but it's only been three days.' Zack smiled.

Zack was expecting to see a trace of holy power but instead saw her transformation took place. Helena still had her eyes closed and was steadying her breathing. Once her eyes opened the legs sprouted from her back. Looking at her hands, and over her shoulders to see it was a success. Helena hugged Elizabeth tightly before looking towards her papa.

All the observers who gathered to see their leader return were stuck staring at the phenomena. They knew Helena was a special child, but this was difficult to believe. Transformations were difficult to master, and most would have to reach puberty first.

"Do you see them, papa?" Helena asked pointed over her shoulders.

Zack walked up placing his hand atop her head.

"You're amazing." Zack smiled.

Helena grinned as she basked in his praise.

"We are still working on turning it off, but it fades after a few minutes," Elizabeth told Zack.

"Thank you for helping." Zack kissing Elizabeth on the cheek.

"What abo.."

Zack appeared behind his elves and had his arm tightly around their waists.

"So impatient, and when did you start to speak in unison?" Zack teased the two.

A few giggles broke out from the crowd as the two became flustered. Looking around Zack couldn't find Dyna, Lilith, or Vanessa. He was confident Vanessa was studying away, and the other two were being intimate. There were two others absent from the crowd, but he could feel their stares from the nearby rooftops. Glancing over his shoulder Zack saw the glowing feline eyes watching him closely.

"Did you have fun?" Madison smirked at Cassandra.

"Look at her eyes." Victoria teased.

They noticed the pink eyes were now red like there's, and only one thing could be the cause. Cassandra went red and averted their gaze to not reveal any more secrets. Madison wasn't gonna let up that easy and as she stepped forward Cassandra faded into mist.

'Not gonna get away that easy.'Madison smirked giving chase.

Watching the two sisters speed across the garden into the forest the children gave chase. As soon as they were absent Amy was tapping on Zack's shoulder. When Zack turned around they saw the nervous look and thought the games were ready to begin.

"Can we mate again?" Amy asked.

Hearing this Yu stopped in her tracks turning their way, and rapidly sprang onto his back. Zack looked up to see the eager smile on her face. Yu was gonna wait till after dinner to ask, but if they were gonna go she wanted to be involved.

"Tonight I promise." Zack smiled.

Amy leaned into Zack's chest with a smile, and the others debated the schedule going forward. This caused the crowd to move along to allow them some privacy. Sharing his bed was tempting, but two of them wanted more.

"We wanna go with you when you leave. Just o-one night isn't en-enough." Kaya relayed.

'We?' Zack glanced over at Octavia blushing.

Ren couldn't read minds but didn't have to. She walked up wrapping her arms around the two as they started resembling Ren's hue. Being teased by a pregnant woman left little they could do in response, but even if she wasn't with a child they couldn't do much.

"It seems the town is gonna get lively again." Valan smiled.

"One of the otherworlders wanted to speak with you about the children," Karin told Zack.

"Did they mention what it was about?" Zack inquired.

"Something about a school," Yuki stated.

"We've already got designs, but waiting on Vanessa to have some spare time," Zack replied.

"They wanted to teach something besides magic. They have talented healers that don't use magic, a gifted engineer, and that's just the start." Athlan stated.

"These talks can be done later. Master needs to get ready for dinner." Olivia announced.

"You need a bath as well," Destiny told Helena.

Helena and her teachers retired to the private bath. Zack was heading towards the estate for a change of clothes. While ascending the steps he saw Astrid leaving his room. Astrid walked up to her master kissing him on the cheek.

"Welcome home." Astrid smiled.

"Been staying out of trouble?" Zack asked while gripping her hips.

"Who could I with you gone?" Astrid placed her hand down his pants.

"You can play later we have dinner to prep," Olivia told Astrid.

"Have fun," Astrid whispered.

"We will be at the old hall when you're done." Olivia bowed from the bottom of the steps.

"You sure we can't join?" Astrid asked.

"We have other matters to tend to," Olivia stated.

Zack opened the door expecting to find Dyna and Lilith waiting for him. To his surprise, it was empty, and there were several suits laid out on the bed. Zack walked up to store them but stopped when sensing someone above. He stored two of the suits and walked towards the door when something scuttled along the roof.

"I was wondering when you would move," Zack smirked.

"You were supposed to undress first," Tami replied while crawling his way.

With Zack by the door, and Tami descending the wall it was an alluring sight. Looking up at the majestic peaks above him Zack had some lustful thoughts before wondering how she moved along the wall. Tami dropped down adjusting her dress and approached Zack as she adjusted the buttons to his shirt.

"Why were you hiding?" Zack asked.

"To get you ready for dinner." Tami smiled.

After Zack was undressed Tami opened her mouth as a long tongue flowed out, and swayed in the air. It began rubbing against Zack's body starting at his neck, and down his chest. The tongue continued to extend coiling around him.

"Stay still, and we can have you cleaned by dinner," Tami mumbled.

'The library mentioned they enjoyed men's sweat. They used other fluids for nourishment as well...Did Olivia tell her to do this?'