Chapter 315

"I can handle the rest." Zack approached as the phoenix glanced in his direction.

The phoenix shook its head at Zack's command before continuing. Conjuring those levels of holy flames was a difficult task, but it wasn't the cause of Zack's fatigue. Creating a divine beast like the phoenix required Zack's grace to bring it to life, and the rebound would appear soon.

The phoenix continued to fan the flames until the badlands were cleansed. When the deed was finished there was no brilliance left in its wings. Zack approached the phoenix attempting to offer aid, but it collapsed before him.

Having witnessed the connection between Blanka, and Vanessa he expected a similar outcome. The minute the phoenix was formed there was sentient thoughts present. While it was cleansing the land Zack could feel the compassion within.

During its initial flight when captivated by the surroundings it sensed the other life trembling in fear. The moment it realized the cause it took action. After purifying Lazare it felt something observing them. It was the true source of the corruption, and the phoenix couldn't stop it, but maybe his creator could.

'It wasn't supposed to be like this.' Zack clenched his fist.

Aida approached her master wrapping her arms around him for comfort. Zack was unaware of the true nature of his creation, but she possessed knowledge predating the flood. Feeling breast engulfing his arm Zack glanced over to see Aida smiling.

"It's okay master." Aida pointed at the phoenix.

There was a dim light radiating in the core of the phoenix as the body crumbled. Through the ash, Zack heard a slight chirping as Aida got down on her knees. She trailed her hands through the ashes delicately before scooping up a white chick with bright blue eyes.

It had thick white feathers along its body, and tiny tail feathers trailing behind it. The feathers atop its head draped backward majestically as it chirped at Zack. Aida may have retrieved it, but the chick never glanced in her direction.

"Your companion's efforts weren't in vain, and you will see him again. The phoenix never stays gone for long." Aida smiled.

"So that's what you are." Zack extended his hand.

The phoenix dashed away from Aida and took shelter between Zack's palms. It felt calm in his hands and drifted to sleep quickly. The rebirthing process was very draining, and it would hibernate till it had sufficient energy. This could take centuries to accomplish, and would just be the start of its cultivation.

While placing the chick in his pouch Zack began to stagger, but Aida quickly supported him. She shifted the earth into a bench and set Zack down.

"I'll set the array up just rest." Aida smiled.

"Thanks," Zack replied.

Once the array was built Aida sent word through the dolls, and began collecting the Phoenix ashes. It didn't take long for the others to appear and rush to Zack's side. They could tell from the wounds, and the complexion of his face that the battle took its toll. Octavia was still upset about what happened but kept it to verbal attacks when seeing his body.

While they were escorting Zack home something was racing to the battlefield. They were flying from the eastern sea at incredible speeds lighting up the night sky. Revealing themselves to the world was a risky move, but the cry was worth investigating.

Crashing down onto the desert floor was a woman with fiery eyes. She has shaggy orange hair with scarlet tips. Protruding from her back were feathered wings that radiated immense heat. The sand beneath her feet turned to glass with each step until they retracted into her body. She touched the scorched earth where the phoenix laid.

'Did the others return? No, there was nothing left to renew. They might've missed one, but if that was the case why appear now? I can worry about that later. They took the child and his ashes so it wasn't the demons. Filthy human.'

The woman's fingers shifted into talons as her fist clenched tightly. Her blood trickled onto the desert creating a hissing sound as the glass cracked. She flew up into the sky and scanned the area for any signs of humanity. The woman raced around the desert in an attempt to sense the chick but found nothing.

'To leave no trace in the area they had to escape quickly. Only an angel could cover more ground than me. We had a truce, but that was long ago...They think I'm not a threat alone, but I'll give them a good reminder.'

The woman racing towards the neutral territory like a comet through the sky is Anastasia. Until recently Anastasia believed she was the final phoenix. During the first dark age, every warrior was needed, but several species refused. Dragons had the numbers, and strength needed to resist their conscription, but the phoenix lived solitary.

They preferred to fly the skies alone, and would only gather during a new century. When they refused violence was used, but they quickly learned that tactic was futile. They could kill one, but it would cost hundreds of demons to do so, and they would simply reborn. The next step was imprisonment, but their brethren would only free them.

Defeating the phoenix became a matter of principle to the demons, and they committed every resource to find a weakness. They found one source that could extinguish their life force completely, and it was chaos.

The amount required to do so was beyond them, but they enlisted the help of an ancient entity. With its assistance, they could kill a phoenix, and with their weakness found they were hunted down.

Realizing the fighting was futile the remaining phoenix tried to hide, but three dark ages later only Anastasia remained. She heard the death cry and raced over without a second thought. Knowing another Phoenix was out there Anastasia wouldn't rest till she found it.

'I won't fail this time.' Anastasia sped up.