Chapter 334

Zack arrived along the edge of the village and was promptly greeted by samurai. They weren't informed about his arrival, and when confronted about security concerns they provided them. Zack traveled to the entrance of the valley and constructed a new gate embedded into the mountains.

"I heard you were in town," Souta stated.

"Just getting a head start on fortifications. What else did you have concerns about?" Zack inquired.

"Your help is appreciated, but this is the first I'm hearing about the security issues. We have stationed more samurai at each watchtower, and everyone is familiar with the defense protocols." Souta replied.

"Tamiko mentioned it during her last visit," Zack stated.

"I know she's been expecting you, but they never mentioned why. We could use a few watchtowers on the mountain." Souta told Zack.

"Just show me where you have in mind," Zack replied.

Souta escorted Zack to the ideal locations as someone picking fresh akebia noticed them. She was one of Tamiko's attendants, and after learning of his presence she rushed to inform them. Zack reached the side of the mountain where he etched some steps naturally into the side.

'I always heard the rumors, but seeing it firsthand is different.'

"You make it look so easy," Souta stated.

"It's easier to do when you shape what's there. Have the others returned yet?" Zack investigated.

"A few species have, but most fear the mages will come back. We've recently started a dialogue with the tengu, and the kappa are debating the offer as well. If things go smoothly I'm confident the others will return." Souta replied.

Zack started working on the watchtowers as workers marked nearby spots for barracks. Creating the towers didn't take long, and from his vantage point, he got an idea. Two orbs appeared in Zack's hand as they shot into the mountain.

Cracks appeared along the base leading to a distant lake. Water began to leak from the side of the mountain. What started as a light drip rapidly became a heavy stream as the ground split open. Gradually a waterfall took form, and once it connected to the lake it expanded.

Once the depth was sufficient he focused on the base of the waterfall. Since it was between watchtowers Zack was confident in its security and began working on onsen. Souta began to suggest more ideas after seeing the speed of his work.

"Could you carve a route to the sea?" Souta asked as Zack landed.

"The lake is close enough to push through. Do you wanna keep them separate or lead it through a tunnel?" Zack inquired.

Hearing this the samurai debated the answer with the nearby workers. A tunnel would be easier to secure, but it would limit their options for boats. They agreed to split a path through the mountain and set up a dock.

Zack flew off to oversee the operation from a closer view. Tamiko was exiting her home as he passed over the village. Watching their leader walk off to investigate the rumbles the others followed. They arrived on sight in time to see the mountains moving as if they were alive.

The villagers were all mesmerized by the sight of the ocean. Zack continued his work till the waterways were connected. He landed nearby where the villagers were waiting. Before retrieving his orbs he cultivated some trees to assist with the lumber requirements.

"We should be ready for any security breaches now," Souta told Tamiko.

'We didn't have any issues, to begin with. I expected him to show up through the array, but I'll have to find another reason now.'

Zack was working an array along the bank, and after a brief explanation, the others helped assembled five more. Once they were in position Zack finished the spell work and taught them how to activate the barrier. Having used so much energy he began walking back with the workers.

"Did you hear about the onsen?"

"I'm more interested in fishing."

"We will need more nets and another boatmaker."

"Thanks for thinking about me."

"I just don't wanna sink in the ocean."

The others began to laugh as they reached Tamiko's group in the shade. They all greeted her politely before eagerly getting to work. Souta bowed towards Tamiko, and Zack as he led troops to the new towers. Tamiko whispered to her attendants as they rushed ahead to prep things.

"I was starting to think you would never show." Tamiko stood up from her seat.

"Still have the bad habit of getting distracted. I hope everything is how you expected." Zack replied.

"I didn't see the other changes yet. Wanna ride with me while I look?" Tamiko requested.

"I could use the rest." Zack smiled while offering his hand to Tamiko.

Tamiko smiled and took his hand as she boarded the carriage. Zack discussed Suinin's progress as they traveled around the valley making notes of potential build sites. To prepare for new residents Tamiko wanted to designate a portion of the valley to remain a forest. Zack suggested ways of increasing the number of buildings without losing space.

"I know you have to get back soon, but mine having a few drinks while we discuss the future." Tamiko requested.

"There's still some time to spare, but I have a request myself." Zack examined the city walls coming into view.

"After what you've done for us you just need to ask." Tamiko smiled.

"They wanted me to bring back some cuisine. The cravings have been coming more steadily, and it would be nice to have a supply. I've brought some ingredients and payment for the cooks." Zack offered a ring.

"We can discuss the payment inside." Tamiko closed his hand.

After arriving in front of her villa they entered to discuss matters further. Upon their entry guards positioned themselves at the door to ensure no one would interrupt. Zack entered the room and saw the attendees waiting with flushed faces. Tamiko slid the shoji closed as she began to undress from her kimono.

"Why are they here?" Zack turned around seeing the exposed Tamiko.