Chapter Forty-three(43)

Elysium seemed to gain more than a thousand new inhabitants everyday from nearly every nation in the world due to all the services provided by nation in fact looking at it, it seemed as though the company was losing massive amounts of money every day after all we were basically providing everything for free but it didn't matter because Elysium had made the world know that it didn't need any form of resource from the outside world, it had an overabundance of food and water that it even donated food to other lesser nations, it was somehow rich in every natural occuring resource and more because of the now publicly known Creation rooms, which allowed the nation to create several tons of anything they wanted out of nothing. Elysium credits was the only currency in the entire world backed by its natural resources, the currency was basically a cryptocurrency but one run by an entire nation and was backed by a resource. It had multiple denominations that could be used on a daily basis since 1 Elysium Credit was worth a lot.

Due to the nature of Elysium, it had few true citizens which were the inhabitants of the A.I.M islands and the various refugees Elysium took in so in order to add more citizens, there is a temporary law that if you live on the island for at least a year, you become a citizen and as a citizen, you are entitled to 10 Elysium Credit every month which was a lot more than needed after all that was about $5000 or more since 1 Elysium Credit is worth $500. Housing, education and healthcare may have been taken care of by the government but you still needed to feed yourself and your family, Buy clothes, books for your children in school, uniforms and Taxes. Citizens of Elysium had it way easier than the rest of the world but they were still required to get jobs if they wanted to truly enjoy Elysium at least for now. James wanted to slowly transition into a fully automated nation so a National salary was introduced.

Currently though James made sure that every able-bodied person amongst the citizens could get a job which was extremely easy since Smith Industries was still a company despite its Owners now being Rulers of their own land. The situation was a bit weird but it wasn't something that people didn't understand with ease but anyway, Smith Industries was the only company that Elysium collaborated with which basically allowed for several thousands of people on the island to find jobs even though they may not need them because the National Salary is enough for them. Basically Elysium was a place that made it possible that if you wanted to work then you can work, if you don't want to then no problems. Most citizens choose to work which James appreciated though some of them still weren't comfortable working with mutants but James didn't care after all the Nullification Field around the island was there for a reason.

The field made it absolutely impossible for any supernatural ability to work in the city so unless you are a registered and permitted mutant then goodluck. The registered mutants are all given a watch that activates their abilities when they clock in for work i.e if said person had a job and had finished Paris' training. Despite all this, some people still tried to avoid known mutants. James understood that this was simply because the fear of mutants was deep rooted in some people since Mutants though sometimes mean no harm but their powers can come at any point and it will be devastating when the power awakens for example, Mister M who turned a fellow schoolmate inside out when he first awakened his abilities, Matthew who would have killed his entire family out of mistake, Iceman who froze a bully by mistake etc.

With that in mind, James knew it would still take some time before they could live alongside each other without any problems so he wasn't too worried about it. At the moment though James was strolling down the streets of the city aimlessly with a small girl on his shoulders as he walked around. The girl looked to be no older than five(5) years old or so and she played happily on his head, pinching, biting and laughing at her hand work whenever James complained. James and the girl looked alike in a way indicating that they were related.

"Okay can you stop that" James asked in a pitiful tone

"No!!!!" She screamed then laughed drawing the attention of the people around them who just found the girl cute while completely ignoring his pain.

"Okay then, it's time to get down" James said and reached out to grab her

"No, I'll be good, I promise!" She said in a hurry then hugged his head tightly

"I know but we need to enter the store" James said pointing at a candy store in front of them

"Oh!" The girl replied then actively started trying to come down from his shoulders but James helped so she doesn't get injured.

"Cassy take it easy, you would get yourself injured" James said as he helped her down

"No I will not, I am invisible" she said as soon as she came down then struck a pose while showcasing her missing tooth.

Cassy or Cassandra Smith was James' cousin and His Aunt Michelle's daughter. Cassy was born when he was just ten(10) thus making her five(5) now. She was an extremely cute but hyperactive little girl who absolutely loved to disturb her cousin. Due to Elysium becoming an official nation, the Smith sisters have been way more busy than usual because well… now they had to make the decisions on behalf of an entire nation. The Smith family went from somewhat the richest family in the world to Royalty overnight, Literally. Elysium is an absolute Monarchy with a hint of Cyberocracy meaning that all power lies entirely in the hands of the Smith Family and they run the nation with the help of an A.I.