Chapter 324

Kayden took the open spot next to Andrea hoping to casually make conversation. Deep in her current conversation, she failed to notice his presence. Thinking she was busy he stepped back onto a twig, and the snap caught her attention. Andrea looked over recognizing the considerate human and smiled.

Kayden believed she forgot that night, but it was still vivid in her memory. Andrea has seen him since that night, but Kayden was off to train, and she was leaving for a mission. Andrea didn't forget that smile from that morning, and the tenderness he showed when cleaning her wings.

"Are you not joining them?" Andrea asked.

"I learned back at home, and other methods of travel interest me more," Kayden replied.

'Seems I won't have to break the ice after all.'

Kayden was breaking the ice with Andrea as the others began their lessons. Zack was riding behind Yu assisting her with the reigns. Trotting next to them was Helena with Corra offering pointers. Riding reluctantly behind them was William with Tanya at his side.

"I still don't see the point in this," William told Tanya.

"You can't run everywhere," Tanya stated.

"I don't see why not. It's faster than this." William replied.

"We just need more practice." Tanya attempted to catch up with the others.

William didn't wanna fall behind with the smaller kids so he sped up. Crowley and the others saw this taking it as a competition. When William caught up to Zack he stopped while the others sped past.

"Worried about falling off?" Zack asked.

"Just not into games," William replied.

"You should act your age every once in a while." Zack waved at the children fading over the hill.

"There are more important matters to attend," William replied.

"I'm well aware of that, but we need reminders every now, and then of what we're fighting for." Zack nodded at Holly cheering him on.

William saw how happy his sister was to see him mingling with the others. Since their arrival, he has dedicated all his time to training and very seldomly left the forest or training fields. Even his meals were captured and consumed in the company of the wolves.

Holly understood his conviction and resolved herself to help him when the time came. Watching William participate as a youth felt like a dream, and caused a tear to trickle down her cheek. If spending a few hours on a horse allowed his sister to smile like that it was worth it.

'I can make up for it tonight.'

William rode off to catch up with the others while Zack looked at Corra.

"I've never seen horses take up to people this easily." Zack praised.

"They approach someone they deem trustworthy. When you let them do that instead of forcing them a bond forms easier." Corra stated.

"It seems all your hard work has paid off," Zack watched William ride into the distance.

"It's thanks to you." Corra smiled.

"By the looks of it, you'll need to expand again to keep up with the demand." Zack gestured at the crowd interested in joining.

"I wanted to secure a few bloodlines from the western territory," Corra suggested.

"There's an array in the plains, and it shouldn't be hard to find them. We could even send word to Mephisto and get some breeders interested in the auction." Zack replied.

While the two were discussing other methods Yu was gazing at the children fading away. She tugged at Zack to speed up, and he obliged. Cassandra and the others saw Zack giving chase as they attempted to close the distance. Zack wanted to give Yu a shot at the reigns and began flying next to her. When his horse locked eyes with Zack they began racing each other.

"Just hold on okay?" Zack told Yu.

Yu nodded as Zack dashed ahead taking the lead. When Corra joined the race the stubborn horses returned to the formation chasing behind her. Yu positioned herself up on the saddle to get a better view of her surroundings. It didn't take long for Yu to catch up and attempt to jump on Zack's back.

Yu narrowly missed Zack, but she retrieved her staff in midair. She used it to spring forward for a final attempt, but it was still too short. Zack turned around offering his hand to pull her in. She clasped it just in time and looked up to kiss Zack on the cheek.

"I'm surprised you didn't do that sooner," Zack stated.

"Thanks for giving me a chance." Yu smiled.

"You almost made it." Zack swerved to the side landing carefully.

After landing Zack's horse returned to their side. They walked back to the stables where Nicole was waving them down. She took note of the equipment needed to allow everyone to ride. Hearing the business talk Yu mounted up and attempted to go solo once more.

'He usually doesn't like anyone else.' Zack smiled as Yu returned to the others.

"We've been making our own, but we need more hands to keep up," Nicole stated.

"I'll get some more, but this should help with labor. If there's anything else I can do to help just ask." Zack retrieved a large pouch of gold.

"We have a caravan coming from the south in a few days, and we're supposed to take over at the border. I could use another hand, but if you're busy I c-can find someone else." Nicole averted her gaze.

"I wanted to examine our border better, and that sounds like a good way to do it," Zack replied.

While the two discussed the caravan details Andrea overheard. She was curious how long Zack would be in town, and if Amy would be joining again. It wasn't an issue for Amy to leave, but a sudden absence could disrupt their patrol schedule.

"When's your trip?" Andrea inquired.

"I planned to stay in Eden till the capital visit, but now I have a trip to look forward to in a few days." Zack smiled at Nicole.

"Is Amy going?" Andrea asked.

"It will be just us more than likely," Zack replied.

"How's the baby-making going?" Andrea investigated.

"A little personal don't you think?" Zack asked.

"Just wanna know if our timing can still match up." Andrea glanced up at Kayden.

'What does that mean?'