Chapter Eighty-two(82)

"Diplomatic Relationships has been established with Atlantis but King Namor says he has no hand in those who attacked the underwater train" Gali read from her clipboard

"That's good then, we don't have to worry that those were Atlantean citizens, what do you guys think" I asked the group,

"If the attackers aren't Atlantean citizens then who are they" one of the governors asked

"They called them the Skarka tribe. They are a tribe of warriors that oppose Atlantis, probably a civil war type of thing" Gali said with a shrug

"Oh!.... Then I don't think us attacking is such a good idea, this Skarka group or whatever they call them is clearly creating tension between us and Atlantis, if we attack and weaken each other then they can simply take everything in one fell swoop" the man replied

"Basic but effective tactics" another governor commented

"True but unfortunately, we aren't that dumb, anyway the best we can do is give Altantis some aid in this situation so they can win this civil war but in the mean time, we should retain the sentries that protect the rails" another governor said

"That solves it then, Miss Sue, any news on the exploration of the new zone" I asked as I turned to the blonde woman who was sitting the farthest from me for some reason.

"So far, we haven't found any intelligent life on the planets we have visited but we have definitely found life and even at times flora" Sue replied as she waved her hand and a holographic image of some strange plants appeared

"Exactly how far have we explored"

"According to our estimations, we can proudly say that we have covered half the galaxy with 345,436,056 solar systems surveyed and deemed devoid of intelligent life" Sue replied as the holographic image changed into a small galaxy with all the explored parts in red and unexplored in white. The red spots were nearly covering half the galaxy

"I guess those on Science island aren't to be trifled with" I joked and she smiled

One of the major changes that happened during this five years was the true birth of the fantastic Four. After their incident, the four spent nearly three months in the hospital getting treated but thankfully, both they and their abilities were corrected… at least in the case of Ben Grimm who is now able to take on his 'Thing' persona at any time he wants. Reed had deemed their superpowers useful even though they were useless in Elysium because they don't work.

The four had of course gone on many adventures over the year, they have fought the Mole man aka Harvey Elder who found Deviant technology by chance… in fact everything about that guy was all chance. They have also gone on various other adventures in space, just to prove that a little cosmic storm can't stop them and if I am right, they would have made contact with the skrulls who have absolutely no end to their desire to conquer… well to be honest, I actually hope they do come so I can have an excuse to take over their empire.

Anyway apart from that, Reed was finally done with the Teleporter and it was already in use in Elysium and some other places in the world. The teleporter, however gave Reed and his team the inspiration they needed to complete the interdimensional transporter and now exploration of the Negative zone or the Anti-Universe as most scientists on Science island call it, was on-going and was doing so in full force.

The exploration was done by thousands of extremely advanced drones capable of warp speed and generating a warp gate for faster travel across the galaxy there. These drones were large, like a three(3) storey building large and contained several other drones with various functions that help them do the detailed exploration. The Negative Zone is surprisingly way bigger than I initially thought, Wiki says that the Negative Zone is a Universe that has already undergone the big crunch but from what our reading indecate there is no such thing, in fact we haven't even being able to determine the age of the anti-Universe.

Gali's cosmic senses simply tell her that it is far older than ours while Paris, says that it is not a universe rather the Negative Zone is a space that exists throughout the Multiverse but is made in such a way that you can't access other universes from your own so basically the Negative Zone is some kind of anti-version of the Multi-Eternity, Each Universe has its own but they are all the same. It has no age nor will it experience a big bang or big crunch because it is a form of shadow of the universe.

I have banned any form of human activity inside the negative zone until the galaxy is completely explored and proven to be secure. The reason for this was simple, I wanted to be sure that we don't get any surprise visits from anyone after all the threats in the Negative Zone are all Universal in power, e.g Annihilus with his Cosmic Control rod nearly destroyed the 616 universe in his Annihilation wave, Blastaar is also another guy that doesn't even need an additional tool like Annihilus to be just as powerful. Any of these two would reduce the Earth to dust if they discover humanity in there.