Chapter Thirty-Nine(39)

"Now all we have to do is wait" James said from inside an office where he stood by the window overlooking the massive city below him

The main island was designed to look more like a solar punk bio city in that it was designed to look like some city from an utopian future with various spots for trees and small plants that would not only purify the air but also allow for better aesthetics. The entire city was massive considering that it covered an island about four(4) times bigger than Russia but that wasn't all, the island also had several underwater habitats that were connected to the main island through huge elevators and all. It wouldn't be a stretch if one said that James created a city that could fit the entire human race.

Though the island was impossibly massive, it strangely didn't affect the Planet's rotation in any way but James wasn't too surprised by this amazing fact since he already believed that this Universe's Earth was way bigger than the original. Of course, if you had the money and technology, you could repeat the same on the original Earth but it would slow the Planet's rotation a little. Here there was no real effect at all… well except for the underwater ecosystem around here but that was resolved easily.

[So what would we do to the two islands nations that A.I.M ruled over] Paris asked

"I plan to transfer their citizens here, a place with no worries, free housing, free education and a somewhat free healthcare system but I don't really know if they would agree to move, some people are special"

[I doubt that, those two nations have lived under tyranny for a long time, I think they would consider this place heaven] Paris replied

"True, I still can't believe the Smith Industries got promoted into its own government overnight, buying A.I.M was the greatest idea I have ever had…. Well except you of course" James said as he chuckled

As previously noted, A.I.M was an Evil organisation that has done a lot of things that could be considered crimes against humanity but most couldn't really do a lot to them after all A.I.M was a Government body as it ruled over the island nations of Barbuda and Boca Caliente. Baron Von Strucker is a man you should never mess with but unfortunately he met James. Baron Von Strucker aka A.I.M's original leader and Founder was an incredibly smart man who somehow made the UN not care about the fact that an organisation like A.I.M was ruling two small nations even when Ironman himself was pushing them for it.

Of course as to be expected of him, The man refused to sell A.I.M at first but after a few psionic surgeries, he was set on the right path. The organisation was sold to Smith Industries which in turn is owned solely by the Smith family aka James and his Mother, no shareholders, nothing. As the organisation was officially recognized as a government body and well…. Government bodies aren't exactly for sale, The long period of negotiations between Smith Industries and the United Nations began but eventually the company won and now owned the entirety of A.I.M including its islands and official recognition as a nation.

[We are now a government whether we like it or not but we still need more citizens. The citizens of those islands wouldn't even occupy up to a quarter of the island…. I suggest we accept refugees from the other countries]

"You're the main girl in charge, do it, I just want to see what happens if this universe is set right, would superheroes still exist or not"

[You know the answer to that]

"Meh, I still want to see it happen" James said without much thought as he turned away from the window

"How is the science island, are they settling in well" James asked

[They have no choice, if they leave the island, they get arrested and some of them have even begun to take the projects on the board]

"Projects like what?" James asked intrigued

[The most important of all that was selected was the MTD or the KTD, you really need to pick a name for that thing] Paris commented.

"Huh?.... How many of them took on the project" James asked, slightly surprised.

The KTD or the MTD simply stood for Memory Transfer Device or Knowledge Transfer Device and was a device whose function was defined by its name, it could transfer memories from one person to another or from a computer to a person. Basically it could be used to upload information to a person's mind or download information from a person's mind, a device James already had but as usual, he simply didn't want to just bring it out and give it to the world, he wanted them to figure it out on their own though not exactly on their own as they had access to Paris' database which contained Omniscient level knowledge on everything science.