He comes home late

Your POV: 

I waited in bed for Ashton, he said he would be home late. It was about to turn 2 am as I gave up and turned the lamp off trying to sleep, as today was my turn to cook I made some noodles and kept them in the fridge for Ashton later. I crawled under the sheets and put my body to rest 

*an hour later*

Ashton's POV : 

I turned the keys into our apartment trying not to make a sound knowing Y/N was asleep. It was around 2:30 am and I told her I'd be home late not knowing if be this late. The boys and I had a pretty long night at the studio writing lyrics for our new album. 

I walked in to find an empty and very quiet living room. I looked into the fridge to find a plate of food that looked delicious.i heated it up and sat in front of the TV looking for a show to watch as I ate. 

I walked into the shower with the hot water that was now dripping over my body, the feeling of relaxation hit me as I stood under the hot shower. 

After putting on my PJs I climbed into bed with Y/N.

Your POV: 

I heard the shower getting turned on, I guess Ashton was home. I lay in bed too tired to move.

After a while I felt Ashton climbing into bed as I felt his soft lips making a connection with my cheek and a little whisper saying good night. 

"Night" I tried to mumble in response. 

I felt his arms wrap around me as I let myself fall back to sleep