Chapter Two(2)

5 Years Later,

Smith Household.

A little over five years had passed since James was reborn, and in simple terms, everything was going well for him.

James had been reborn into the Smith family. The family wasn't too rich nor too poor, though they were definitely poorer than a middle-class family.

Despite this, they made sure he never lacked anything, and of course, James never caused them too much worry. After all, it would tarnish the impeccable record of the Reincarnators.

The family, currently led by Grandma Lucy, was doing fairly well. They seemed to follow an ancient leadership tradition subconsciously: the eldest leads the family.

Grandpa used to lead, though his decisions weren't final. However, they held weight because everyone knew he was always trying to make things better for the family.

He passed away a few months ago, which is why Grandma had now taken over.

James still didn't exactly know who his direct relatives were in the family, as it was quite large.

The basic family structure consisted of him, his mother Anna Smith, his grandmother Lucy Smith, and his two aunts, Mary and Michelle Smith.

As for the others, they were either distant relatives or something along those lines. Most of them had jobs and contributed to the family's upkeep, so while the family never had an abundance of luxuries, they didn't lack necessities.

James had also discovered where he was, which wasn't hard once he paid attention to the radio or TV news.

It was quite the challenge since most children his age would fall asleep during the news, but he managed.

A year ago, a man named Anthony Stark took control of his father's company, Stark Industries. From there, it became easy for James to deduce that he was in the Marvel Multiverse.

As for which specific universe, he had no idea. He was an MCU fan, but things weren't following the MCU's storyline.

In this universe, Stark's parents had died in a plane crash, and there were other companies and countries present that existed only in the comics.

For instance, Rand Industries existed, as did a country called Latveria. So, James concluded that he was in a comic-based universe.

However, the issue remained—the Marvel comics universe was vast, with multiple realities such as Earth-616 and Earth-1610.

Of course, James had no real idea what the differences between them were, as he was just a casual MCU fan and passive comic reader.

He was never deeply interested in these things before, but now, he had to recall every tiny detail that could be helpful for his survival in this chaotic universe.

Purple titans were planning to wipe out all life to impress their girlfriends, gods toyed with mortal lives, and cosmic beings devoured entire planets or even realities on a whim.

James didn't care how he did it, he just wanted to survive—and perhaps, protect the new family that was growing on him.

"James, are you in there?" An elderly voice called out from behind his door.

"Yes, Grandma, the door is open," James replied, hurriedly tidying up his room a little.

"Hmm… my grandson has really grown. If I hadn't watched you grow up, I would never believe it," Grandma said as she suddenly hugged James out of nowhere.

"Of course, I'll grow up… I'll definitely grow up to be rich and powerful!" James responded with childish innocence, though his eyes told a different story.

Grandma could see the immense determination in them.

"That's good then. You'll have to carry me and give me piggyback rides, eh?" Grandma joked, pinching his cheeks.

James laughed. He was closer to his grandma than to anyone else in the family.

"That reminds me, your mom told me you needed help with your assignment," Grandma asked.

"Here," James said, passing his book to her.

"Don't you think it's a bit early to ask this kind of question? Anyway, James, what do you want to be in the future?"

"Eh? I don't know. I want to be like Tony Stark, but Grandpa said he's a fool. Still, I don't care—I want to be so rich that Mom won't have to work anymore," James replied innocently, without much thought.

In reality, though, being a rich bastard like Tony Stark would just be the beginning of his reign.

"Okay, that's good. But do you know why Grandpa says Tony Stark is a fool?"

"Because he is a fool?" James answered with a cheeky smile, feeling like he was teasing her.

"No, dear. A friend of mine once told me, 'With great power comes great responsibility.' Tony Stark definitely has power, but he can't handle the responsibility that comes with it. He creates problems for everyone at his company, and he's disrespectful. I don't want you to be like Tony Stark. I want you to be better," Grandma said, rubbing his head.

'Oh wow, no pressure, just lay it all on the child,' James thought to himself.

'Did she just say "a friend"? She knew the Parkers?'

"Okay, Grandma, I'll definitely be better than Tony Stark."

"That's good. Now write 'CEO' here. You want to be the CEO of a big company, right?" Grandma said, pointing to the spot in the book.

James could do all this on his own—after all, he was a grown man in a child's body—but the school clearly wanted him to consult his parents.

And who doesn't love to bother others? As for being a CEO of a huge company, James had no such plans. He wanted to create a company the world couldn't live without.

He wanted to rule the world, not just be a mere CEO. But at the moment, James had no way to actualize his plans.

He was just a normal five-year-old, albeit one with infinite resources. Right now, he was still going through his memories, trying to figure out the best way to become powerful using the Resource Dimension.

James had many options to become extremely powerful, but the problem remained—he had no idea if they would all work.

During his wish, he had cleverly worded his request, and the Being probably noticed but chose to ignore it. He had wished for the dimension to hold, in infinite amounts, all the resources the Being knew.

James was limited by his own knowledge of what constituted resources, but that Being was omniscient—or at least had a degree of omniscience.

Even if it didn't, it certainly knew far more than James. As a result, the Resource Dimension contained a lot of crazy materials, some of which James had absolutely no idea about.

Fortunately, he had asked to be informed about everything he extracted from the dimension.

James had access to materials from every fictional and non-fictional universe in existence. Just a few hours ago, he had been playing with a small piece of green kryptonite.

It was tiny—just enough to fit in his small palm—but it was still there. He had brought kryptonite from the DC Universe to this one, meaning he could bring in a lot more.

Vibranium wasn't a problem, adamantium wasn't a problem, and food materials, both alien and Earth-like, weren't an issue either.

The problem was whether some of the miracle metals from other universes would work as intended here.


4 Years Later,

11:00 PM

Smith Residence.

James could be seen moving around on his bed with a flashlight, arranging pillows in spots where they would muffle noise for what he was about to do.

Next, he gagged himself with a clean cloth. After that, James lay quietly on the bed and flailed his limbs rapidly to test his preparations, which thankfully worked.

"Please, God, One Above All, the Presence, Yahweh, Allah—whichever name you prefer—please let me survive this without too much change," James prayed while staring up at the ceiling.

James was about to attempt the impossible for himself. With a literal dimension filled with magical and unknown resources, he had become more radical in his search for a survival plan.

Initially, he thought of using materials from other universes since he knew of many that could make him overpowered here.

One of them was Element X from the DC Universe, or the Dilustel metal, which produced beings as powerful as Captain Atom.

Either of these could instantly make someone a god. Element X allowed manipulation of reality on a multiversal scale and was used to create universes.

Dilustel was a metal that, when bonded to a host, allowed manipulation of everything on a quantum level—scale became irrelevant at that point.