Chapter 338

Making their way to the neutral territory was a caravan from Eden. Leading the caravan was Corra with a few centaurs at her side. They didn't work for the stables but helped establish today's trade. To ensure the meeting went without incident Batu joined with two elites.

Now that Eden's border was coming into view the guards were moving on foot. There were traveling on the outskirts of Kirkwall's border. The town along the way was still under their sway, but it was open territory. Because of Kirkwall's protection, it quickly became a trade hub.

Being adjacent to the neutral territory brought an unexpected result. Bandits saw it as a good spot to sell their ill-gotten gains. It was close to major roads and had access to the coast. Due to the lack of morals in Kirkwall's rule, they turned a blind eye to it to fund their army.

Leading the guards on the ground was Nicole with Zack at her side. He was committing the area to memory for construction purposes. Zack wanted to ensure their defenses along the border would ward off highwaymen.

"You sure a road won't be a problem?" Nicole asked.

"Dyna has been working on maps already I'm just waiting for the go-ahead," Zack replied.

"It would make trips in the rainy season easier," Corra stated.

"I'll make sure it's on the list, and if there are other supply routes just let us know." Zack marked the designated areas with stone pillars.

"Magic has always been a pain, but it had a weakness. At least I thought it did before we met." Corra admired how effortlessly Zack did it.

"It is difficult to counter," Nicole stated.

"Artifacts are a good equalizer" Zack replied.

"Are you sure sparing armor for me is still okay? I notice the defense force growing lately. " Corra asked.

"The armory is to protect Eden and all of its citizens," Zack reassured Corra.

"The bows are a game-changer for my men," Batu scanned his surroundings.

Passing the border one could see four black towers positioned around Kirkwall's territory. They were large enough to cast large shadows upon the land, and be seen over the edge of the cliff. In between each pair of towers was a large keep with fortified farms adjacent to them.

Zack approached it with Nicole examining the two bridges below. He scanned the areas for threats, but it appeared to be clear. Zack noticed the road down the cliff was obstructed by trees. It was the ideal spot for an ambush, and too close to Kirkwall's border.

'Better to avoid bandits so the livestock doesn't spook. Making a way down won't be difficult, and then it's just trailing along the coast. Those aren't ordinary towers either.' Zack focused on the magic surrounding the city.

'No wonder they've been able to endure the dark ages.' He aimed his palm at the base of the cliff.

"Might wanna take a few steps back," Zack announced.

The others promptly did as they were told besides Nicole. She insisted that there was no threat, and casually moved closer. After a slight rumble bedrock erupted from the grass, and gradually formed a route up to Zack's feet.

The road drew near as the quaky footing increased, and Nicole began to lose her balance. Zack promptly grabbed her hand to ensure her safety. Nicole no longer cared about falling forward and focused on the warmth radiating from his hand. Corra was on the sidelines giving Nicole a thumbs up.

'If they get together he will come around more.' Corra smiled.

"Once we're on the ground spread out to establish a perimeter," Batu ordered his men.

They positioned themselves by Zack and waited for the road to reach the cliff. While the others rallied the livestock brought to trade they rushed down to fulfill their orders. Livestock went first, and once the wagons began their descent the land reverted behind them.

"Shouldn't we leave it for the way back?" Nicole asked while taking the lead.

"We can use the array to get home," Zack replied.

'Even with the armor, her curves are amazing.' His eyes trailed up the long legs.

In order to avoid arousal, Zack picked up the pace to stay at her side. Corra noticed this right away and intended to inform her later. Nicole was a good friend, and it's why she wanted to see her succeed.

There was also the ulterior motive of having Zack around more often for seduction. They already agreed to hold no qualms over who got chosen first. Nicole catching his eye first brought problems given her passive nature to these things.

"When we get back I'll set the pens if you wanna update the ledgers." Corra offered.

Nicole almost asked why, but when their gaze met Corra pointed at Zack with her eyes. Zack agreeing to come was already a win in her books, but that would leave them alone. Nicole nodded as everyone readied their weapons.

"Be ready," Batu announced.

Nearing one of the towers they wanted to be ready for conflict. Getting news from them is difficult, and they weren't sure how guards would react. Their soldiers on the other side had no concerns with the arms guards along the border. To them their defenses were impenetrable, and that an attack on their sovereign was foolish.

'At least this area will be cleared of bandits.'

The tower and its guards were barely out of range when five riders appeared from the south. They were marauders covered in grade three artifacts charging in a spear formation. Three riders in the front had shields, and spears at the ready. The ones on the sides were laying cover fire while chanting in preparation.

"We'll handle this," Batu declared while deflecting their arrows.

Before their chants finished the centaurs sped up drawing their bows. Mana rapidly gathered as their arrows shot through their adversaries' eyes. Watching their comrades drop their leader hurled his spear, but Batu wasn't impressed.

Batu twirled his double-sided glaive halting it with the other end up. The reverse end was covered in a gold edge that began to glow when lifted. Sensing magic swelling from a centaur the leader ordered them to scatter as it swung down.