Chapter 326

'We need to send a rider home to get the knights ready.'

The leader of the caravan was an old warrior named Liam. His clan has always fought side by side with Stormhaven, and it wouldn't be the first time Kirkwall was their enemy. Officially they were allies, but he knew Eliza's pride would result in conflict.

After sending a messenger Liam continued inside with the others. The leaders retrieved their tributes as chest overflowing with gold, and silver appeared. Bragging broke out between the guest as Emilia took her seat. Arthur was standing at her side resembling a guard, and this caused some of them to be relieved.

"Every year I see a little more of your mother," Liam approached the throne.

"Thank you."Emilia smiled.

"How are the boys doing?" Wade asked.

"They're busy chasing around runts of their own now." Liam chuckled.

"You should bring them next time." Emilia offered.

The other leaders glanced at the workers chatting at the sides of the chambers. By now they would be examining the tributes, and relocating them to the treasury. Hearing the mumbling of the crowd Arthur advised Emilia of the confusion.

"We didn't summon you today with the intentions of a tribute," Emilia announced.

'War it is.' Liam gauged the room.

"I summoned you to inform everyone of the changes in our kingdom. The first change is no more yearly tributes...'

Hearing this their first thoughts went to an increase in taxes, but it shifted to removal. With time the news of Stormhaven's siege spread. They were absent during the conflict, and holding a grudge for the loss of her father wouldn't be unreasonable.

"But we will still continue our previous arrangements. Our alliance with Eden has shown us better ways of conducting our affairs." Emilia announced.

The majority were ecstatic at the thought of keeping their gold and no longer stressing over tributes in the future. A few of the shrewd ones knew something this good would come with a catch. Liam was ahead of the curve and pondered ways to convince the others.

"You're welcome to stay, and sample the new cuisine, but I recommend sending messengers home to prepare for an invasion." Emilia stood from her throne.

A few of them were expecting something along these lines. Paying gold was easier than blood, and they wondered how much the toll would be this time. As doubt began to spread the crowd Liam stood forward. It took a minute to grab their attention over the squabbling, but finally, all eyes were on him.

"Never forget the reason we settled here, to begin with," Liam announced.

"They deserted us in battle and took our homes while we held the line!" An older soldier shouted.

"He's right!"

"That wretched queen has plagued these lands long enough, and it's time we took them down!" Liam declared as the soldiers rallied around him.

The younger generation never saw the horrors of that war, but the toll it took on their elders was hard to ignore. They avoided acts of revenge due to their clan's wishes and focused on improving their life, but never forget the past. Some of the leaders present feared the might of Kirkwall's army, but the younger warriors present yearned to prove themselves.

"They do pose a threat, but I was referring to the slavers. Their current leader is a fallen angel, and his methods of management are on another level of cruelty." Emilia gestured at Arthur to approach.

"There is another faction who could become hostile from our wedding." Emilia grabbed Arthur's hand.

"The council may have problems with the mingling of bloodlines." Arthur's eyes went red.

'That I wasn't expecting. Not sure how to swing this one, but I have to try.' Liam prepared to speak out.

"We are prepared to face this threat alone, and only wished to warn you. This way you can prepare your homes for any conflict that could arise. Our ally has even offered to shelter you if needed." Emilia announced.

"Fighting them alone is too risky. Please reconsider this, your majesty." Liam replied.

"They won't be alone."

Approaching from the side of the throne room was a sentry. They were amazed by the appearance of the doll, but it was quickly drowned out by their gear, and ability to speak. Emilia's court was also confused about this discovery for they have yet to meet Aida.

"Where did that come from?"

"I've never seen ruins around here."

"I'm more concerned about how it can talk?"

"It sounded like a woman too."

Emilia raised her hand as the court fell silent.

"Forgive the intrusion your majesty, but this was the only doll within your vicinity. I'm Zack's servant, and I was sent here with a message for Arthur." Aida bowed.

"What's the message?" Arthur asked.

"It can wait. I simply wanted to ease this man's concerns. The kingdom of Eden is committed to defending its allies, and the world we're attempting to build." Aida positioned herself to the side to wait patiently.

"I thought Eden was a demon territory," Liam stated.

"You recall the stories of a Nephilim?" Emilia asked.

"Your mother told many stories, but that's all they were," Liam replied.

"My creator was one of the original Nephilim. Their descendants have been diluted and spread across the earth, but they aren't a story. If you wish to meet my master you could see for yourself." Aida stated.

"The station is across the bridge if you desire to visit today." Emilia offered.

"It would be a good way to spend the money you brought today. They are partnered with Mephisto for a reason." Wade stated.

Walking through the city they notice soldiers covered in artifacts. Even the rookie this morning had a grade one on his hip. If a common guard could acquire that at his wages then Eden had to be promising.

"The best seamstress in the region resides there as well," Emilia announced.

With matters of war discussed Arthur approached Aida.

"What did he need?" Arthur investigated.

The sentry lifted its hand before the voice changed.

"Did you forget your family? If we don't see you soon I'm gonna come looking...I'm sure Emilia would enjoy the stutter show." The tone of Madison's voice gradually lowered.

Without a second thought, Arthur approached Emilia to kiss her on the cheek.

"I'll be back later."

"O-okay." Emilia examined his expression closely.

'I've never seen him startled like that.'