Chapter 359

Sweat was trailing down Ryoto's brow as he struggled to force Zack down. Slowly Ryoto's horns began to extend, and the back of Zack's palm was inches away from the table. Ryoto's muscles continued flexing, but the hand wouldn't budge.

"What happened to not transforming?"

"Look at his cheeks you can tell he's had too much."

"You gonna lose to a halfling?"

Hearing the drunks taunt away Ryoto's vein began to pop. Both his daughters stood watching so failure wasn't an option. Slowly Zack's hand crept towards the tabletop, but the instant his grace activated Royto's arm cranked back.

A loud crack was heard as the table, and Ryoto's wrist gave out. Drinks went flying into the air but promptly stopped before Zack. With a few simple gestures, the liquid returned to their cups as they gently rested upon a nearby table.

"You caught me off guard." Ryoto examined his wrist.

"I didn't mean to go that far." Zack raised his hand.

Being cloaked by the wagon, and surrounded by Ren's family a gold light appeared between Zack's fingers. Gradually the pain subsided as Royto's wrist reset, and the swelling faded. The warriors understood the cause right away, but Ryoko has never seen an angel.

'How did he do that?'

Most of them were wondering why an angel was here. The smart ones pondered how Ren's pregnancy was possible. They weren't the only ones confused as Lucille watched quietly from the door.

'An angel in the pit?'

Lucille began to back for the door when her heel bumped into it. Turning to see an intruder Lilith immediately took action. She flew over the table, and Lucille turned to escape. Her hand was rapidly gripped by a whip as it was yanked away from the door.

"You know it's rude to enter someone's home without permission." Lilith declared.

Feeling the auras within, and observing the malicious look on Lilith's face instilled fear. As Lilith strolled up casually Crowley got in between them. This display didn't quell Lilith's aura, but Zack's arm appearing around her waist did.

"Do you honestly think I wouldn't notice?" Zack asked.

"Why didn't you say something then." Lilith dissipated her whip.

"Because she wasn't here for us. It seems you've been busy." Zack told Crowley.

"Just a few bandits that's all." Crowley lowered his arms.

"You're welcome to join us if you want." Zack offered.

Watching Zack return to the table with Lilith in his lap left Lucille confused. Every story she ever heard involved angels being their nemesis. If that was the case then why was a Demon Lord casually drinking with him?

"Who is that?" Lucille investigated.

"That's my master. He took us in from the streets and taught me how to defend myself," Crowley explained.

'Would he take others in?'

"Did you need something?" Crowley asked.

"I d-didn't have anywhere else to go, and sleeping in a wagon is better than the streets." Lucille averted her gaze.

Recalling the struggles of living in a demon city Crowley offered her to stay. He showed her around to the empty rooms, and where all the facilities could be found. Lucille was overwhelmed by fear earlier, but now she was filled with wonder.

'How is all this possible?' She examined the bath.

"The food will be done soon if you're hungry," Olivia smiled.

"Are you?" Crowley asked.

"I'm o-okay." Lucille's stomach subtly growled.

Having already received a place to sleep Lucille didn't wanna push her luck. Their intentions seemed good, but it appeared too good to be true. Noticing Zack's maids in skimpy uniforms just fed this suspicion. Just to be safe she didn't wanna build up too much of a debt.

"We hesitated at first as well. Our leader even stalked him for a few weeks to find a hidden agenda, but came up with nothing." Crowley reassured.

"People don't do things for free." Lucille rubbed her shoulder.

"I've lived a long life and with it, I've severed under several tyrants. Some of them would play nice for a while, but their true colors always came out. I've been at Zack's side for a few months now, and he's continued to amaze me." Olivia smiled.

"Everyone in Eden just wants to help." Crowley extended his hand.

She knew Crowley couldn't be bad since he protected a stranger. With Olvia's statement in mind, she carefully took his hand. Feeling the comfort it provided, and glancing at the smile on his face she blushed.

Back at the tavern, everyone was enjoying themselves. Some were doing this a little too much due to the extra selection. Ryoko was sampling her third keg when she began staring at Ren's stomach.

Ryoko still remembered the domineering older sister she used to have, and how much she admired Ren. Seeing Ren again was something she always dreamed of, but it wasn't like this. She wiped the booze from her chin and stumbled towards Zack's chair.

"Wh-what did y-you do to my nee-chan?!" Ryoko seized him in a headlock.

While slurring her words, and shouting Ryoko tried to render him unconscious. The other Oni began laughing, and Ryoto discreetly gave his approval. Zack narrowly had his hands in between her forearms to provide some breathing space.

'Their strength is similar, but I can definitely feel the difference.'

"That's enough." Ren declared.

"But l-look what he did!" Ryoko reluctantly let go and pointed at her belly.

"Is giving you a niece or nephew really that bad?" Ren asked.

Ryoko stopped rambling momentarily and pictured a little Ren running around. This adorable image was enough to turn her mood around. While they were talking about the baby Crowley appeared.

They saw Crowley holding Lucille's hand as she blushed. After joining them at the table Lilith investigated their relation. Hearing how they met, and watching her cling to Crowley Lilith turned to Zack.

'It won't be long till he has his own wagon.'

"Looks like he's your student after all." Lilith teased.

"What's that supposed to be mean?" Zack investigated.