Shane looks at Rick and he goes "we're here, now what?" Edwin stands up and he goes "yeah you're here, what the hell do you want?" Rick goes "we were hoping for answers, some kind of explanation about all of this" Claudia smirks "an explanation? You came to the wrong place" Rick looks at him "what does that mean?" the other man looks at all of Rick's people "there isn't anything else out there, the world is over, this thing is worldwide" Andrea goes "worldwide?" Shane goes "and who the hell are you?" the man looks at Edwin "that's Edwin, Claudia, and I'm Jeffery, my friends call Jay" Claudia smiles "I call him Jeff" Jeffery smiles at her. Edwin goes "now, I can't help you people, and I'm sorry, but the door is locked, I can't do anything to save you now either". Edwin goes to walk off until Lori goes "what does that mean?".
Season Finale - This Sunday!!