Chapter Thirty-six(36)

For the mad scientists that were part of A.I.M, James simply planned to give them an island where they could run wide without affecting the rest of the world. An Island, James had long since built located way out of any country's borders. The island was built with the help of Smith Constructions, a company that was the product of a mixture of human labour and Advanced machinery developed by Smith Industries. The island or in better terms, the series of islands were massive enough to be considered a third continent. James had extremely advanced plans for the planet and even the universe in total and these islands were the beginning of those plans.

[Affirmative Sir, though I still can't comprehend why you would want these mad scientists working for the company] Paris answered

"That's a good question, answer" Miss Anna asked

"It's simple, there is no one more creative than a mad scientist. They aren't mad in a literal sense, they just have so many ideas that are deemed crazy and in some cases, unethical but if I gather them all under one roof and grant the resources to create what the want as well as slowly nudge them in the right direction, it wouldn't be long before you create the most advanced society in the world and if possible the best in the universe, science is about having crazy ideas then trying to make them possible" James explained

[Let's hope what you want comes to pass] Paris said

"But aren't mad scientist known for creating dangerous things that blow up in their faces and such, wouldn't they just blow the entire island up and god forbid, destroy the world"

"That's where the island itself comes in, the research facilities and the equipment used on the island are all made of the hardest substances I know, Mysterium, a metal that is so durable, it can survive a nuclear bomb at point blank range without deformation, it is also able to conduct energy without heating up, it's what most of our quantum computers are made of" James explained

Of course, real Mysterium wasn't impressive enough that it would survive a nuclear bomb without deformity…. Well it could since it's as strong as Adamantium but James had created an alloy of it that was as strong as the unnamed metal that celestial Armor was made of. The original could only be obtained in the White Hot Room and for all that James knew, the White Hot Room had something to do with the Phoenix which means it existed in another dimension. The metal is stated to be as strong as secondary adamantium at least that's what the information from the Resource dimension says…. James had no idea what secondary Adamantium was but since it was Adamantium so it should be pretty strong.

James didn't know what the difference was but he did know that the newly created alloy was on par with Celestial Metal. The Metal in which the Celestials used in their armor was largely unknown but James had access to the metal and even the Resource Dimension had no name for it so James just named it Celestial metal after the people that used it the most. The metal was incredibly durable as things could get after all Celestials are beings of unimaginable power and they could withstand a lot of things like several blasts from Galactus, Franklin Richards, easily exist in black holes etc but that wasn't all Celestials were beings of pure energy so their armor was simply used to trap all the energy in one place.

"If the material is so incredible then how did they manage to build the entire place"

"Nanobots, they work on an atomic level" James replied as though it was the most common thing to say

The Alloy of Mysterium was incredibly durable thus couldn't be melted using conventional means but why try that means when you can simply separate the atoms of the metal and put them together at the desired location. It was basically impossible to even melt the metal, The metal can survive the pressures and heat in the core of a super sun, it could easily survive a black hole without dents. This was a metal with an impossibly high melting point. The only solution to utilizing it is matter manipulation.

"Makes sense" Miss Anna replied and shrugged, she already knew her son was just on a whole different level from most of the world so she didn't even bother to make sense of some of the things he did.

The research facilities which were fortified using such metal would make it impossible for the surrounding to be affected should anything go wrong. An explosion occurs then it is contained within the room it originated from and as for the scientist or engineer that caused the explosion then goodluck to said person if they aren't wearing their protective suit. James wanted the island to become the holy land for science in total, not just technology, just as Smith Industries was considered one of the best companies in the world.

As for the other islands close to the science island, they all had their own purposes which would be revealed later on. James may not plan to rule the world as he just wanted to massively improve the planet but he would definitely be at the top of it all at the end and the islands were the start to that ascension. As for what would power all these things, it was actually easy, James could simply use Fusion Reactors for public projects and semi-private ones like the Island would exotic forms of energy sources like, Quantum Reactors which can generate energy from 'nothing', Reverbium Reactor which converts sonic power into electricity etc…. These ones would definitely generate more energy than necessary.