Chapter Seven(7)

"Okay now time for school and maybe you would make some friends today" Mom said as she grabbed the now empty plate from in front of me

"I have a friend, Matthew is also a human being you know"

"I know but that's just one person, who in this world has only one friend"

"Introverts like me, one or two is enough, three is a crowd and is absolutely unneeded"

"Why are you so bent on being an introvert, what's so special about them"

"Nothing….. I just prefer the peace and quiet"

"That's sweet honey but you still need friends, now we will continue this later, the bus is here" Mom said then grabbed me by the arm and led me outside.

Waving goodbye, I ran to the bus to see my only friend in the entire school, sitting alone on the bus as he excitedly waited for me. Matthew was nice and by no means a weirdo in the school nor was he bullied in any way. He was just like me, known but not too noticeable in the school and above all our personalities match in a way... yeah that was a lie, the real reason I became friends with him is because of his name. Matthew's full name is Matthew Malloy.

Any marvel fan who follows Marvel Fan groups on Facebook or Quora…. Hah, another means of making money, would know about him. Like I said originally I am an MCU fan and everything I know came from the movies and following these groups that then make me learn more. According to some of the posts on Quora and Wiki, Matthew Malloy is the most powerful reality Warper that Marvel has… so powerful that the only means of preventing him from causing damage to the world is to stop his parents from meeting. Now I don't exactly know if he is THE Matthew Malloy, I am thinking about but he is a Matthew Malloy and if everything goes well for me then I would invent some sort of X-Gene detecting device and use it on him. Though most of those posts also mentioned that due to his short lived nature, his powers weren't really showcased as much but even the little he showed was enough for people to classify him as supremely powerful.

If he is truly the one then I would use Element X to transfer his X-Gene to myself and delete his X-Gene from his body. It may seem cruel but remember, The X-Men optioned to erase his very existence from Reality than try other means of helping him. That was already something that was bound to happen so if I wanted it to change that, then taking his X-Gene away was the best option. Aside from that Matthew was a great guy and we really hit it off, he was my best friend in school.

"What's up bro" I said then shook his hand and sat beside him on the seat he had kept for me.

"I'm fine" he replied in an exhausted tone

"What happened, you look like you haven't slept in months, what happened" I asked noticing the dark circles under his eyes

"Don't worry about it, do you have any update on that comic, you gave me last week" he asked with this puppy dog eyes that made you want to pity him

"Yes but I'm not giving to you, look at you, you need to get some sleep" I replied with a smile, at this point it wasn't so hard guessing exactly what had kept him up all night.

As I said earlier, I planned to bring YOUTH to these children so I had recreated some of the popular Shounen Manga here and distributed amongst those interested in the school to see exactly how well they recieve it and from Matthew's reaction, I can tell it was well received. A little bit of Dragon ball can make any boy happy after all Dragon ball was just mostly senseless action which most people love, plot wasn't needed to make Dragon ball interesting. This week, I planned to drop a bit of Emotional Damage on these kids with Naruto, they should know that not everything was exciting like Goku who didn't suffer anything. Of course at the moment, it was all hand drawn since I didn't have equipment.

In a month or so, I would have gotten enough money to buy the equipment I need for it and start releasing the Mangas to the public, I would have made the novel versions of these manga but there was no platform for….. ha, another means. Anyway, by the end of this year, I would have released the entire series of Dragon Ball from Z to Super though I would try my best to make everything relate and make sense. After all, in the original, their power levels were just all over the place.

"Please!, You can't leave me hanging, what would happen, Does Goku finally gather all dragon balls or not" Matthew asked