Rodwin was already the troubled child before the fire...
Dowi and Rodwin are two happy children, they are 6-years-old, they are native-Hawaiians, yes, NATIVE-Hawaiians. They are descendants of the native race of Hawaii before colonization.
They aren't white.
Dowi's parents moved to Houston, Texas to be near better jobs in the downtown area.
Dowi looks at Rodwin's black hair like his, Rodwin looks at the stove, Rodwin likes fire.
Dowi ran to hug Rodwin who looks at him in shock. Rodwin's parents walk into the room with unhappy faces, they show no love to each other, they teach Rodwin how to manipulate people and be evil.
Dowi was loved by them and thus taught to be better by them. Rodwin was being used.
Words show up that Dowi can't see saying "Dowi before the burns" and ones over Rodwin saying "Rodwin before the burns."
Rodwin had seen movies about Hawaiian colonization, where the grandparents cried over the loss of their land.
Tears of furious anger.
Dowi was taught to be nice and didn't know his parents were against Christians and white people, Dowi was a secret Christian, he didn't know that he even had to tell his parents and he didn't really have to unless they asked, to which he really didn't have to answer unless they told him to.
He didn't really care to tell people.
Rodwin hated Christians.
As they play with trains on the floor, Rodwin looks at the train and pretends to hit Christians with the train.
Dowi notices yelling "Leave them alone, those are God's people!" Their parents were confused, they worshiped a false God that the Hawaiians worshiped before ministers came over which Dowi never believed in, Dowi was considered strange for many reasons, he could see demons.
Dowi looks at demons surrounding his home, parents, and twin brother Rodwin. Rodwin's behavior made Dowi think of the "Evil Twin and Good Twin" Trope, but he never admitted any of it.
He liked to think of Rodwin's behavior as not BAD but troubled, Rodwin used to set Christian kids on fire.
Rodwin's parents worshiped Hawaiian false Gods, but Rodwin liked to talk to Satan, he liked to play with the CHRISTIAN Religion's SATAN, he liked to see him but was constantly abused by him.
Satan appears to be a wasp with a distorted body that puts one in the mind of a wolf. He is seen in the desert often by Muslim people. He's said to lure people away, never to be seen again and it's said that he can pass through solid objects.
Dowi likes Jesus Christ AKA God, Rodwin likes The Devil, and their parents like Old false Gods.
The family is bound to have problems.
Satan found joy in causing trouble, so he told Rodwin "Punch your twin brother, Dowi." Dowi was just sitting down minding his own business.
Rodwin liked satan, so he obeyed Satan.
Rodwin deals a Bruised Right Arm to Dowi by punching Rodwin
Dowi was sitting on the floor with Rodwin, Dowi was only 5-years-old and so was Rodwin.
Dowi started playing by swinging his around and shaking his head to see what it'd look like if he did it, As Rodwin tried to walk to get another toy, Dowi Tripped Rodwin with his arm by accidentally swinging it towards his leg.
Rodwin was ticked off and decided to stomp on Dowi's ribcage due to the Devil's past influence on Rodwin.
Dowi tried to deals a Bruised Ribs to Rodwin by punching him where his ribs were but Rodwin deals a Block to Dowi by grabbing his hand.
Dowi tried to deal a Bruised Left Forearm to Rodwin but Missed.
Dowi tried to deal a Broken Rib to Rodwin but Rodwin blocked Dowi.
Dowi deals a Broken Right Shin to Rodwin by kicking him in the shin.
Rodwin deals a Broken Rib to Dowi by biting Dowi in the rib causing a blood-curdling scream to come from Dowi. Rodwin Tripped Dowi by side sweep kicking his legs.
They both sinned by acting in revenge against each other, that's why each one fought back, each one was trying to avenge themselves.
Dowi deals a Bruised Right Collar Bone to Rodwin by getting back up and then punching Rodwin there. Rodwin deals a Bruised Left Knee to Dowi by kicking him in the knee.
Dowi deals a Bruised Right Foot to Rodwin by stepping on his foot. Rodwin tries to deal a Bruised Right Femur to Dowi by punching it but missed.
Rodwin deals a Bruised Left Shin to Dowi by kicking it, then Dowi deals a Bruised Left Forearm to Rodwin.
Rodwin punches Dowi giving Dowi a Fat Lip, so Dowi grabbed the hand that punched him and Bruised Rodwin's Right Wrist by squeezing it too hard. then Rodwin used his other arm and pushed Dowi to the ground.
Dowi kicks Rodwin giving Rodwin a Bruised Left Thigh. so Rodwin Tripped Dowi, so Dowi kicks Rodwin, and gave him s Bruised Right Shin.
Rodwin tries to give a Bruised Left Knee to Dowi by punching it and misses.
Rodwin Tripped Dowi while the parents watch in shock but don't do anything as Dowi deals a Bruised Left Wrist to Rodwin by grabbing hold of it.
Rodwin Throws Dowi to the Ground, Dowi deals a Broken Nose to Rodwin by kicking Rodwin in the nose as Rodwin went to choke him because of The Devil's past influence on Rodwin.
Dowi then went and pressed Rodwin to the wall to contain him so Rodwin shoved off Dowi to the floor, using his arms to twist Dowi around as Dowi fell, once Dowi hit the floor, he broke his own nose.
Rodwin then began to pound on Dowi as Dowi was facedown on the floor, the parents decided that it was enough of a show and stopped them.
Their parents pulled Dowi apart from Rodwin who yelled "You're a CHRISTIAN?!" Dowi yells "HOW DID YOU EVEN KNOW THAT?!"
Rodwin spit at Dowi but the spit missed Dowi and hit the floor.
Rodwin learned the hate for Christians from Satan.
Rodwin... Wasn't... Having a psychosis, he was actually seeing The Devil.
Dowi's mom named Kai and his father Koi looks at each other, thinks for a bit, then Koi says "Listen, you two are grounded!" As Kai spoke, "You are going to actually drive us mad, aren't you?!" In Laughter but Koi wasn't laughing, he was raving angry.
The twins were locked in their room, they were put in time out for 2 hours to stand in the corner next to each other and they could only be fed once that day.
The Twins didn't have breakfast, yet.
An hour later of being locked in their room, Koi brought an apple for Rodwin to eat, Nothing for Dowi because he seemed to be the one who did the most damage.
Koi yells "After an extra hour, you can have this apple!" Then Koi left. Koi came back yelling "DOWI, YOU CAN'T HAVE THE APPLE!" Then left once again to go have "a good time" With his wife in bed.
An hour later, Rodwin ate the apple and gave his twin brother the leftover seeds, the core, the blossom end: "You eat the entire thing except for the stem and Someone told me that apple seeds contain trace amounts of cyanide."
Dowi ate the core and the blossom end, not sure of what cyanide is. Cyanide is dangerous and deadly.
Koi came in the room and caught Dowi eating the core, Rodwin lied saying "Um... He took it from me when I was done, he made me give him the finished apple!" Afraid his dad would punish him for giving Dowi a part of the apple because his dad didn't want DOWI to have the apple.
Koi took Dowi into another room and punished him by making him stand in the corner for 5 hours yelling "You stand in the corner of the bathroom for 5 hours, Kai, get some leftover broccoli and feed it to him, he hates broccoli!"
Kai did as told and so did Dowi who had a pouty face the whole time and was yelling "I hate broccoli, no! I don't like broccoli!"
After 5 hours, she left and took him out of the room.
There was still a piece of broccoli in his mouth, he decided to do a trick -- a very, very stupid trick, for fun, he would swallow the broccoli whole. God yelled at him "Don't do it! DON'T SWALLOW THAT BROCCOLI WHOLE, YOU FOOLISH CHILD!"
He did and started choking, his mom looked in his mouth and saw it in his throat and yelled "YOU'RE CHOKING!"
God made Kai who was Dowi's mother act on the impulse God gave her and reach her hand in and rip out the broccoli pieces from his throat and keep putting her hand in there to rip out more pieces then when he was breathing because she had removed all the pieces of broccoli from his throat, he started crying.
God yelled at Dowi "I told you not to eat the broccoli whole!"
Dowi said to God "I'm sowwy, please, forgive me In Jesus' name, Amen."
The next day...
Dowi walks with Rodwin to the Jewelry store with beautiful jewelry, it looks high and mighty, all fancy and mall-like.
It looks like a dressed-up ballroom of sorts.
His mom kisses Dowi as Rodwin creepily stares down a Black woman with the cross around her neck.
She was a proud Christian who has seen miracles, felt demons, heard the voice of God, and is a Prophetess surrounded by The angels of God.
She's 49-years-old. Her name is God's-Diamond.
Satan filled Rodwin's thought of murder, Rodwin imagined her bloody body curled up in fear as she was being stabbed by him 60 times in a row. Rodwin was an EVIL child. Dowi denied it because they were friends but RODWIN IS EVIL.
Rodwin went to her and pinched her really hard, an angel of God pulled his fingers off of her, Rodwin started struggling and writhing, the angels tried to restrain him while still using their powers to protect God's-Diamond.
Dowi looks at God's-Diamond and says "You're God's-Diamond!" In glee, he knew of her because God would brag about her to him to get him to be more likely to protect her. Dowi yells "WOW! YOU'RE SO LOVED BY GOD AND COOL!"
God's-Diamond sees Rodwin wrestling with angels as they try to give him an exorcism.
Rodwin was loving the presence of demons due to them hypnotizing him into it.
Rodwin was exorcised and freed of hypnotism after 6 grueling hours of God's-Diamond, Dowi, and Rodwin's parents trying to help and contain and talk to him to get him to stop acting weird.
Rodwin got up and was normal-ish, he may have been freed and brought back to sanity but he's been taught by demons.
Rodwin's parents talked to God's-Diamond's who told them "Stop worshiping false Gods and take Rodwin to Church before he burns down your house!"
Rodwin looks at her with anger saying "I'm not evil!"
At home... Rodwin went to the kitchen and played with scissors, Dowi tells Rodwin "Don't play with Satan, anymore. Okay?" Rodwin yells "I do want to, leave me alone!"
Rodwin thinks of Satan but realizes Satan is a jerk, Satan punched, kicked him, gave him 50 bruises in 3 years, and insulted him. He's remembering all this in a clear head, he realizes that he hates Satan.
Rodwin calms, cries, then said "Okay... I'm sorry..." Rodwin somberly and slowly walked to his room.
Satan was waiting in there to tell him "Why are you mad at me?" Rodwin yelled "You hit me! I never liked you when you did that but you always made me like you right after, as freaks do!"
Satan deals a Bruised Left Knee to Rodwin.
Rodwin deals a Bruised Right Knee to Satan, then Satan deals a Bruised Right Collar Bone to Rodwin.
Rodwin deals a Gash/Bruised Right Arm to Satan.
Satan deals a Miss to Rodwin.
Rodwin deals a Gash/Bruised Left Knee to Satan.
Satan deals a Bruised Left Calf to Rodwin.
Rodwin deals a Gash Right Collar Bone to Satan.
Satan tried to Knock Rodwin Backward but missed him.
Satan deals a Broken Left Foot to Rodwin by stepping on his foot.
Rodwin deals a Bruised Right Shin to Satan.
Satan tried to deal a Broken Rib to Rodwin but Rodwin deals a Block to Satan.
Satan deals a Bruised Head to Rodwin.
Rodwin deals a Thrown to Ground to Satan.
Satan tried to deal a Knocked Backwards to Rodwin but he missed again as Rodwin swerves to the side away from Satan's grasp.
Rodwin deals a Fat Lip to Satan with a fist.
Satan deals a Thrown to Ground to Rodwin.
Rodwin deals a Bruised Right Collar Bone to Satan.
Satan deals a Broken Right Arm to Rodwin.
Rodwin could have given a Bruised Left Thigh to Satan but he misses.
Rodwin deals a Bruised Left Arm to Satan.
Satan deals a Gash Left Collar Bone to Rodwin.
Rodwin deals a Bruised Right Hand to Satan.
Satan deals a Gash Left Collar Bone to Rodwin.
Rodwin deals a Bruised Right Femur to Satan with a baseball bat.
Satan delt Rodwin Bruised Ribs.
Rodwin deals a Black Eye to Satan with a toy he should not have had and was illegal for him to have but his dad bought it for him off of the site Craig's List.
Dowi noticed the fight, Dowi was amazed at his brother's strength but also had similar strength and went to help his brother.
Dowi yells "GO AWAY, SATAN, in the name of Jesus!" Satan was afraid of God, and apparently, knew God would possibly attack him, due to how big God was and how much stronger than Satan God was, Satan listened and left.
he had to, it was a spiritual rule to listen if they say "In the name of Jesus!" Most would think Satan listened due to God being so much stronger and more powerful so that if he broke it, something really bad would happen to Satan that Satan fears happening.
Rodwin cried and threw a tantrum out of anger, fear, and sadness.
They were both in pain because nobody took them to the hospital, so Dowi went to his mom and asked "Mama, can I go to the hospital?"
Kai says "If we go, the doctors will kill you!" Their parents had OCD and it tricked them into thinking that all doctors were evil.
Rodwin and Dowi weren't even vaccinated which is why their parents kept them from other children, not to protect the other children because their Rodwin and Dowi were healthy.
It was to protect Rodwin and Dowi from the sick children because they were not vaccinated, meaning while other kids may get sick and get healthy quicker, or wouldn't get the disease, Rodwin, and Dowi's bodies were unable to take other kids' sicknesses, so they had to be kept from sick children.
The fact that they weren't vaccinated and the fact that other children couldn't play with them resulted in getting bullied by 5 other kids.
They didn't see those kids much because they weren't around a lot of kids. Go figure.
They still got very sick from time to time because they had outside contact and the parents didn't want to enforce washing hands to Rodwin like they should if they were going to raise unvaccinated kids who were kids like anyone else but didn't have as strong an immune system.
Rodwinw as allowed to go outside to play one day, he got into contact with a kid who played with witchcraft beads, a creature of spirit floated out of the beads into Rodwin's mouth.
Rodwin was very scary after that. Kai, his mom, called him saying "Roddy, come inside!" Rodwin went inside and played with his toys.
Rodwin got bad ideas but didn't want to follow them, the only problem was, he wasn't the one in control anymore...
The creature controlled his body and made him get a match.
Rodwin took the match and used the box to light it then put the match to the floor.
The house caught on fire.
God had gotten them out of the house alive, but the kids had severe burns and the parents did, too.
What was once a brown family of four became a black-skinned, partially hairless, slightly melted Koi and his twin boys, Kai saved their lives and remained intact but Kai's lightly melted arms were evident as they both had to grab her family out of the flames.
They all have PTSD, the neighbor called the fire department.
To be continued...