Chapter Seventeen(17)

Milky Way Galaxy

Unknown Star System


Thousands of kilometers away from a red planet, A bright burst of light could be seen as a portal formed and a man in combat armor walked out of it. James looked at the massive red planet before him and couldn't help but shiver in fear a bit. He may not exactly be a true sorcerer or mage yet but he did have a lot of magical knowledge and could see aura and at the moment, the entire planet was oozing with dark energy.

"Paris, I think we should abort this mission" James said as he looked on to the massive amounts of dark energy flowing off the planet

No matter how he looked at it, it didn't look like Knull was imprisoned on this planet instead it just looked like he decided to rest and the Symbiotes just happened to rebel right when he was tired as fuck so he went like "Oh well, it's already happening" then went to sleep and allowed them encase him and form the planet. Knull didn't look to be imprisoned in any way, the amount of dark energy oozing off the planet was excessive, in fact it looked like Knull got stronger or something.

"If he is this strong while imprisoned, just how powerful was he before imprisonment" James thought to himself, Knull was just a whole different character on his own.

Taking a deep breath to calm down and ready himself for this mission, James activated the armor's stealth mode and immediately blasted off towards the planet in the distance. Looking at it now, Klyntar was a very funny planet, when you hear that symbiotes have their own planet, you would think you are entering a planet filled with brutes and savages considering that Venom was a savage and a brute but Klyntar is actually a civilized planet

What James was doing at the moment was the equivalent of Aliens abducting humans for experiments after all, all these symbiotes or Klyntars as their race is actually called, were just going about their business trying to compensate for the things they did under the control of Knull. Klyntar's technology was more advanced than you would expect as flying cars and several weird looking buildings could be seen everywhere but that is to be expected after all they were all connected to a hive mind. With a Hive mind in place, all the Klyntar could make contributions to the society and with the fact that each and every one of these Klyntars have bonded with many hosts over the many years of their existence and had learnt a lot from these hosts.

James ignored everything as he flew directly into the Planet's atmosphere because he was sure that none of them could see him. The stealth mode on this thing concealed his scent, heat signature, sounds coming from him etc so unless you were like the hulk that can see Ghosts then you wouldn't be able to find him any time soon. James scanned the entire planet in search of symbiotes that were in more remote locations that the rest since he knew that any harm he did on one of them would be felt by the Hive mind and they would immediately send reinforcement so he wanted to find one that would give him time to run

Thirty(30) minutes later, James found a Symbiote that fits his needs and immediately sped towards its direction. Arriving at the location, James saw a humanoid green symbiote walking through the alien forest around these parts. James didn't care what it had come to do and immediately swooped in as he stretched out his palm for a small knife to form on it as he slashed directly towards the symbiote.

Surprisingly, the symbiotes didn't expect his attack for some reason but James didn't care as his one attack allowed him to tear off a small piece of the symbiote which he immediately bottled inside a small test tube and flew directly out of the planet. Minutes after James flew away, several symbiotes much larger than the one James had attacked appeared around the attacked one and many of them spread out to look for the attacker.

A hive mind was a very dangerous concept. Anything happens to one then everyone knows about it. It was obvious that the Klyntars had used their Hive Minds to their advantage and created a thriving Civilization. Of course, James didn't want to know any more than what had already happened as he flew out of the planet at impossible speeds and entered the portal Paris had prepared for him. He was extremely nervous about this entire process.

Yes, with the suit on, he could defeat and maybe even kill thousands of symbiotes but he was still just one person and would eventually be overwhelmed and god forbid, one of the Symbiotes somehow manages to absorb the Doom Armor then oh well.. goodbye to many planets.

"Hahahaha I did it, Paris did you see that" James shouted

[Your cowardly display yes, you should have fought it fair and square instead of sneak attacking]