Chapter 357

Before the blast could strike Crowley, and Lucille it dissipated as they clutched their chest. With Lilith, there was a reason to hold back, but this was another matter. As each demon gasped for air Crowley snatched the remnants filling their lungs.

One demon was smart enough to retreat, but Crowley's spear clipped his wings. He rapidly recalled the weapon and dissipated the aura. Lucille looked around confused at the sudden events. While the others struggled to breathe she was in the comfort of Crowley's barrier.

"What did you do?" Lucille asked.

"I was gonna ask you the same thing," Crowley replied.

"It's not my fault you didn't see the signs. Why would you chase a girl into an alley anyway?" Lucille investigated.

"I wanted to make sure you weren't hurt." Crowley exited the alley.

"Sounds kinda shady," Lucille crossed her arms.

'I don't have time for this.'

Watching Crowley fly away Lucille glanced around at the fallen demons. She just turned on their group, and the others would hear eventually. In order to avoid retaliation, she started stalking Crowley.

'You didn't have to run.' Lucille sighed.

Two blocks over Ren was talking about Eden, and Ryoko was struggling to believe a place like that existed. Ren wasn't much of a talker back at home, and definitely not the type to fib. Because of this she accepted and moved on to questions.

"Is there really that much?" Ryoko asked eagerly.

"I've never run out." Ren boasted.

"H-how?"Ryoko interrogated.

"We have a vast area dedicated to refreshments for our people and allies," Zack stated.

"There have even been competitions between the tribes on the better drinker," Ren recalled the glory days.

"No one can outdrink an Oni." Ryoko boasted while shooting a glare at Zack.

"The dragons don't go down easy," Ren replied.

During the stroll, Zack felt a hostile force roaming the street. Given the terrain, it was expected so he stayed on task. As it drew near he felt Lilith mixed in and realized the origin of the powerful auras.

"I know you're here!" Ryoto announced.

'Otou-san?' Ren looked around frantically.

Ryoko nodded at them to continue as she ran interference. They were heading for the next alley when Onis turned the corner. Standing before them was a large blue oni wearing a purple gi, and black mithril. Ren recognized him and tried to pull them in the opposite direction.

The Oni before them is Seto and the leader of a rival clan. After generations of bloodshed between them, they settled on a truce. They made it almost eighteen years before conflict arose once more.

The battles that ensued were enough to leave them both crippled. Being exposed to the other tribes they had no choice but to settle again. To avoid falling out this time they decided on binding their clans permanently.

When Ryoto returned home with the news they discovered one suitable candidate. Given their chief's outrage, they tried to find another candidate but failed. After sharing the news with Ren she became furious.

Ren declared she would fight their clan herself, and settle matters that way. The others argued how foolish an attempt like that would be, and the backlash it could cause. Finding out they wouldn't be swayed she fled the next day.

Leaving the clan in a time of war was typically rewarded with banishment. Once this happened all clans would be allowed to handle the traitor. Ren was aware of this and decided to wander the wilderness.

The Oni race was an embodiment of raw power and a symbol of strength across the land. This renown led to others searching to claim it for their own. Being alone made Ren an easy target or so they thought. Ryoto trained her well, and those who crossed her path met a swift end.

Ren saw this as a trial to prove herself, and fulfill her declaration. One variable she didn't account for was the passion for alcohol after a good fight. The task to attain it would often lead Ren off course, and the consumption only added to the confusion.

Within a year she found herself stumbling into the southern territory. When Zack found her in a corner it was due to a hot streak of challengers. Being in unfamiliar territory with little to use for safe terrain made it difficult to rest.

Ren endured several days of eating on the move and battling trophy hunters. When things got dangerous Zack intervened, and offered a place to stay. It was only supposed to be a few days, and the last thing she expected was to fall in love.

Upon seeing Ren again, and with child no less Seto was infuriated. They got reports of her fleeing and thought nothing could be done. Being caught in this manner upon the clan's assembly seemed like a mockery.

'Lying to us for two years then parading it around in our faces.' Seto clenched his fist.

"Don't let them get away!" Seto ordered.

Seto's warriors rushed to block the exits, and Zack examined their situation. Having twenty Oni around them was no small matter. By the time Ryoto caught up he saw Seto pointing at Ren and shouting.

'If they don't kill him otou-san will. I wanted to try some of that booze too.' Ryoko sighed.

"I shouldn't be surprised a traitor has a whor..."

Zack sped forward striking Seto in the stomach causing him to backstep before vomiting. The entire street rumbled as Seto saw glowing eyes before him. Before the others could move Seto raised his hand.

"It was just a lucky shot." Seto wiped his chin.

In the next step, Zack closed in once more and landed a kick across Seto's jaw. His head began ringing as he staggered sideways. He tried to grab Zack, but he eluded to the side before seizing Seto's collar.

"Show some respect when you talk to her." Zack declared.

Zack yanked Seto into the dirt and promptly stepped on his throat. As a powerful aura erupted in the street Seto began to transform. Both hands seized Zack's shin prepared to shatter it, but he exerted more force as Seto began choking.

"Which do you think will snap first? Your neck or my foot." Zack pushed down.