Chapter Four(4)

"Yes!!" James shouted in joy then quickly held his mouth when he realized his blunder. A normal nine(9) year old or at least the previous him couldn't even shift the bed or make it shake without exacting all his weight on it but now he could lift it up a few inches off the ground.

To avoid any problems due to his blunder, James immediately tidied up the room and climbed his bed then proceeded to pretend to be asleep after all he was supposed to be sleeping. As James laid there, he couldn't hold back his excitement since he knew that as he grew, he would become stronger and maybe one day, he would have strength on par with Captain America and with a little training, he would probably be stronger than him. Though he hadn't really tested his full power yet, he knew that his future was bright.

It had been four(4) years since James discovered the universe he was in and he had already taken action to ensure his survival. The family was also doing fine though it now remained, him, His Mother and Grandma. James' Grandmother had given birth to three daughters, his mother included and in the last four years, all the other two had already gotten married and left the house leaving his mother to take care of things. In simple terms, James' mother was now the man of the house though the family now had less mouths to feed. It also now had less sources of income supplying money to it, this fact had prompted his mother to take on multiple jobs just to support the family

As for his Grandma, She was doing okay for someone her age… well that is if you ignore the Alzchimeir's she recently developed other than that, she was okay. The woman was tough for her age but her new disease made it near impossible for him to let her be alone. James considered curing the older woman multiple times in the past but Ultimately decided against it for many reasons, the most important of which being that she had led a long life. She deserved the rest, what was the use of continuing in a world that you have little attachments to and also James didn't think it was wise to heal and just so she can go on to see the hellhole this world would eventually turn into after Tony Stark's reveal.

In a way, you could say she is lucky and though James would miss her dearly. He planned to be the Thanos in this situation, let her live out the rest of her life in bliss rather than cure her and she gets to see the hulk smashing through the house one day or something like that and besides the only process, James could think that would cure her was using either the Primagen crystal or using the Immortal Elixir from the Philosopher's stone. There were many versions of the stone in the dimension but all of them had one thing in common, they could create the Immortal Elixir. Using the Immortal Elixir will de-age his grandma to her prime and then grant her immortality which means that she would have to live for eternity

The other option, the Primagen crystal would also heal and de-age her to her prime and just like the Immortal Elixir, it would grant a form of immortality…. Well immortality isn't the best word for it but it would increase her lifespan dramatically. Even at the moment, James didn't know all the abilities the Primagen granted him, especially when you consider the fact that he ate and absorbed an entire crystal alone. The Progenitors used few crystals to evolve the Kree meaning that a single Kree was not entitled to one crystal or in better words, Two or three or at most ten of them were used to evolve the entire race.

Considering these options, James preferred to just keep everything to himself for now rather than push a poor old woman into an everlasting life she didn't ask for. There were not many things that James could use to grant her healing in the resource dimension and most of the things that could heal her had side effects or he needed to bond with them before he could use their powers. Either way, there was really nothing he could do since it was either he gave her an unwanted immortality or he risked getting erased from the multiverse by the Living Tribunal by nonding to the several powerful metals he could think of.

James was at least 60% sure that the Living Tribunal wouldn't care about the power imbalance within the universes after he bonds with either the Tenth Metal or some other resource that would grant him near omnipotent powers but then there was also the 40% chance that he would. The living tribunal was created to ensure the balance of mystical forces within the Multiverse. The mystical forces here could immediately be interpreted as magic but it could also be translated as supernatural forces and any form of ability is considered supernatural so the Living Tribunal might also care if he suddenly gains more power and James didn't want to risk it. He had a long way to go before the main events of this universe so he had a long time to figure out a way to become powerful.


Three(3) Years later.

James's POV

It has been thirteen(13) full years since I came to this universe and in my opinion things have been going really well for me. Of course there were some tragedies along the way but it doesn't matter, bad things happen but we have to move on. Grandma died two years ago and while it was a sad matter, we all moved on from it pretty easily. I think my mother also has the same mentality as I do, I believe that death shouldn't be a sad matter especially when the victim is as old as Grandma was.