Chapter Twenty-one(21)

Synthetic cells are man-made cells that resemble and act just like regular cells except they are programmed to achieve a particular thing. Synthetic cells shouldn't really be considered synthetic because the only thing that makes them artificial is the fact that it is man-made apart from that and it's extremely similar to regular cells…. Depending on what you modelled the cell after. Before today, synthetic cells had been in existence but could only be used as search and destroy drones but even then it wasn't that efficient until Smith Biotech came in and revolutionized everything. Then, a cell couldn't reproduce without turning into a completely different cell but now that weakness had been conquered

This simply means that rather than have a silicon implant put in your body, you can just get an actual breast that fits your body thus minimizing the risk of anything happening, suffering from lung cancer and you have the money then come and replace your lungs with a new one that is identical to your original one. Heart problems, sure that can be replaced. Synthetic cells could be used to do practically anything and could be used to solve a lot of problems plaguing humanity.

"Any other news, it seems like good news is just flowing in today"

[Yes, Smith Industries now owns The Baxter Foundation and have recruited the Baxter siblings and their allies as you requested]

"Excellent, have they managed to redirect their purpose to other things" James asked

[It is still in progress but I would advise you come do it yourself, The Baxters and the man called Reed Richards is adamant in completing the interdimensional portal] Paris replied

"Okay, I'll see them tomorrow, any more news?" James asked. James wanted to minimize the amount of problems that plague the Earth and one of the ways to completely stop that is to make the Baxters and in extension, Reed give up on the portal that led to the negative zone.

Of course before he did this, he had to make sure that the Fantastic four had a means of acquiring their powers and thankfully, they were working on a reusable rocket. A rocket that can take them into space and bring them back but the rocket itself could then be used again to travel again into space though the one Reed designed was more advanced. With the two projects in place, James knew that surely one of them would be the one to grant them their abilities but he wanted to place his bet on the rocket since he wanted to shut down the Negative zone portal. The beings in the Negative zone would never invade the Earth if Reed hadn't first entered their universe. The Negative Universe inhabitants didn't even know this universe existed until Reed and his buddies entered their universe. Meaning if James destroyed or stopped the portal from ever being built then people like Annahilus would never encounter this universe until maybe some cosmic bullshit occurs to him and he discovers it but by that time, the Earth would have entered a space faring age and would have the power to protect itself from the likes of Annahilus and his annihilation wave and so.

[All DNA collected has been tested and 247 of the Matthew Malloys are mutants, 23 of them have the inhuman gene but most of them have pretty weak abilities with the exception of an inhuman one who will be capable of manipulating his atoms if he ever awakens his abilities which means that the Matthew Malloy you know is the real one or the X-Men have erased his existence long ago as you said. After running through a list James Jaspers, the one, you asked for has been found, he is a politician in England and plans to run for prime minister in the next few years, he has been found to have the X-gene and will be a reality warper if he awakens his abilities] Paris said all at once as several pictures of the people she was talking about appeared on the air before him.

"Send a drone to collect Matthew's DNA, I don't think I want to do it myself anymore" James replied since this simply means that his best friend could be the most powerful reality warper Marvel has or he isn't.

[Drone Deployed]

"As for the politician, monitor him if he shows any signs of even changing the colour of his bed spread without actually changing it, inform me" James said then placed his hand on his chin. Mad James Jaspers was powerful, yes and seemed like a good place to start taking abilities from but there was one little problem. James Jaspers abilities are tied to his mental state meaning that the more he uses them the madder he becomes. This feature was what made him into a reality cancer in the first place, the madder he became the stronger he grew and the wider his range. The guy was the ultimate one-man army.

Of course this could also be because James Jaspers himself was mental and his powers just added to the flames thus creating the psychopath, Mad James Jaspers. His case may turn out to be like James Braddock aka the elder brother to Captain Britain who honestly thinks he is in a dream because he has the ability to manipulate reality which is honestly understandable because it's only in a dream that you can do as you like but come on, dreams don't last this long. Taking James Jaspers abilities could mean taking his madness too and James didn't want that.