Chapter 332

"I'll keep them busy just protect Pan!" Yu shouted while jumping along the boulders.

"Okay!" Amy dove down.

Ashleigh was dashing around trying to get past the barrage from Pan's scepter. Takashi was striking at the boulders rendering them to dust to reduce Yu's mobility. While jumping from boulder to boulder she could easily land a few strikes. During their exchanges, they failed to notice the group forming along the hill.

"Charge!" Elizabeth shouted.

Marching down the side of the mountain resembling a professional battalion were the children. Flying above them monitoring the formation was their General Elizabeth, and marching at the front of the line was her trusty Lieutenant. Helena pointed at the center of their battle as the children activated the basic fire of the scepter.

Ashleigh looked over to see flares lighting up the sky. All sides were forced to take cover as the volley struck the area. None of them expected the children to be around at this point let alone all of them. They would typically get tired out by this point, but they all had a dedicated look on their face.

The children's scepters were meant for playing, but they still possessed the juice to light up a crystal. This was intended for all the children to play, but Elizabeth trained them into a supreme force. As the first line was recharging Helena raised her hand.

"Fire!" Helena ordered.

Witnessing no lag in their attack Ashleigh knew charging in was their only option. Being the children they could only tag them, but with her speeds that wouldn't be a problem. She prepared to dash past the next volley as sparks were left on the ground.

Ashleigh was moving so fast she failed to notice Helena's eyes locked onto her. The ground shifted beneath Ashleigh, and in an instant, she was chest-deep in mud. Children surrounding her tapped the scepter on her shoulders as the crystals light up.

'I need to work on my awareness.' Ashleigh glanced at the smirking children.

Elizabeth simply taught them formations and made adjustments from above. Helena was the true cause of so many others sitting in the stands. The next barrage ensued before they began marching once more. Under their leadership, the children were an unstoppable team.

Back at the badlands, Zack was finishing up his sparring. Karin was eliminated a few minutes ago, but her sacrifice wasn't in vain. Tanya was still holding her ground, and only two crystals remained on Zack's chest.

"Your training is paying off," Zack dodged the war fan.

"I'm not the only one improving. We're strong enough to go with you now." Tanya declared.

"It's not always about fighting." Zack sped off in the opposite direction.

Tanya gave chase, but he was too quick. She closed her fan hurling it towards Zack while chanting. Once she finished the fan enlarged, and expanded as she sprang on top. Powered by a heavy gust Tanya began to close the distance

'Where is he going?'

Tanya noticed the plains coming into view as Zack appeared behind her. He tapped her shoulder eliminating Tanya with a smile on his face.

"I would've brought you with Helena, but I felt something off about that place. I'm glad I followed my instincts because you saw how I came back. Protecting my only sibling is something I take very seriously." Zack rested his hand atop her head.

"Me too." Tanya declared.

"So how do you stop this thing?" Zack examined their course.

"I d-didn't think that far ahead," Tanya rubbed the back of her head grinning.

Under Elizabeth's command, only Yu remained, but during the exchange, the numbers dwindled. Noticing some of the children getting tired Yu decided to retire with them. Once they stopped the others quickly followed, but Elizabeth and Helena had different plans.

"There." Helena relayed while pointing at Zack.

The war fan was preparing to crash into the ground when Zack grabbed Tanya and flew back. It struck the ground as a large tornado erupted along the wall. Zack's wings appeared as his hand extended towards the storm. It gradually shrank as the wind subsided, and the children watched in awe.

"Hurry back before it happens again," Elizabeth suggested.

Tanya saw the eager look on Helena's face and helped Yu with leading the children. The minute they were clear from harm's way Elizabeth dashed forward. Zack met her charge as the two locked hands and a shockwave ensued.

"I'm not surprised that you made it, but how fast you trained the children is a different matter." Zack smiled.

"Today wasn't the first time we've played, and don't change the subject." Elizabeth turned them around as his back faced Helena.

A ball of lightning gathered in Helena's hands that was aimed for the vest. It left her hands in a flash, but Zack's wings shifted him sideways taking the hit. Lightning crackled along his feathers, but it quickly faded. He pushed away from Elizabeth and disappeared from their sight.

'You should know I'm good enough to keep up.' Elizabeth smirked as she glanced around.

'Where is he?'

Zack wasn't appearing anywhere and that was due to the technique. Elizabeth assumed it was teleportation by the speed his body went transparent. Helena's eyes closed to focus on her surroundings. She could feel her papa's aura in the vicinity, and it was moving quickly towards the ground.

Helena pointed in Zack's direction with one hand as the other reached for the boulders. Vanessa smiled from the stands seeing Helena work. Helena was a natural at conjuring elements on her own, but using the present ones around her still presented a challenge. Vanessa spent the last two days guiding Helena in Elizabeth's place.

'Not bad.' Elizabeth smiled down at Helena before taking a deep breath.

'It feels like they're looking right at me.' Zack began sweating examining his surroundings.

There was a boulder levitating behind him briefly before soaring in his direction. Zack planted his feet as he reduced it to rubble with his fist. Due to the dust-up, Zack was delayed in seeing the others flying his way. Knowing his position was compromised Zack's body reappeared.

Engaging them like this wouldn't be difficult but he would be playing into their hands. Zack gestured his hand towards Elizabeth as a shockwave sped her way. She drifted sideways to evade while spewing flames concentrated on his location.

Zack dodged Elizabeth's attack with ease, but the boulders were now in his vicinity. They were lifting up to soar his way as Elizabeth spewed flames once more. The observers in the stands saw Zack surrounded by incoming attacks with a smile.

'This is a game after all.'