Chapter 289

The usual cultivation time in the garden was interrupted due to the construction of the school. Laying down the spellwork was Silas since Valan, and Vanessa has been absent. Zack was getting concerned about why he hasn't seen Vanessa yet.

'If I can't sense her aura then she's in the library.'

Zack was starting his search for Vanessa when he passed Zess on the way into the forest. Zess was following Ella to the mountain district to continue his training. After taking the test Zess found out that he possessed the wind nature like Ella. Now that he has cultivated for almost a week they were ready for the next step.

"Do we have to do this?" Zess asked while climbing the mountain.

"If you don't hurry I'll leave you behind," Ella replied while gathering wind in the palm of her hands.

With both her hands facing the dirt Ella propelled forward latching onto the mountain. Wasting no time Ella began scaling up the side, and not wanting to fall behind Zess pushed on. While climbing he started to realize that the leather skirt would display a slight opening when shifting rocks.

'I can catch up.'

The extra motivation put a new stride to Zess's climbing, and he was rapidly closing in. Ella's ears twitched hearing him close the distance, and she glanced over her shoulder to check the progress. Zess was no slouch during their training, but this level of determination was new.

'Did he get hit with debris? I should watch my footing or it could get worse.' Ella was concerned about the nosebleed.

They were starting to reach an incline in the mountain, and Ella was determined to keep the lead. Zess had no intentions of winning the race because it would obscure his view. He was already the victor, and he now had the answer to his question.

'I didn't know a loincloth could look like that on a woman. It's almost like a T-back from this angle.'

While climbing onto the ledge Ella turned around to rub it into Zess's face but noticed him staring.

"Pervert!" Ella kicked at Zess, but he dodged.

"You're the one who decides to wear a skirt while rock climbing. Was I suppose to climb while staring at the ground?" Zess argued.

After hearing this Ella helped him up for it was a tough point to beat. Once Zess gathered his footing and took his surrounding he saw a narrow area with steps going down the mountain.

"We could've walked up here?" Zess asked.

"That wouldn't be training." Ella retorted while crossing her arms.

"You were a lot nicer before you know that?" Zess teased.

"We were sparring partners then, but right now I'm your master." Ella declared while puffing out her chest.

'Not much of a chest to push out.'Zess smirked.

"You just thought of something rude didn't you." Ella turned around.

She retrieved a vial that contained blood from a colossal wind viper mixed with a high-tier mana potion. The brush in Ella's hand was made from a fallen branch of the divine tree, and the hairs came from the shedding of the wolf's den. The spell circles written by this brush would possess a powerful effect.

"Take your shirt off," Ella ordered.

"Why?" Zess asked while following her orders.

Without saying a word Ella walked up and began drawing spell circles on his body. There was one over the heart, abdomen, and the palms of his hands. The final spell circle was finished, and they began to glow in unison before returning to their normal state.

"What does this..."

Zess forgot his question when seeing Ella remove her armor revealing the delicate shoulders, and slender back. Ella carefully turned around with one arm covering her nipples. Zess tried not to stare too much, but that was a difficult task considering a nude elven woman was walking his way.

'That leather armor is pretty constricting. There C cups for sure, but Emma is still in the lead.'

"Don't just stand there staring grab the brush. You need to replicate the spell circles before we can get started."Ella told Zess.

It took some time to do as she instructed cause Zess was distracted. Every stroke of the brush against her chest caused Ella to squirm. When they met Ella stroke the hilt of her blade seductively, and he has never forgotten it, but the reaction now was completely different.

"The day we met you were acting so confidently, but you've never done stuff like this before," Zess smirked.

"Sh-shut up. I've b-been with plenty of gu-guys." Ella muttered.

"What's it look like then?" Zess asked.

"It's sh-shaped like the t-tip of a sword." Ella retorted.

'She's a virgin.'

"What's the point of doing this?" Zess asked.

"It will help draw mana towards us, and you're gonna be using a lot so it will come in handy. Using this method makes it training for both of us." Ella replied.

"Now get back to back, "Ella ordered while sitting on a patch of furs.

Zess heeded his instructor's command, and when their backs touched she jumped.

'Is it not possible to face each other instead?'

"Does we have to do it like this?" Zess asked.

"You're supposed to be focusing, but yes we do. We have to be making as much contact as possible while your meditating." Ella replied.

"Then there's a better way," Zess told Ella.

"Ho-how?" Ella asked.

'It better not be perveted.'

Zess turned around tapping Ella on the shoulder. She glanced over noticing the gestures for her to move closer. Once Ella began scooting back he pulled her into his lap. At first, she was flustered, but Zess didn't break his meditative pose.

It took a minute, but Ella got comfortable and began gathering mana in Zess's lap. Once they got started the spell circles ignited amplifying the effects. Ella placed her hands together creating a wind barrier around them. It obscured their training and caused powerful winds to swirl around Zess.

'He wasn't wrong. This is way more effective, but no way I could do this version with sis.'

"Focus on the mana pouring through our bodies, and you will start to feel it in the wind around us. Draw it to the points marked on your hands, and picture a steady stream." Ella explained.