Chapter 298

They were traveling through the swamp, and with the two scouts moving up above they were able to avoid trouble. Riding next to Zack in the front was Miu, and Octavia. Kaya was stationed on top of the wagon communicating with Amy, and Yu about potential threats. Kaya refused to sit in the back and wanted to be able to lay cover fire if needed.

"How's it looking in the swamp?" Kaya relayed.

"Lots of animals but that's all," Yu replied.

"And the sky?" Kaya asked.

Amy dove down to the wagon and landed gracefully next to Kaya.

"A few people are flying close by, and they didn't seem happy," Amy stated.

"Where are they headed. and can you tell the species?" Kaya investigated.

"They are coming this way, and I don't know. Sorry." Amy lowered her head.

"It's okay." Kaya smiled.

"How do you wanna handle this?" Miu asked.

Flying out of the canopy aiming for the horses was a woman. She has bronzed skin, shaggy black hair, four arms, and insect wings fluttering behind her. From the forearm, and thighs down was blue armor. On her hips was a similar plating, but it trailed to a large tail protruding from her back with two barbs at the end.

Her tail was aiming for Zack's horse and prepared to strike the area without armor. With a simple gesture of Zack's hand, the woman's tail halted inches before its neck. The tail was shaking attempting to push forward, but the wall of wind was too powerful.

"That's enough!"

Rapidly appearing was four more Tera, and they yanked the woman back scolding her. They were concerned when seeing a harpy in the swamp. Since it wasn't a species found around here she thought the slavers returned. Another reason for believing this was the city they were trailing from.

"Do they look like slavers?"

"No, but he could be their master!"

"If he was one of them then you would be dead right now, or captured idiot!"

Hearing this Carla stopped and glanced at Zack calming his horse. He stopped her at full force and didn't break a sweat while doing it. Noticing Kaya with her bow at the ready, but not raised in their direction it was starting to look like a mistake.

While hovering towards Zack he got a good look at Carla. She has an athletic build, a medium bust, and hazel eyes. Not wearing clothes it was difficult for Zack to not glance, but feeling the aura from the elves he corrected the glance.

"I'm s-sorry for attacking you..." Carla covered her abs.

'That's what you cover.' Zack wiped the blood from his nose.

"There was no harm done so don't worry about it," Zack replied.

While the others glanced at the woman accompanying Zack, and how he admired Carla's body they smirked. They hovered down swarming around him while pushing Carla to the side.

Three women with four arms each led to Zack having hands all over him. Their sensual touching stopped when two powerful auras erupted nearby. Feeling the overwhelming force from the two they started to back up, but Yu placed her hands on their shoulders.

"We're supposed to share." Yu smiled.

They both looked over to see the innocent look on Amy and Yu. Since they both had a soft spot for Yu they calmed down.

"No touching." Octavia declared while taking her seat.

"Sorry, they get a little possessive," Zack told the girls as they reapproached.

"It seemed like an invitation to mate."

"We aren't used to humans looking at us like that."

"I didn't mean to stare so much...Do you live around here?" Zack asked.

"Our home is starting to get unsafe with all the mosquitoes around so we are migrating," Carla replied.

"Do you know where they're coming from?" Miu investigated.

"If we saw their nest we wouldn't be standing here. We've just lost enough people so we decided to move on." Carla replied.

"Wanna follow us for a little? We were about to make camp, and get something to eat." Zack asked.

They were already searching for food which made the decision an easy one. Flying next to Amy was Carla, and the others. With extra scouts, Amy began flying around leisurely. With Miu offering directions it wasn't long before they saw the exit of the swamp.

"We could've found it ourselves," Octavia stated.

"Getting out of the swamp isn't the problem. The plains up ahead don't last long, and if you travel the badlands without a guide you will get lost without a doubt." Miu replied.

"Why's that?" Zack asked.

"In the last century the desert has been quickly taking over the plains, and we can't figure out why. Once you enter the desert their's ferals around every corner. Every time we visit the routes change, and new canyons appear." Miu explained.

"Then how do you navigate it?" Kaya investigated.

Miu retrieved a crystal from her ring with glyphs carved around the sides. She poured mana into it as it floated in front of them. When gazing through the crystal there was blue steak leading across the land.

"We lost several shinobi setting these up, but they lead to points in the badlands that stay unaltered. So long as we use this we won't get lost." Miu stated.

"So we could've just brought the crystal," Octavia told Miu.

Zack squeezed her inner thigh making Octavia jump.

"In an unknown environment, it's good to have someone experienced around don't you agree?" Zack asked.

"Yo-you have a point." Octavia blushed turning away.

"I'm happy to have you here with us and don't take their teasing too seriously. Before you showed up these two were always butting heads, and now they finish each other's sentences." Zack smiled at Miu.

"We don't do that!"

"See they even speak in unison." Zack teased.

Kaya laid out on top of the wagon putting Zack in a chokehold. Octavia slowly drew the dagger from her back. Zack caught Octavia's wrist before the dagger struck his thigh, but she pushed forward. Miu giggled while watching the two flustered elves trying to hurt Zack as he smiled unbothered by their efforts.

"I th-think it's cute," Zack muttered while Kaya squeezed.

'There doesn't seem to be a dull moment around these people. No wonder niisan wanted to return.'