Chapter Forty-One(41)

His mother and Aunts already had a lot on their plates, they helped run a company that had at least a branch in every country in the world as well as millions of employees, a company that dealt in basically everything. Governing a nation or three nations if you count the two A.I.M islands wasn't something, they had on their agenda for now thus everything was handed down to the most capable person in the family, James and James being James had done a good job in taking care of the soon-to-be nation.


A Month Later,

Westchester County

New York.

A Certain Mansion.

A group of people could be seen standing before a tightly shut metal door. The group all had looks of concern and pity on their faces as they looked at the door for some reason. The group consisted of a bald man on a wheelchair who looked to be in his early middle age years, a woman who looked to be within the same age range and finally a weird humanoid creature that had blue fur making him look like some monkey except with no tail.

"I don't know Professor, they may not exactly want to help our kind" The Blue man beast said in a slightly disappointed tone

"I know that Hank but at the moment we have no choice, even Miss Moira can't do anything. Our research too has ended up with nothing. The boy can't continue staying in isolation" The bald man in the wheelchair replied

"I don't care what you both think, just help me help my son" the Woman said with a more visibly worried look on her face.

"Moira, you know exactly why I am having second thoughts about this, how many times have we put our trust on others and they have failed us" The bald man countered

"But we overcame all the challenges thrown at us" she replied

"But at the cost of how many lives, the last time he was out, Five people lost their lives and this is when I am not even counting the people he killed externally" The Man beast, Hank said and immediately the woman calmed down

"I know, this is a dangerous choice and every rational part of me is telling me otherwise but please consider how this affects me as a mother" Ms Moira said

"I wouldn't lie to myself that I don't want him out of there but I also have to consider the lives of my students but for the final time, I would follow your decision though it's under the condition that the cell isn't opened until we actually find a cure"

"Are you serious, you are basically handing the DNA of one of the world's most powerful people to a mad company like Smith Industries, who knows what they would do with it, are you sure you have truly thought this true" Hank asked

"Don't worry, Hank, if I see them to have even a hint of bad intentions then we will withdraw" The Bald man said

"Thank you, Xavier you have no idea how much this means to me" Miss Moira said

"There is no need" he replied with a slightly grave expression on his face.

For some reason, he had both a good and bad feeling about this decision. He had no idea why this was so but for some reason he believed that tomorrow may turn out well or go way worse than he expected. The boy behind the door was one of the most powerful people he knew and was also the son to one of the few true friends he had remaining. He had to try to help him even if the boy had proven to be irredeemable at times.

As a family friend and someone so attached to the family, he would try anything even if it there was little hope to either return the boy to normal or just give him a body that was actually his to reside. Smith Industries was known for its near-unparalleled technological prowess which is believed to be surpass even that of Stark Industries by far. The company had announced the creation of the Synthetic organs, Synthetic blood and the Synthetic Humans, both to be used in their hospitals and outsourced to several medical schools to allow on hands treatment without violating the dead.

Xavier wasn't such a fool that he didn't understand what these things meant. The company could create an artificial human that behaved just like a live human though one without a consciousness, they could definitely create for the boy a body that he can actually live with and even if they couldn't, this was a good source for human bodies that the boy could possess without the risk of actually killing anyone. Xavier didn't know what to expect but he believed that the company could help them even if there were chances of betrayal because the company already hired Mutants, this one would just be another mutant in the long line of mutants the company would hire.