Chapter Seventy-one(71)

Elysium is popularly known to have technology way beyond what the world could offer so if they suddenly said that they were creating stationary satellites then they surely have a means to spy on the other Countries through it. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that the range of these satellites allowed them to reach the entire planet through some advanced means, Elysium was just that good and even had the advantage of having an Artificial Intelligence as powerful as Paris.

"First package delivered, initiating Warp Engines. Paris please take care of us" Ben said then activated the functions and instantly the entire team and I felt the massive build up of energy by the rocket's engines

"Wow!" All of us said at the same time as we all looked out the windows to visibly see space being folded, it was bizarre but we were seeing it.

[Anomaly detected, Cosmic storm detected, activating shields]Paris suddenly said

"Shit!!, It's too slow, strap in " I shouted in horror when I noticed that the shields wouldn't appear in time, cosmic storms were like supernovas, you can never detect them until it's too late and it seems we are now on the recieving end of things.

"What the f…" Sue shouted and the next thing we knew, the entire rocket shook as the cosmic rays engulfed the ship

[Systems failing, directing all power to shields] Paris said again as the shaking slowly reduced

"Paris initiate warp!!" Ben shouted knowing that the best way to survive is to escape.

[Activating Warp drives….. Warp initiated] Paris said and soon everything went dark for a split second and we were out of the storm's way

"Oh my god, Johnny?!" Sue suddenly shouted and when I turned I saw that the cosmic rays had burnt a hole in the side of the ship thus burning Johnny. Thankfully the hole was now blocked by the barrier covering the entire ship.

Seeing this, I immediately removed my seat belt and rushed to his side to check if he was still alive. I could still feel his pulse which meant that he was alive, at least for now but his body was badly burnt and there was a possibility of him getting irradiated…. Well we all were and will probably get cancer soon.

"He's alive, get the med box" Sue ordered while fighting back her tears

"Coming!" I answered as I rushed to get it then passed it to her

"Help me wrap him up, Ben, are you hurt?" Sue asked

"No, not that I am aware of" Ben replied but I still went on to check on him, I may not have the expertise that Sue had in terms of medical related matters but I am still a polymath

"Paris can you run a scan on all us" I asked,

[Scanning now….. high levels of radiation can be detected, Mr Jonathan Storm has severe third degree burns on his left side, Aside from that all is well] Paris answered

"Well all is not well, is the ship damaged in any way or can we return immediately, Johnny needs medical attention" Ben said

[Running Diagnostics... all systems are stable, the hull has been breached though but a warp is possible] Paris replied

"Warp destination, Earth, take us back home" Ben ordered immediately

[Setting destination] she replied and we all went back to our seats while Sue and I tried our best to hold Johnny down since we can't place him back in the seat again due to his burns. The Healing spray should help speed up his healing process but he still needs proper medical attention

[Initiating Warp] Paris said as we sensed the ship build up a massive amount of energy and soon everything went dark and soon we could see the Earth again.

Paris contacted the Control Center back in Elysium for a medic team and Ben piloted us back to Earth. Thankfully Johnny was still holding on so we could definitely make it in time.

"Ben?..... Why are you yellow?" Sue suddenly asked and I turned to look at him only to find that he was now completely yellow and had cracks growing all over his body