Betty's parents saw the facade of kindness Herbert put up and decided he was a good husband to arrange for Betty, who was on board with the idea because she was desperate for a husband.
The problem was that Herbert at first was very rude to Betty because he never REALLY wanted to marry her, he resented her.
Herbert only put the facade up to avoid being insulted.
Betty suffered emotional abuse and adultery from her husband.
Herbert was with Tonya, whom he never really loved nor told Tonya of his wedding, later on, he was committing polygamy with Tonya.
Tonya wasn't married to him when he got married to his wife, in fact, he already had the girls by the time he was married, Herbert and Tonya were dating.
He married Tonya on the sly without her knowing he was married to Betty, when Betty told Tonya they were married in a casual conversation because God lead Betty to talk to Tonya, whom at the time, she didn't even know at a bar.
Tonya told Betty this "I have a husband, HERBERT, he's trash with his rude behavior, his ugly black hair, his blue eyes, his nasty bad teeth and his man boobs." Betty told her "Herbert is my husband. That sounds like MY HERBERT!"
Tonya yelled out "I KNEW HE WAS CHEATING!" Betty told Tonya "It-"
Tonya shouted "An arraigned marriage, the one he told me he 'stuck it to his parents!" In a mocking tone of voice, "Oh, Tonya, you are the only one for me, I love you!' I hate that jerk, he's never done anything but sleep and dirty up my house!" Tonya said in a mocking tone while swaying her hips.
Betty was flabbergasted, Tonya continued saying "All he does it watch porn, sleep around, I found the porn tapes but my daughter who loves him to bits, to the point of deleting the tape photos off of my phone, told me she deleted the pictures I took to take to therapy." Tonya was livid.
This resulted in Tonya getting a divorce from Herbert, he wasn't even that good to her. He lied all the time, messed up her things and slept around and watched Rated XXX movies all the time.
Tonya didn't stop, she yells "He loves the kids, but I'm not the only parent, I'm no single mommy, He cheats on me and is married to someone else? I should have known, these marriages don't last!"
Tonya repeatedly banged her fists on the stable table, shocking Betty with each forceful bang into silence.
Tonya yelled "HE LIES ON ME TO MY GIRLS, TELLING THEM I stole his CASH, I have separate bank accounts, this is why I tell my girls to keep separate bank accounts from their father and their husbands!"
Betty really did make the quickest dash out of there she could, because it was getting angering and AWKWARD to hear a woman talk like this, and Mimi and Ashley were sitting at the table behind the Betty and Tonya's table.
Years later...
Rocky's mom was an philanthropist who loved humans, that's what an philanthropist is, someone who loves humans and helps them out.
They try to help people and that's what his mom did. A misanthropist is someone who hates humans, since his father was one, he taught this son to be one.
A misanthropist can either: Hate all humanity or hate just the behavior of Humanity but not humanity themselves.
What does it feel like to be a misanthrope?
Constant disappointment in people.
Misanthropes aren't necessarily jerks, some are actually extraordinarily kind and considerate people that have been worn out or used up.
Rocky remembers his mom taking him out to meet a poor family who needed food, his mom was known as "The Humanitarian Blessed."
The family was a family of 11, one mom, one dad, all down on their luck, all the children are Flesh'Bots. All adopted and needed care.
His mom got a phone call stating the dad had lost his job, So, his mom, Betty Coopmen, decided to try to help the father find a job because if you feed man a fish once, he eats for a day, if you teach him to fish, he eats for life.
Betty drove into their garage, "They hadn't lost the house, yet, luckily." Betty creaked from her mouth as she opened the door of her American Toyota.
Rocky sat next to his dad in the back seat.
Rocky's mom yelled "Rocky, lets go inside!" Rocky scorned humanity and did as his mom told.
Rocky went inside the house as the family's mom opened the door to let them in.
Betty sat down with both the parents and talked to them about Job offers and such.
Rocky got to play with the children, at this time, Rocky was 7-years-old.
Rocky looked at the Flesh'Bots playing happily, his dad came in, stared at them, then gulped saying "Hey, Rocky, are they Flesh'Bots?"
Rocky says "I don't know. I just tolerate them."
The Flesh'Bot were merely humans who were mistaken to be dead with machines in them.
They all looked at him, all 9, 6 boys and three girls.
Rocky acted as if he was racist against humans, spitting out slurs with his toys and bashing the other human looking dolls.
Rocky was in a pool of self-hatred because he knew that he wasn't perfect and he knew that he was human.
Rocky's grandpa was a misanthropist as well, but his dad taught his son to do the right thing but that most humans were evil and selfish and to not trust humans.His grandpa was a great human being but didn't hate humans, he hated the behavior.
His grandmother taught his father that humanity is not to be trusted, however, she wanted him to grasp his own view on humanity.
Betty seemed content with the jobs she had the parents apply for, then she went to hear for the first time -- Rocky's evilness, to be honest.
Betty couldn't hear him due to being focused on getting the parents a job, she didn't even notice the glances to Rocky Being in worry and deep confusion.
Betty yells at Rocky "You're a human yourself!" Rocky was shocked as his dad looked at Rocky in hatred. Real Hatred. He only tolerated Rocky at this point in Rocky's Rocky childhood.
Betty scolded rocky saying "Not all humans are evil, I know you shouldn't trust them at first glance but still."
Rocky's mother was a loving mother, she never raised her hand to hit him, ironically, abusing your child isn't the norm.
That's a GREAT THING! The fact that It's not NORMAL is GREAT!
Rocky's grandfather thought it was normal. His grandmother did, too, and didn't want to fall into that Stereotype.
When you've been raised from babyhood into abuse, it makes you think that it's normal, sometimes.
It's not normal.
Betty sat her son down and had a long talk saying "Rocky, you are human, you can't live on hating yourself, for what?
It's life, life deserves to be held to the fullest.
While you have people preferring to off humans, sometimes, why should you?"
Rocky says "Sometimes when you raise kids, they turn evil."
His mom said "Often, they have bad points and good points, you have to forgive their bad points. everyone has sinned in their life, it's a choice to stop."
Fixing misanthropy:
Consider getting therapy if you need it.
Minimize contact with negative and toxic people, and seek out more positive and uplifting people instead.
Practice empathy and compassion for others more.
Practice gratitude more, which has been proven to have health benefits.
Betty tells Rocky after having a long talk that "Not all humans have to be treated horribly, it turns them away from you and makes them mad at you."
Betty hugs Rocky saying "I love you so much, you love me, too?" Rocky yells "OF COURSE!" Then she kissed him on the forehead.
Rocky's dad was named Herbert.
Herbert looked at him with jealousy saying "Okay, whatever."
Rocky has two older sisters, Herbert had two girls before Herbert's misanthropy blossomed, although to be fair to him, the second born one named Ashley was an accident.
Betty isn't the girls' mother, it's another woman named Tonya.
They are the only humans Herbert cares about and Herbert does love them, but Herbert sees himself as a horrible father because Herbert does not see them much.
Their mother is a good mother, though, so Herbert thinks they are fine.
Herbert IS deeply, deeply concerned about their future though as he believes like most misanthropists, that humanity is in serious trouble.
Betty asks Herbert "How is your oldest daughter, Mimi?"
Herbert loved Mimi and thought "She's beautiful, unlike my son, Rocky."
Herbert saw Rocky as a mass of tissue, nothing more than brains and guts.
Rocky had issues because of Herbert, mostly, Betty had no idea how Herbert was treating her son because he did it when she away.
Not at home...
Betty had an unconditional love for Rocky, no matter what he did, she'd be there for him.
Herbert's love for Rocky was the most conditional love you could find and scrounge the dirt for.
Herbert didn't even love his girls unconditionally.
Herbert's dad?
He didn't love Herbert unconditionally but his mom loved Herbert unconditionally.
When Betty drove her husband and beloved son home, she went to the store after bring them into the house.
Herbert lost it with Rocky because of his behavior, Rocky didn't even insult the other children directly most of the time.
Herbert called Rocky "You piece of garbage, you have no goodness in you!"
Herbert saw him burst out crying so Herbert yelled "SUCK IT UP, SUCK. IT. UP!!"
When Rocky was in his room, Rocky thought of life itself and cried.
Rocky said "This is life? CRAP!"
Rocky cried then saw his sisters and their mom walk through his bedroom door, he asked "What?" His sister Ashley says "Hi, Rocky!"
Rocky liked his sisters and knew that insulting them gave his dad huge props in ideas on how to abuse Rocky.
His sisters were nice to him.
Mimi hugged Rocky, Mimi was 9-years-old while Ashley was 11-years-old.
Mimi taught Rocky "Did you know that black people's palms are lighter than the rest of their body?"
Rocky says "I didn't know that!"
Herbert walked in on them, told his ex-wife to "Go away!" So, she left Herbert.
Herbert looked at his beloved daughter saying "Lets go away from Rocky, he's a waste of air."
Herbert picked up Mimi and pulled the hand of Ashley out of the room.
Herbert gave his daughters candies and sweetz. Rocky stayed in his room as Mimi's mom, came into his room, she asked "Are you a virgin?"
Rocky was 7-years-old.
She locked the room door, She forced away Rocky's virginity.
Mimi heard the screaming, she ran to Rocky's room to save him because she knew her mom hated Rocky in a way, but Mimi had no idea why.
Mimi tried to open the door, but she couldn't "Ashley, mommy is hurting Rocky!"
Ashley ran to the door and kicked it in, she has a muscle disorder that mad her very strong, Ashley saw her mom in the act, Ashley pulled her mom off of Rocky yelling "You whore!"
Mimi hugged Rocky asking "WHAT'S GOING ON?!" Herbert ran in, saw his ex naked and Rocky naked and yells "WHAT THE HECK??!"
Tonya ran out of the house naked, leaving her clothes behind.
By the time Betty got home, the police was already there.
Betty asked Herbert "What the heck happened?!" Herbert yells "My ex-wife screwed your son!" Betty was caught in deep distress and ran to her son who was being cradled by kind human police officers.
Betty cradled her son close to her chest and hugged him tightly sobbing.
4 months later...
Rocky took a lot of human things for granted but not the kindness he was shown after the rape.
Rocky used to take kind things Humans did for him for granted.
Rocky likes to play with Mimi and Ashley since they're living with Rocky's mom.
Herbert left.
What do I mean?
He left. He couldn't take it when Betty found out abut the verbal abuse and physical abuse Herbert used to give Rocky and she broke up with Herbert, Herbert moved out and left the whole group.
Rocky wanted to show his dad he could be more than a futile creature, but there was one thing:
If he became a pastor, it wasn't just "I don't believe in God" From his father, Rocky thought the only thing that made life worth while was giving people a chance to go to heaven, his dad hated God.
Rocky knew his dad had disdain for the popular, rich and famous, viewing them as selfish.
Rocky liked the idea of being one of these people but he knew he couldn't do anything to please his dad but God sent a thought "Why try to please the unpleasant? Why try so hard to please those you cannot get to like you or be pleased with you?"
Rocky pondered this thought: "Why? Why try and please my no good father who acts like he's the most important man in the world that never gave a crap about me or mom? he didn't even act nice."
His father never showed any love for his mother, the marriage was a failed arraigned marriage that ended in Tragedy.
To be continued...