And what is a Flesh'Bot, truly?


You see, while you are being informed a once vaguely told truth that Iphx is not the chip, but a separate living soul, spirit, and body, they are going through your perplexion.

They aren't even aware that the chip hasn't been active in controlling Iphx's behavior.

The chip is like a non-General A.I. robot, but they all thought it was an A.I. Scientists thought Iphx was dead so when she was moving, they thought they'd succeeded, they thought they finally achieved General A.I.

They thought they'd achieved Human-Like Artificial Intelligence.

The chips were supposed to be hooked to the brain to keep the brain controlled by the AI.

The problem was, that they failed and they didn't even know it. They had made yet another failed attempt at General A.I.

The A.I. you see in movies with the robots having feelings or making their own choices and having consciousness.

In this story, Souls and Spirits are acknowledged to exist.

The scientists thought the robots had no soul and that the chip was it's surrogate.

What happened?

Well, the attempt to create Flesh'Bots, was an attempt to make robots who can have consciousness, thoughts, and be able to make choices, but the human brain was too complex to copy, so they created a chip and put it inside embryos so that the chip could grow with the body.

The chip was made to connect with the brain once it was finished forming, the chip had its set timer for when the brain would be able to connect to it. The timer was set to when the brain would be fully formed in the pregnancy of the mother.

This was so the chip didn't mess up the brain's creation process.

The chip was supposed to vibrate and move with the body to be placed in a part of the body that would render the chip unremovable. The chip was also supposed to send signals to the embryo so that it would continue growing.

The chip was built to kill off the embryo to get rid of "Pesky" humans trying to remove the chip and keep their consciousness.

They were going to allow the chip to control the brain, they wanted to allow the chip to make the brain do as it was told by the chip, they believed the chip when hooked to a brain would become a robot that could make its own choices, and have its consciousness.

The scientists DID believe in Spirits, which made this easier for them to do, they would say things like "Oh, they have souls, when they die, the soul lives on, so, there's no reason to feel guilty."

Most Flesh'Bots weren't built for emotions, and thus these Flesh'Bots were built in ways where they'd control the brain's knowledge and behaviors.

If you were built to work at a store, the chip would send signals to control your brain to make you:

A. Know how to do the job.

B. FORCE YOU to do the job.

Now, you are most likely asking:

"Why don't they just make a normal robot?"

Well, again, the human brain was too complex.

"Why don't they just make a normal robot?"

This type of robot was supposed to be like a human but without emotions so that it could reason, normal robots can't think like a human can or reason like a human can without the reason being created by a human and programmed into them.

They wanted the robot to have the ability to reason on its own, they didn't want to have to program the robot all the time.

To sum it up: They wanted the robot to be in a state where if someone asked for something out of the ordinary, it didn't need a human to program a reasonable response, the robot would be able to think like a human and come up with ways to do the job on its own.

You are wondering "Why on earth would you take an embryo and do it?"

They tested it out with dead bodies that were not in the womb, but it failed, the bodies rotted, the chip's signals were repeatedly ignored by the brain and while the chip sent signals, the brains were often brain dead.

That, and despite the fact they're actions make them look like they lack moral guidance, they didn't want to use a person whose heart stopped but wasn't brain dead for two reasons:

Number one, this person would be electrocuted by the signals no doubt, which would result in brain death in most cases if the chip's signals weren't handled correctly and they didn't want to accidentally kill a person and be sent to prison.

Number two, the heart would start beating since the signals are electrical, it would make the person come back into their consciousness, but it would not be the chip controlling all of their actions like it was built to do, remember, this person isn't brain dead, it's not the chip in operation, it's the person.

you are most likely once again asking "Why don't they want the person to be alive?"

Oh, that's because of the "Ethics" of it all.

You are a living being who most likely if they had a chance to get to you, didn't consent to a chip being in your brain and your brain is controlled by some scientists in a lab or worse, a random chip that is PROGRAMMED to hook into your brain and act as if it was the chip's body and not your body.

They were attempting to kill a child to take the child's body and be given to a robot that could have had its own metal body, putting a person through a process in which the chip causes health problems that may prove deadly with mental health problems since the experiment failed and the chip failed to kill off the embryo.

They believed an embryo was closer to the creation of a spiritual quintessence and they thought if they prevented the spirit's "Root" as in the spirit's claim on the body, which in their minds' began when the brain would start to form, the spirit had no hold on the body and wouldn't be in the body.

They thought the embryo would be able to operate because of its cellular state, they thought due to how young it was, it wouldn't rot if dead, they also believed if they got rid of the soul and spirit before the brain was formed, then the brain belonged to the chip.

They believed that since the spirit was gone, it was like a demonic possession of sorts, the chip took over since the spirit and soul were evicted from the body.

Their ethics are questionable, and because of this, they kept all of it a secret.

Most likely, you are awe-struck by the idiotic ideas of the scientists who are supposed to be geniuses.

They seem like they are supposed to think in a purely atheist form, they seem like they are supposed to think past their skulls, they act like they have morals in real life, they are supposed to act them out.

They don't have these qualities and thus they most likely anger and distort you, confuse you.

You most likely wonder "Is this all we got?" The story's set in their minds.

Most likely, you're bewildered. You are confused and minding the fact that you are.

They have controversial beliefs, now that I'm done explaining, I'm getting back to the story, got dang it!!
