Chapter 306

"Are you okay?" Fu quickly seized his hand.

"Wh-why didn't you move!" Meilin shouted in an attempt to hide her concern.

"Why did you fire?" Ling asked while retrieving a potion.

"You know why." Meilin retorted.

"Your training is paying off, but that was reckless! Flames used by monsters are more unstable when met with magic." Gwen pinched his cheek.

"I'm so-sorry." Marc winced.

Ling carefully applied the potion to Marc's palms.

"Why did you do something stupid like that?" Meilin asked while wrapping his hands.

"I don't want you girls getting hurt," Marc mumbled.

It was rare to find a human willing to face down one of her attacks, but what surprised her the most was Marc's words. The humans from their city were nice, but they lived together for self-preservation. Marc has been nothing, but kind to all of them. Recalling him step in the way of Fu's attack without hesitation caused her heart to flutter.

"I can ha-handle m-myself." Meilin turned around.

"I don't mind being saved." Fu pressed against Marc's back.

"If you wanna protect people you need to get stronger." Gwen offered Marc her hand.

"We should get back on mission." Min teased.

"You know if they took longer we could find a quiet spot," Chris wrapped his arms around Min's waist.

"That's not a bad idea." Min turned to face him while caressing his cheek.

While they behaved leisurely by the river someone was watching from above. This is her territory, and the intruders were lingering around her favorite hunting ground. Passing by would be acceptable, but they were making themselves at home.

'Arrogant bitches.'

A powerful gust kicked up, and while the others glanced around for the cause a griffon nosedived. She was spiraling down with her forearms crossed, and claws at the ready. When the woman hit the center of their formation the force sent them tumbling away.

"Go fuck somewhere else!"

Standing before them was a bronzed skin woman with curly white hair. A large pair of wings protruded from her back, and as they calmed the wind subsided. The upper layer of her wing had bright white feathers and the bottom brown. There was a lion's tail swaying behind her, and her forearms down had thick feathers leading to lethal talons.

She was wearing a blue silk top, and skirt with golden thread woven into it. Her skirt just narrowly blocked her womanhood and exposed the thick thighs covered in brown feathers. The golden eyes glared at the woman with a flushed face.

"Overreact much?" Min asked.

"You're by my house making a bunch of noise and showing off your mates. My reaction is an appropriate response." Aster retorted.

Aster lives on a nearby hill and has hunted this area her whole life. Being a gifted hunter, and mighty warrior she thrived in these plains. There was only one thing missing from her life, but no suitable candidates around to fill the void. Hearing them being lovey-dovey close by irked Aster into taking action.

"Sorry for disturbing you." Marc approached.

"Just move on, and we can call it even." Aster hovered over the river seizing a large fish with ease.

"Given your typical vantage point, you've noticed the plains are gradually being destroyed. The desert will be at your doorstep before you know it, and if you get caught in its storm you will die." Ling stated.

"I can outrun a storm." Aster declared.

"It's not a natural occurrence," Gwen told Aster.

"Thanks for the concern but I'll be alright." Aster began flying up with her catch.

"There's plenty of mates to choose from," Min smirked.

Hearing this Aster hovered in place looking back. She was curious to find a mate and being a picky person having a variety would help. Aster nodded at them to follow as she flew towards a nearby hill.

Once they caught up they saw a primitive structure with a nest inside. Aster shared her catch while they discussed Eden. The mates alone were enough reason to visit, but she was curious about the arena. By the time they finished eating Aster was eager to visit.

"Can we visit now?" Aster asked.

"We need to spread the news more first," Gwen replied.

"I need to find a few more things too," Marc stated.

Min glanced at his list once more and pointed one out.

"These are pretty easy to find in this region, but we have to check caves," Ming told Marc.

"Go north then circle the base of the hills, and you can't miss it. I'll warn the others if you wanna finish up." Aster flew away eagerly.

They separated into two groups with one searching for the cave, and the other assisting with recruiting. Marc collected enough to restock their pantry and continue his home studies. With so many disciples to compete against procuring more would be a way for him to stand out.

After walking for half an hour they found the cavern Aster spoke of. There was an eerie aura leaking from the cave, but Marc insisted on entering. Not wanting to put the others at risk he pushed in alone. Gwen snuck in behind him when the others weren't looking but kept her presence hidden.

'You think a glowing plant would be easy to find.'

Marc was turning the corner when several eyes fixated on him. He froze seeing them attached to a black tentacle protruding from a woman's back. She had black hair in a bob cut and a mono eye. The woman had grey skin with a black ooze trailing down her thighs.

The woman was a Gazer, and Marc was caught in her trance. Each eye was casting a hypnotic effect that drew him closer and caused him to undress. Before they could touch Marc's body froze as he tried to resist. The thought of the other women popped in his head, and he broke free.

"Such a strong will for a human," Griselda smirked.

"Wh-why did you do that?" Marc pulled up his pants.

"Bored." Griselda sighed as she leaned against the cavern wall.

"Have you seen this around here?" Marc investigated.

One of Griselda's eyes peered around the nearby wall and directed him forward. Marc pushed forward and glanced around the corner as his eyes lit up. Growing from the ground, and gradually ascending the cavern is a bed of purple flowers emitting a gold glow from the bud.

One would've been considered a good haul, but the cavern was littered with them. He ran over to start storing them and noticed the caverns of various herbs. Gwen caught up to see a naked woman and was preparing to scold Marc.

'There's enough left for them to repopulate. I should avoid the other herbs till I've done more research.'

"Is that your mate?" Griselda asked.

"N-no," Gwen replied.

"You were one of the girls I saw when he resisted. If he's available though I could kill some time" Griselda turned around as the eyes retracted into her body.

"St-stop," Gwen mumbled grabbing her hand.

'This one is too easy.' Griselda smirked.

Marc finished gathering the herbs and saw Gwen waiting for him. They walked out with Griselda offering a way for her to kill some time. When they reached the exit of the cave Marc saw his new comrades waiting eagerly for his return.

'This world isn't so bad.' Marc smiled.