Chapter 313

Lazare's flesh began to tear as a black miasma engulfed the area. It was thick enough to cloud the area and possessed a foul stench. To escape its toxic effects, Octavia retreated towards Zack. The desert around Lazare began to break apart as chaos flowed into the mist. Zack landed next to Octavia as a wicked aura filled the desert.

"Th-that's his voice, but I don't know h-how," Octavia trembled.

"I'm sorry,"

Zack kissed Octavia as she was bound in chains. He directed his hand outwards sending her off with a gust of wind.

"You can't!" Octavia shouted trying to resist.

"Help Octavia get inside, and get back to Eden. Once you're home destroy the gate to the wagon." Zack relayed to Aida.

Zack fused the orbs and launched them towards the mist when an appendage shot out. It was a thick tail covered in black scales with a stinger at the end resembling a scorpion. In place of a stinger were spikes of bone. The tail continued to extend towards Zack with no signs of stopping. Zack redirected the orb at the impending attack, and the area struck was disintegrated.

'If that stuck me no telling what could happen.'Zack examined the flailing stinger.

Dripping from the bones was a thick black liquid that eroded the ground and stained the surrounding sand black. As the wounded appendage rapidly retreated Zack continued his previous attack. Before it could strike a dark figure evacuated the area.

A powerful shockwave was released along with a distorted shriek resembling a birth cry. Everything that heard its cry began trembling uncontrollably. The entity already returned to the underworld, but before his departure, Lazare's body was altered.

'What the fuck is that?'

The demon standing before Zack had four deformed arms with red skin, and black veins swelling around its body. Black horns protruded from his head in various lengths resembling a crown. The scarlet wings were now covered in black scales.

There were hooved feet covered in black fur kicking at the sand while the injured tail hit the ground wildly. Two extra faces appeared on the sides of Lazare's head with different expressions, but they repeated a phrase in the distorted language. While repeating it Lazare scratched at his body with all four arms tearing at the skin.

"Tear up the land, and break the seals."

Zack retrieved his orb to strike again when Lazare's neck twisted in his direction. Seeing Zack it shrieked, and beams of chaos formed in each mouth. They fired in each direction with one heading straight for Zack.

'It doesn't even care what it hits.'

Zack's spear transformed as he pointed it at the impending attack. The orb split and gave chase in an attempt to halt the damage. As a beam formed at the tip of the spear the loud ringing drowned out the screeching. The chaos was closing in on Zack, but he held his ground focusing on his spear. Before it overwhelmed him a gold beam was released drowning out the chaos.

When the two forces fought for dominance destruction was inevitable. The only way to avoid this was to overwhelm the chaos and snuff it out before the battle could begin. The spear was able to accomplish that task, but the orbs were split causing them to be insufficient.

Destruction ensued obscuring their surroundings when Lazare appeared before Zack releasing a barrage. With four hulking arms swinging his way erratically it was difficult to defend. Zack swung his spear downwards with full force, but two hands caught it while the others struck the stomach.

'He's faster than he looks.'

While blood was still spewing from Zack's mouth a blast of chaos was gathering in Lazare's. He called over an orb while slamming Lazare's mouth shut, and teleporting to safety. There was enough chaos gathered to cause harm, but Zack used the earth orb to seal it in.

'How strong is this thing?' Zack clenched his hand, but the attempts to crush Lazare were futile.

The barrier surrounding Lazare began to rumble and cracks gradually appeared. He was inside holding the walls at bay with two hands while striking with the others. No matter how many times he struck the walls it repaired. Enraged by his surroundings Lazare began shrieking once more.

Zack aimed his spear at Lazare's location, but chaos began to ooze from the cracks. Chasms opened around the barrier, and when the forces mixed together chaos launched out erratically.

Unsure if his comrades made it to safety yet Zack was forced to defend the wagon. Once Lazare broke free the battle continued, and destruction ensued through the desert. While they clashed the others were gathering near the array.

"We have to help him!" Octavia desperately tried to break the bindings.

Hearing the pleads Kaya was tempted to release her, but the look on Zack's face was still replaying in her mind. She wanted to be at his side, but their presence could put Zack at risk. Kaya knew this could damage their friendship, but she pulled Octavia into the array anyway.

"I'm sorry," Kaya was afraid to meet Octavia's gaze.

As they disappeared Aida stepped forward stomping on the core. She began pinning her hair up while turning towards the exit. Walking forward there was a serious look on Aida's face.

'I'm sorry for disobeying, but I won't lose another master.'

All through the badlands, people were retreating for cover. They weren't sure what was happening, but the rumbling of the earth and lights erupting at a distance was all they needed to see. They were hunkered in burrows, or caves hoping the destruction wouldn't reach them.

Preventing the damage completely wasn't possible, but Zack tried his best to keep it in one spot. The only way to accomplish this was by putting himself at risk. Each time Lazare would release a volley of chaos he would commit his orbs to stop them. This left Zack vulnerable to attack, and if not for the holy spear the fight would've already ended.

'How long can he keep this up?'

While exchanging blows Zack used his wings to create a powerful gust to off-balance his adversary. In the exchange, he landed a deep cut across Lazare's chest that radiated divinity. Lazare winced as all his arms swung at Zack in unison. Zack used his wings for cover but was knocked back from the force.

Lazare raced forward as crude weapons made of chaos appeared in his hands. While swinging them down a loud ringing echoed in the desert as a purple beam eradicated the arms on the left. The force of the blast knocked him off guard allowing Zack to attack with his spear.

Witnessing the beam of holy energy forming Lazare instinctively retreated. His wings fluttered rapidly to create distance as a vicious storm was kicked up. When the blast was released the force cleared the sandstorm as it struck Lazare's wing.

Watching the arms regenerate, but the wound on Lazare's chest and wing unaffected there was a ray of hope. Zack dissipated all the holy orbs, but one, and redirected their power to the spear. When preparing the attack Aida appeared at his side.

"I know punishment is in store for my disobedience, but I couldn't leave you alone," Aida stated.

"How many times can you use that?" Zack asked.