Chapter 285

Mey got up from her throne slowly walking down the steps till she was looking down at Suzuki. She wasn't much taller, but the aura she emitting was overbearing.

"I've lived a long life, and no one has ever talked to me like that," Mey told Suzuki.

Before Suzuki could apologize Mey grabbed him firmly causing all other thoughts to leave his head.

"You need my help?" Mey whispered into his ear whiles stroking him carefully.

"Ye-yeah," Suzuki muttered while Mey nibbled his ear.

Mey began working at his belt, and once her gaze met it Suzuki grew nervous. Seeing the reaction made her chuckle, and she walked towards the throne. She undid the top of her qipao and slid out off it revealing her voluptuous form. Mey pulled the pins from her hair and turned around slowly to display herself.

'I'm still in bed, right? There's no w-way...' Suzuki gulped when Mey gestured him to approach.

Mey has lived for centuries, but her body hasn't lost its elegance and has only grown with time. His eyes continued to switch between the childbearing hips and the chest that would make the perfect pillow. Suzuki was walking forward before he realized it, and wasn't sure if it was mysticism or his desire.

"For every minute you last I'll dedicate a single scout, but if the others hear you the deals off." Mey relayed.

Her arms wrapped around Suzuki's neck, and Mey slowly slid her leg up to his thigh locking him in. Feeling something warm, and wet grinding vigorously against him wasn't easy to resist. As the moans grew louder she covered his mouth and Mey tightened the space between her thighs.

'It's twitching so much from just this.'Mey smirked as she kissed his neck.

Mey retrieved her leg turning around as her trail wrapped around Suzuki's hips to pull him close. She guided his hands to her breast as she continued. Having a plump ass grinding against his hips, and his hands covered in the sensations of Mey's body he could no longer think straight. Mey lifted her hips gently, and began massaging the tip against the entrance, but refusing to grant him access.

'I wanna know how it feels inside.' He started pushing his hips, but Mey slid forward.

Suzuki's cock slipped out from between her legs as the nimble tail swept his ankle. Before he struck the base of the steps a force of wind halted his body. His body began floating in the air, and Suzuki frantically reached for something instinctively.

The force supporting Suzuki wouldn't drop him, but it was an unusual feeling to be in the air especially with his member flopping about. Mey quickly fixed this by guiding him to the throne and engulfing it between her breast.

"Did I say you could put it in? Don't forget who's in control here." Mey grinned while tightening the grip.

With the soft sensation engulfing him and working him diligently Suzuki covered Mey's face. He froze expecting a negative response, and his ankle still ached from her tailwhip. When he gathered the courage to open his eyes the domineering woman who sent chills down his spine had a lewd look on her face as she watched it twitch.

'Youth is a wonderful thing.' Mey bit her lip.

Mey carefully put him down and promptly got dressed while retrieving a cloth to clean herself. She walked up to Suzuki while he was zipping up his pants, and she whispered into his ear.

"You come in here giving demands and do something vulgar on my face without apologizing. What am I to do with a trouble maker like you?" Mey bit his neck while gripping him firmly.

"I'm s-sorry," Suzuki said as his cheeks went red.

"We encountered the culprits in the jungle, but they showed no hostility, and offered tribute to my city. There was something off about them so I had one of our mystics mark one of them. I'll send two scouts out as we agreed." Mey took her seat on the throne winking at him before forcing him out with a gust.

Suzuki went tumbling out the front door, and the two standing at the door were knocked away. They glanced at Suzuki and noticed the confused state thinking he suffered for his outburst. They heard the sound of Mey's magic being activated, and occasionally heard a groan that snuffed out.

With no words spoken on the way back, Suinin was starting to feel bad for abandoning a comrade so easily. Suinin wanted to make it right but wasn't sure how, and could only imagine the horrors Suzuki faced alone.

'If only I held out a little longer...'Suzuki looked back as the city went out of view.


Farther south Lin was leading the way through the jungle, and they haven't encountered any talkative species. A few times they sensed a presence nearby, but it would fade away.

"I figured someone would've approached by now," Lin stated.

"Is it because of me?" Flavo asked.

"Maybe. Humans aren't uncommon in this area, but since your prepared for battle they are wary." Lin replied.

As they continued through the forest Lin kept the lead clearing the brush. Meanwhile, he kept his eyes glued to the permitter. Having worked as a zookeeper for a few years being around large predators wasn't new, but this world had so much more to fear. Wanting to break the silence, and prevent surprising any predators he spoke up.

"We encountered two women on our journey resembling tigers. If they live out here am I right to assume there are normal tigers too? If so are they maneaters." Flavo asked while glancing at the nearby bushes.

When he was turning back to face the trail Lin was swiping her claws towards Flavo's head. The expression on her face seemed so cold, and he thought this was this end when a loud crash echoed above him. Lin gripped him with her free hand yanking him out of the way as another claw came down.

Another mantis was strolling nearby and heard Flavo talking. It saw him strolling with a female, and couldn't understand why. Mating with a human was supposed to be the last resort, and what purpose would there be in escorting food. If it was her mate he intended to kill the human and be the only option left.

"Nice reflexes. Let's eat the human, and get to it." The feral smirked at Lin.

Before Flavo could even process what happened the two were darting around the jungle clashing. The feral desperately tried to get to Flavo, and dish out a lethal blow, but Lin wouldn't allow it. He tried to watch but the speed of their strikes was difficult to follow.