Chapter 319

The first class of the day was taught by Layla and Taylor. Layla was an English teacher, but still possessed the knowledge of fundamental science. They used textbooks recovered from the wreckage, and the children weren't the only ones interested in it.

Haruna looked over the geography books in great detail. Their library had some maps of the former world, but nothing as detail as they possessed. After this discovery, she stuck around for a few of the other lessons.

After Taylor finished teaching modern medical skills it was Athlan's turn. He taught the children about the origins of magic, and the importance of maintaining a connection with nature. These lessons also informed them of the other uses for magic besides combat. His lessons would typically end with an aide giving demonstrations while he wrote glyphs, and their meanings upon the board.

The final lessons were given by Olivia. She taught the history of the dark ages and informed them about the various species on the planet. With this information came their customs, strengths, and weaknesses. It gave them an understanding of why certain species clashed, and how the world was formed today. She would follow these lessons by teaching the students how to read and write the common languages of the land.

The final lesson was preparing to start when Zack arrived with the children. Entering the classroom one could see eight rows of long desks on each side of the room with steps running up the middle. Each row could hold around twenty students, and once in session, they were filled with students.

At the front of the room was Olivia in a tight black skirt, and a white button-up blouse. Her hair was pinned up neatly, and she strolled around the board as images appeared. Olivia was outlining today's lesson when she noticed her master.

"When did you start wearing that?" Zack investigated.

"It looked good on Layla so I wanted to try it out. What do you think?" Olivia approached her master.

"You should wear it more often." Zack relayed as he embraced Olivia.

"Are you sticking around?" Tanya asked.

"I have some expansions to make, or else I would," Zack replied.

Hearing he was about to leave the children crowded around to say goodbye. Looking around he realized how much they've grown.

'Those days at the orphanage seem so long ago.'

"Can we visit the stables today?" Helena asked while hugging Zack.

"Once school is done come find me. It's about time everyone learned anyway." Zack smiled.

All the children were visibly excited at the news and rushed to their seats. They wanted the class to start already and talked about which horse they admired from the fences. Overhearing them caused a few children to get envious looks in their eyes.

"That goes for anyone who wants to try. Just make sure to ask your parents first." Zack announced.

"I'll make the accommodations," Aida said from the doorway.

"I was wondering where you went," Zack replied.

"I had my other duties to tend to. I'll notify the others just send word when you're ready." Aida smiled.

"The service you provide is greatly appreciated." Zack kissed Olivia on the cheek.

While walking out the door Aida strolled at his side. Once out of view of the children she pressed against his arm. When Zack glanced down she had a look that demanded praise. He spun them till Aida was against the wall as his hand rested under her chin.

"I didn't forget about you." Zack kissed Aida.

Aida guided Zack's hand to her hips, and he firmly gripped her ass.

"That's better."Aida smiled before fixing their clothes.

"Would you like to see the chick?" Aida asked.

"I was wondering where he went," Zack replied.

"He needed a suitable place to nest," Aida stated.

Aida guided Zack to an empty room near the exit of the school. It was a new addition to the building and was placed next to the cultivation rooms. As they entered Zack examined the room closely.

One could see a large window facing the divine tree, and plants potted around the room. At the center was a small tree, and at the base of it was the nest. It was lined with phoenix ashes, and the chick rested on a bed woven by Destiny.

'He's still resting.'

"I would've set him up in the estate, but the closer to the tree the better," Aida stated.

"Have the others seen him yet?" Zack asked.

"Seen him, no but they are aware of his presence. They understand it needs rest, but it won't keep them at bay long." Aida replied.

"I'll talk to them about it later." Zack carefully closed the door.

After saying goodbye Aida continued with her duties while Zack made his way to the western district. While exiting the garden a shadow was cast above him. Crashing down was a white blur that knocked Zack to the ground.

Before Zack could even process the events there was a barrage of kisses. Feeling the fur along the arms with one hand, and plumb ass in the other he knew the culprit. When Yu pulled away he admired the white qipao barely able to contain her figure.

"Sorry for knocking you down." Yu helped Zack up.

Zack grabbed Yu's hand kissing it.

"You know I don't mind. Wanna come with me?" Zack smiled.

Yu nodded as Zack wrapped his arm around her hip. They continued towards the market and made a few stops to shop at the new stalls. After securing a few items for his partners he worked his way to Lexi's house. It was a small region north of Holly's house and was only big enough to house a few residents.

Approaching the edge of the swamp one could see several houses along the bank. They were partially submerged into the water with a thin deck leading to the door. His presence was met by Carla and the others. They knew Zack was extending their home today and spent the morning scouting the terrain. Carla landed in front of Zack adjusting her clothes.

"We've scouted the perimeter, and everything's ready," Carla told Zack.

"Are the ramparts cleared?" Zack relayed to Octavia.

"You're good to go," Octavia replied.