Chapter Sixty-six(66)

A week later,

Elysium International Airport.

The large airport was probably the only airport in operation in Elysium due to the low population but it didn't matter since the airport was enough to handle most of the people coming in and leaving Elysium. In front of this large airport, a small group of people could seen standing and looking around Elysium in extreme confusion. The group consisted of two men and a woman, one of them confined to a wheelchair.

"Wow!" One of them said,

"Seems like the rumors were true, Elysium truly is a holy land for technology" the man in the wheelchair said as he nodded his head in approval but still had a worried look on his face as though he had encountered a new problem.

"Okay enough admiring, let's save my son" the woman said then walked up to a weird railing beside them and pressed one of the many buttons there.

A few seconds after she did so, they could see a car driving towards them. The car stopped directly in front of them and looked like it was from some kind of sci-fi movie. The two men were honestly surprised by this… well not so much but they were still surprised by this turn of events. The car had no driver and with its silent nature, it was clear it was an electric Self-driving car. This sort of technology wasn't new to them but this was the first time they saw it in use like this. In the outside world, Electric cars and even self-driving cars were common but most people saw them as some sort of status symbol but here, they were used as Taxis. The buttons were made for the people to call for a taxi, press the button and the nearest one would come to you.

"At least now we can confirm that all the rumors are true" the other man said

"Moira, I know you have been here earlier so how exactly do you think we are going to meet their leaders" The man in the wheelchair asked

"It's simple by booking an appointment, I already booked one a week ago. Miss Anna is surprisingly always busy considering she is a queen" Moira replied with pride, for some reason she felt proud while saying the last bit. After she said so, they got into the car

"Central towers please" Moira said

[Destination set, Please enjoy your ride ma'am] a voice said through the car's systems as it slowly started driving away.

"So I will assume we are to meet her in about an hour's time right?" Charles asked

"Yes, just hope we are able to convince her to help. If they can help all the mutants on this island, they would definitely have a way of helping Kevin"

"We should have brought him along, if we had, he would have being back to normal from the very moment we entered Elysium's airspace" Charles suddenly said

"What do you mean" Hank asked

"You may not notice it because you are using that drug to suppress your abilities but ever since we entered Elysium, my powers seem to have vanished"

"Which means Elysium does live up to its hype" Moira said

"Yes but even if their field is strong enough, we have no means of bringing Kevin here without problems, either Elysium shoots the jet down or Kevin destroys it" Hank replied after giving it a brief moment of thought.

"True" Charles replied

"This city, do you think it is right for them to make it a no ability zone" Charles asked suddenly, he just felt uncomfortable not having access to his abilities

"I don't know about good or bad but I can say it allowed them to have a peaceful coexistence. You and I know just how much having an X-Gene can change someone's life for either the better or the worse. This is necessary" Moira answered

"If you say so" Charles replied

The trio talked about basically anything that came to mind at that moment as the car drive them to their destination. Despite their seemingly worry-free attitude, they were all still visibly worried about the encounter to come, Charles was especially worried because for the first time in many years, he would have to negotiate with someone without having a clue what they are thinking.