Chapter 336

Strolling through the streets of Camelot was Elizabeth, and Zack. They were holding hands through the market as Helena looked around eagerly. All the residents took a break from their daily duties to stare in disbelief.

It was the first time they ever witnessed Elizabeth smiling, and wearing something other than armor. Elizabeth was wearing a blue sundress that halted a little below the knee. Along the shoulders was elegant white stitching, and there was a slight v neck exposing her collar bone.

Being the first time she wore a dress she wasn't comfortable with something skimpy. They were stopped at a stand browsing, but Zack was more interested in admiring the work of art next to him.

His eyes stared at the emerald eyes and drifted to the orange curls draped over the blue shoulders. Zack's eyes began to wander south, but Elizabeth turning caused him to look away. He trailed his gaze towards Helena playing in the streets.

'She definitely saw.'

"Are you even listening to me?" Elizabeth grabbed his arm.

"No, I got distracted sorry." Zack glanced at the table.

"Wh-what is it?" Elizabeth asked.

"It's n-nothing." Zack picked through the items.

Elizabeth looked down and second-guessed her attire. Growing up in the city she would witness couples frequently going on dates. She would often imagine how her first date would be.

One day she gathered the courage to get a dress and search for a boyfriend. Given Elizabeth's personality, most boys were scared of her and ran as she approached. After that, Elizabeth chose to focus on training, and from that day on she only wore armor.

They just barely arrived in the city, and she's noticed all the stares. It was difficult to hear over her inner thoughts. Now Zack was behaving weirdly, and she assumed the dress was the cause.

'A warrior should only wear armor after all.'

Dragons weren't easy to read, but Zack didn't have to use telepathy. The way Elizabeth glanced at her shoulders, and promptly cover her stomach reminded him of Ren. Zack grabbed her hand lifting it up.

"I just got caught looking that's all, and didn't wanna draw attention." Zack relayed as he gestured at the audience with his eyes.

"You embarrassed to be seen with me?" Elizabeth asked.

"Not at all, I've just seen your shy side, and didn't wanna embarrass you." Zack kissed Elizabeth.

After the display, the sound of women giggling ensued. Elizabeth didn't have time to get embarrassed as Helena ran back up. Watching the child tug at their side before getting lifted up by Elizabeth left them in a daze. Was this really the same crude women from before?

"Can we look outside too?" Helena asked eagerly.

"That's up to your papa." Elizabeth looked at Zack.

"Promise to keep your aura hidden?" Zack asked.

"Pinky promise." Helena extended her pinky.

Zack was a little confused but went with it when seeing her smile.

"Let me finish up here first. If you see something you like for yourself, or momma just tell me." Zack smiled.

"Who's this for?" Elizabeth asked after putting Helena down.

"Souvenirs for the kids. You should visit our market sometime." Zack told the merchant while passing over the gold.

"We've considered trading, but haven't run it by the king yet." The merchant replied.

"I'll pass it along," Elizabeth offered.

"You don't have to trouble yourself with these matters." The merchant bowed.

"It's really not a problem." Elizabeth rubbed her arm.

'I hope he doesn't get mad.'

Everyone continued to address Elizabeth so formally due to her previous behavior. She wasn't a nuisance like Declan, but she wasn't benevolent either. Living in Eden for so long she noticed Zack truly meant to live with his people and Elizabeth didn't wanna seem spoiled.

"Do they know we're here?" Zack asked.

"I'm sure someone's told them by now. We need to look for Helena again." Elizabeth glanced around.

Zack grabbed Elizabeth's hand as she nervously interlocked fingers. They strolled through the market and found Helena gathering gifts at a nearby stand. Everything she chose was for someone in the family, and a few items for the teachers.

After totaling the items the vendors began to sweat. Could he really ask a guest of the king to pay a total like that? If asked to comp it he wouldn't deny the request. This was a common practice in the market for some time.

This was due to Declan's constant desire to show out in front of women sent as ambassadors. In recent months they've had a chance to recover, but they feared it would begin once more. Zack casually retrieved a small chest onto the table before leaving.

Walking away the merchant glanced around at the curious looks on the other vendors' faces. One of them finally gathered the courage to open it. A man peered into the chest expecting a reduced payment, but it was filled to the brim with gold.

The gold inside appeared to be more than the listed price, and after they tallied it came to double. Zack did this for one reason, and that's because it was convenient. Each ring on Zack's person was preloaded for instance like this. It was easier to grab one chest than rummage for enough bags to cover the payment.

Since Helena selected items from every stall they split the payment evenly. In an instance, like this, one would assume to see greed take over. During the rough times, the residents of Camelot pitched in to ensure their neighbors didn't go under.

When this sentiment was combined with their desire to return their market to its former glory it was an easy choice. They returned to work eager to start the renovations after hours. One of the merchants turned to thank Zack, but he was already exiting the front gate.

Helena kept looking in each direction indecisively. There was a lake to her left with fields filling up the other side. On the right are several ranches, and past them, one could see the ocean.

"Thank you for inviting her," Zack told Elizabeth.

"We won together, and I enjoy her company." Elizabeth smiled.

"When can we see your papa?" Helena asked.

"Maybe next time." Elizabeth looked over her shoulder.

'Not ready for them to meet just yet. I wouldn't wanna ruin a good day either.'

"Wanna get a closer look at the ocean?" Elizabeth offered.

"Okay!" Helena started pulling Zack by the hand.