Chapter Twelve(12)

After ensuring that everything I created was well, I went on to my next projects, Naruto then Avatar the Last Airbender(the comic) and finally Sword Art Online. These three caused a lot of waves on Earth, my Earth so they should do the same here and maybe when I finally have the money, I can not only create a platform for online books, I would also publish the Harry Potter books. Since these things weren't here then I would introduce them and profit from it, as for my Google-like Search engine. It could wait for a while after all I can't have a website that only has a single comic.

By 11 PM, I had created four chapters of each comic and uploaded them to the Website as well as the app. With that out of the way, I focused on my Freelance App and finished its creation, the knowledge I held before was nothing compared to now. The App named Smith-Market was a little bit like Upwork as it allowed for clients to hire Freelancers of different occupations to complete their tasks. It wasn't focused on a single occupation since I wanted it to rack in the Mula from every part of the world.

With the App set up, I uploaded it for download and hoped for the best and I finally focused on the main task of the day. Establishing a Search engine that is as successful as Google in the World but to that I couldn't use the unoriginal name I have been using for the other apps or I could just steal the name Google too.

"I'mma stick with Smith search" I thought and went on to design my search engine


A Year Later,

Unknown location.

Several groups could be seen moving in and out of a building that had several long posters on its walls that depicted ancient artifacts and buildings. The people strolled in and out of the building as they went about their business either to view the ancient artifacts placed on display or were workers in the museum. Today James along with his entire class were on an excursion as they navigated through the Museum with the help of the Guide.

"Everyone please stay with the group" The teacher in charge said to keep the group in line

"Thank You Ma'am, now if you can direct your attention over here, you would see our Mummy exhibit, I am very sure that this is what most of you guys are after" The guide said with a knowing smile

"Yes!!" Most of the children in the group shouted, obviously they wanted to see the Mommys.

As the Guide led them to the exhibit, Everyone excitedly followed except James who just took his time to view everything as he matched his teacher's footsteps. The teacher didn't make too much of a fuse about James's slow nature since everyone knew that James was a good boy and wouldnt try anything stupid.

James took his time checking out each artifact as he was inspecting his goods. Since the school had brought him to a museum filled with artifacts such as these then why not learn as much as you can about all of them after all Egyptian culture can be pretty interesting.

"Ehn…. Sir, what's that" James pointed out after raising his hand to draw the guide's attention

"Yes, what do you need" The guide asked

"I was wondering what that is, it wasn't in the other ones" James pointed out while pointing at a small statue that was standing beside one of the tombs.

"Oh this, We haven't exactly figured out who this tomb belonged to but we do know one thing, you see this small statue of the black cat. It was made in the image of the Goddess Bastet who I think was believed at some point to help their pharaohs pass on to the other side without much hassle but as you have pointed out, at some point the Ancient Egyptians stopped worshipping this goddess, everything on this side is about extremely old pharaohs and the one on this other side belongs to much newer pharaohs though both are at least two(2) thousand years older than us" The Guide explained

"Huh?..... Ancient Egyptians were really good at sculpting then" James commented when he noticed how well defined the sculpture was, it looked almost alive

"Oh please, this is one of the finer details, I think they did this better because all them wanted to enjoy the afterlife" The guide said and chuckled as he turned and left

As they continued the tour, James continued to feel as though the little statue was watching him in some sort of way. Normally, he would dismiss this as his imagination but he knew this was the Marvel Universe, if a tiny statue of Bastet was watching him then she definitely was watching him. Even without the knowledge that he was in the Marvel Universe, James could still feel a weird mystical vibe from the statue.