Winnona walks to the park and sits down, she's pregnant in her first trimester.
This medium-sized park looks very formal. It boasts a playground, several sculptures, and many trees.
A white woman in a blue dress named Piney is looking around the park, she sees the Cherokee woman Winnona who is in her 30s.
Piney goes to Winnona asking "Ma'am, are you pregnant?"
Winnona replies "Yeah, it's great, I'm bringing a new life into this world, this is the best thing that's happened to me, all those times I've tried, luckily I found a Sperm donor."
Winnona got tearful... Winnona started having flashbacks of when...
Her husband gets into the car, it's a normal day, he yells "Hey, honey! We finally gonna have a baby!" In his western Southern accent, he's Cherokee living in Houston, Texas after moving here for a really good job.
His parents moved off of the reserve when he was a little boy and his wife, Winnona's grandparents moved to Houston, Texas when life on the reserve sucked for them.
Her husband drives off to buy pampers, bottles, a breast pump, and baby clothes for both genders.
He was so, so... Happy.
Then it all went wrong...
He was driving, the sky was bright and sunny, it was a perfectly normal-looking day.
Was it normal? Probably.
People die all the time.
A car is being driven by a woman from Alabama, her name is Tina, she'd just moved to Houston, Texas 4 weeks ago. Sheis in the wrong lane, her lane is the one where you drive backward, Winnona's husband is driving forwards.
She's driving in Winnona's husband's lane.
He swerves and hits a huge rock and crashes into it. His head hits the dashboard, the woman who nearly rammed into him ended up ramming into another car.
He died in the car from the force of his head hitting the dashboard, at the loss of luck, as if it wasn't obvious, his airbag was...
"Broken." The Mechanic says. Winnona's husband named George yells "I gotta fix it, how much?" The mechanic lies and tries to swindle him saying "You know how expensive these parts be 'round here." Trying to mimic and mock George's southern accent.
Making fun of GEORGE.
In REAL Life, Replacing an airbag can be incredibly expensive. The replacement bag alone can cost $200 to $700 for the driver's side and $400 to $1,000 for the passenger side. Once you factor in labor, you can expect to pay $1,000 to $6,000, with the average cost sitting around $3,000 to $5,000.
George played it off cool by saying "You I what?" To mock him in a joking manner.
The mechanic says "It costs... About... $9,000."
George laughed saying "Are you serious?" The mechanic sighs saying "I can get it fixed tomorrow for the price."
George says "How am I gonna ride the road with no airbag?" The mechanic says "Stay safe until you scrounge up for costly coins."
Back to the car crash...
Winnona cries severely, nothing can make her feel better but time and time is a long waiter to heal any pain you may have to fix.
Back to present-day...
Winnona rants "My husband had died infertile. We were trying but... He died before we could have the baby. We agreed on sperm donation but when I got pregnant, 3 weeks later... I can't believe it, why can't people just be... NOT IDIOTS and take driving seriously and not be on the wrong dang side of the road!"
Piney looks at her in pity then grabs her arm saying "Hey, I lost my dog, can you follow me?"
Winnona asks "Where did you see it last?"
Piney says "In the forest." Winnona goes to the forest with a word saying "Why?"
The darkness comes over the screen, no one is outside.
We are outside a hospital, what mystery took place? It's 6 months later...
A mother named Winnona is crying in the wilderness, no one is there to hear her cries anymore.
Not anyone, or anything but wind and trees and a couple of buildings.
Once Satan had hem take her daughter away, she was lost. Totally lost.
None of it made sense, the kidnap, the birth inducing, none of it.
What was it all for?
Why'd they steal her daughter? why'd they take Iphx? What was the point of this?!
All the words came out of her mouth like that, "I can't believe this!" As the rain looked like sweat pouring down her face.
What happened...?
In a hospital, they take a crying woman to a delivery room, she asks "Where are you taking me?" The woman is Cherokee, race played a part in this.
She was put in a chair and rolled in her wheelchair to the delivery room.
There they strapped her to a table and injected a serum to make her go into labor at 7 months pregnant.
The doctors rush to do their jobs, their evil deeds will show forth when the baby is born.
Then... A cry is heard.
The mother cries "What is happening in shock?!"
A nurse who had a kind heart... Or... At least... A soft heart gave her a birth certificate, but before, The nurse wrote on the names of the parents "Bio'Tech Corps" Ont he mother's part then "John Thomas" on the Father's part.
The baby's mother was in shock, "Why did she write those things?" Her mother takes it and writes the name "Iphx" for her newborn baby. It was a name she read in a book that she liked. The main character had it and the main character was a princess, a strong and important woman in the story.
Her mother became a fanatic of that story and the main character.
The character's personality, behavior, level of high social status, being the main character, and being in the story is what made her name the baby "Iphx."
The nurse read it then said "A pretty strange name for a Cherokee to write down. Why'd you pick it? Why nothing cultural or normal?"
Her mother was too confused by the situation to bother answering. She just knew she gave birth, being a Christian, she tried to come up with religious reasons, being kind of a religious fanatic of sorts.
Iphx's mother thought "Maybe this is good? Maybe God knew I was gonna give birth?" Not knowing that what they injected in her is what caused her to go into labor in the first place.
Iphx's mother says "Why am I here? Did God telly out o do this to me?" The nurse was in shock, then said "You mean like... I don't know, we don't have totems."
Iphx's mother was very confused then asked "Totem?"
These nurses were not keen on Native-American culture at all.
The nurse was taken outside of the room, a doctor yelled at her "You got the child, she's not a human, she's a Flesh'bot. Remember?"
The nurse says "I know." The nurse is Piney.
Piney is the one who lured Winnona into the woods, where Piney injected a knock out a STRONG serum in her back and took her to the science lap at Bio'Tech Corps, where they take embryos and put machines in them to kill the offspring.
The chip is supposed to control the dead body of the infant and help keep the embryo growing with no soul or spirit in it.
The chip failed to kill the embryo but since the child came out alive and the scientists were desperate for this to be a success, they took the chance to believe they weren't wasting their money and time.
They also took the chance to believe in something that if true would keep them in luck with having a job.
They wanted to believe the chip actually killed the embryo, they thought it was more ethical to not put a chip in a person with a spirit and soul, the person is the spirit and soul, after all, controlling their body would take away all free will the spirit and soul ever would possess.
It ain't ethical, they wanted it to be "ethical," but it ain't.
The embryo was still alive, not dead in the slightest.
They failed to kill the unborn baby.
Winnona was confused by the argument it took 50 seconds to hear "She's been injected with a chip, okay?!" Which confused Winnona more until she hears what the doctors did to her embryo, now she wants to check for her baby's health, the first thing, she sees the baby is alive and breathing, she hopes the baby isn't being controlled- "NO, she's alive! That's MY baby! NOT TECH-O COMPANIES'."
Winnona attacks at the doctor who took her baby out of her womb and injected her with the serum.
Winnona versus Alex, one of the doctors
Here's the thing -- They only care about getting the baby out of this mother, not her.
If she attacks, they won't help her, they might kill her.
Winnona deals a Bruised Right Arm to Alex, one of the doctors.
Alex, one of the doctors deals a Bruised Right Shin to Winnona.
Winnona deals a Bruised Ribs to Alex, one of the doctors.
Alex, one of the doctors deals a Bruised Right Shin to Winnona.
Winnona deals a Black Eye to Alex, one of the doctors.
Alex, one of the doctors deals a Bruised Right Foot to Winnona.
Winnona deals a Gash Right Collar Bone to Alex, one of the doctors.
Alex, one of the doctors deals a Bruised Ribs to Winnona, then Winnona deals a Bruised Right Wrist to Alex, one of the doctors.
Alex, one of the doctors deals a Gash/Bruised Left Hand to Winnona, Winnona deals a Gash Left Femur to Alex, one of the doctors, Alex, one of the doctors deals a Broken Right Shin to Winnona. Winnona deals a Gash Left Knee to Alex, one of the doctors.
Alex, one of the doctors deals a Bruised Left Calf to Winnona.
Winnona deals a Gash Right Knee to Alex, one of the doctors.
Alex, one of the doctors deals a Bruised Ribs to Winnona.
Winnona deals a Bruised Back to Alex, one of the doctors.
Alex, one of the doctors deals a Gash/Bruised Right Shin to Winnona.
Winnona deals a Bruised Left Hand to Alex, one of the doctors.
Alex, one of the doctors deals a Gash/Bruised Right Wrist to Winnona.
Winnona deals a Broken Right Arm to Alex, one of the doctors.
Alex, one of the doctors deals a Miss to Winnona.
Alex, one of the doctors has died!
Iphx's mother is fighting doctors at the hospital.
Winnona deals a Bruised Right Knee to Another Doctor.
Another Doctor deals a Bruised Left Knee to Winnona.
Winnona deals a Bruised Left Thigh to Another Doctor.
Another Doctor deals a Bruised Right Femur to Winnona.
Winnona deals a Trip to Another Doctor.
Another Doctor deals a Miss to Winnona.
Winnona deals a Block to Another Doctor.
Another Doctor deals a Thrown to Ground to Winnona.
Winnona deals a Bruised Head to Another Doctor.
Another Doctor deals a Bruised Head to Winnona.
Winnona deals a Bruised Right Femur to Another Doctor.
Another Doctor deals a Bruised Back to Winnona.
Winnona deals a Miss to Another Doctor.
Another Doctor deals a Bruised Right Collar Bone to Winnona.
Winnona deals a Miss to Another Doctor.
Another Doctor deals a Bruised Back to Winnona.
Winnona deals a Bruised Right Femur to Another Doctor.
Another Doctor deals a Thrown to Ground to Winnona.
Winnona deals a Thrown to Ground to Another Doctor.
Another Doctor deals a Broken Left Shin to Winnona.
Winnona deals a Bruised Left Shin to Another Doctor.
Another Doctor deals a Fat Lip to Winnona.
Winnona deals a Miss to Another Doctor.
Another Doctor deals a Bruised Left Arm to Winnona.
Winnona deals a Bruised Head to Another Doctor.
Another Doctor deals a Knocked Backwards to Winnona.
Winnona tries to deals a Gash Left Hand to Another Doctor but Missed.
Winnona deals a Thrown to Ground to Another Doctor.
Another Doctor deals a Bruised Ribs to Winnona.
Winnona deals a Bruised Right Collar Bone to Another Doctor.
Another Doctor deals a Bruised Left Calf to Winnona.
Winnona deals a Gash Right Hand to Another Doctor.
Another Doctor deals a Broken Left Foot to Winnona.
One of the Flesh'Bots named Trina is ordered by the gynecologist named Rodney "Take away Iphx!" So the Flesh'Bot pulls away Iphx. He's the head of these doctors.
Winnona yells "This can't be right, how are all of you doctors in the same room? Why are you attacking me? My daughter?!"
It was all shady, "Were these even real doctors?!" wondered as she tried to get to her baby.
Her Cherokee mother is distraught.
One of the Flesh'Bots named Vince is told to "Turn off the lights. All of them." Then he's tackled by Iphx's mother.
Winnona tries to break Vince's nose in self-defense but Vince dodges her amd she misses his nose bny a long shot.
Vince deals a Bruised Ribs to Winnona.
Winnona deals a Bruised Left Arm to Vince.
Vince deals a Thrown to Ground to Winnona.
Winnona got right up and deals a Bruised Right Foot to Vince by stomping on it then trying to get to her baby but Vince took hold of her then Vince deals a Bruised Left Knee to Winnona with his leg, trying to twist is and break it so she can't get to her baby..
Winnona gets out of his hold then punches him in the back, bruising him and then tries to leave for her daughter but is held back by security guards who were called to keep her from the child.
Vince deals a Broken Jaw to Winnona by punching her in the face.
Winnona deals a Broken Left Hand to Vince by grabbing it and SQUEEZING it to make him let her goo because he was trying to restrain her.
Vince deals a Broken Right Wrist to Winnona in an attempt to get back at her for bruising his hand...
Winnona deals a Gash Left Arm to Vince.
Vince deals a Thrown to Ground to Winnona.
Winnona deals a Fat Lip to Vince as he tried to attack her on the ground to end her life because she was too feisty to him.
Vince deals a Broken Rib to Winnona by stepping on it 60 times in a row.
Winnona deals a Gash Left Knee to Vince.
Vince tries to deal a Bruised Left Arm to Winnona but Winnona deals a Block to Vince.
Winnona gets loose of the guards but Vince deals a Knocked Backwards to Winnona.
Winnona deals a Bruised Head to Vince by headbutting him 11 times to knock him out but HE JUST WON'T GO DOWN.
Winnona deals a Bruised Right Knee to Vince.
Vince REALLY TRIES TO deal a Gash on the Right Collar Bone to Winnona, but Winnona move out of his way as guards go to tackle her to the ground.
Vince tried to deal a Thrown to Ground to Winnona but Winnona held her stance up, so Vince punched her, resulting in a Broken Jaw to Winnona.
The guard got her and then knocked her down and held her down in a chokehold.
The one who took away Iphx named Trina turns off the lights to make Winnona blind...
The guards laugh, one says "If we get the baby out in time, we can just tie up this girl and leave her. No need for blood on us. We're gettin' too dirty as it is."
5 hours later...
Trina, wandering around in the darkness of no light ran out of the hospital into the Bio'Tech as Iphx's mother wandered around the hospital in fear.
Iphx is put into a daycare where she'd be picked out by John Thomas, in fact, she was already picked by John Thomas.
Abused and misused by John Thomas...
To be continued...