New 'Friends'

Ali was having a headache.

Just how did his parents do it?

Finding 10 suitable bride candidates was not an easy thing.

It's not like they were littered across the street or lawn in abundance.

He scratched his head as he viewed the information in front of him.

First, he had to know the families.

That wasn't much of a problem because networking was very important.

The problem was actually 'knowing' the families, and not just the reputation or what was said about them.

All of that could be faked, or just on the surface.

So he had to go through several layers of screening before finally settling on the few that were in front of him.

The first layer was identifying the suitable families - and by 'suitable', it meant those who were either of the same 'line' or slightly below.

As much as romantics like to say, 'true love conquers all', Ali knew from experience how naive that was. Even though in his case, it really did happen to him - but not without years of struggling and pain.

First, in getting his wife who had not been of the same faith with him.

Then, seeing how hard his wife worked in order to blend in with his family and culture. His family was all-welcoming but it could not be denied that there had been a LOT of 'training' and teaching to be done.

Learning a new culture, assimilating the different sort of life, and having a suitable blend of the two was not easy. More so when one partner was not only of not the same culture, nor faith, but was also having different ideas and thoughts.

Plus, there were countless judgments and occasional snide remarks from certain distant relatives and friends.

Fortunately, most were quite welcoming but it hadn't been all smooth sailing for him and Sofiya.

Life was much better now and he had basically lessened contact with those who would be rather negative. He didn't cut them out completely because Life is not that simple. It can happen in novels but not in real life.

You needed contacts, you still respected blood ties, and you are always respectful.

Didn't mean that he would accept or tolerate rudeness, and would always defend his wife and family.

Ali sighed again as he fiddled with the pictures.

Though his wife acquiescence to him on this, he knew she wasn't fully supportive. Thus, the pressure on him was even greater because he needed to make sure the choices he presented to his son would be good enough for his wife as well.

He wanted his son to have the best, with a strong wife by his side. One who could support him emotionally and be his pillar.

Just like how Sofiya was for him.

So the first layer was identifying the 'right' family.

The second layer was hiring private investigators to dig up on their background and anything unfavourable. Each family had their own unit, so as to ensure that the proper energy and focus was given.

That took a lot of time.

Which was why he only managed to narrow down the choices now - six months later after making that decision.

Still, having the list did not mean it was over.

He now had to approach the families and reach a mutual agreement to have them 'booked', so to speak.

Ali sighed again.

Some of the families weren't even in Country Tz, which made things a bit more difficult; but still doable.

Looks like the family would be going on a holiday during the school break. Thinking of how he was going to tell his son - and wife - about the reason for the trip gave him a bigger headache.

Ali tapped three pictures and studied them closely.

He planned to do this slightly differently from his parents.

With him, it had been that he had to make a choice by the time he was 18. He felt this was unfair on the girls as they were basically 'booked' for so long and there was no chance of them to back out until he had chosen.

So in this case, he was going to make it open for both sides.

They would get to know each other during this growing-up period.

At the age of 14, the list would need to be shortened. That is, if there were any of the girls that Ziad couldn't stand (or like) and vice versa, then those girls would be taken off the list.

After that, Ziad and the girls would have two years to really get to know each other. At 16, Ziad would have to choose. They would be formally engaged and enter into a formal agreement to get married at 18.

Pleased with himself for having made such a plan for his son, Ali had this big grin on his face - but that was soon cut short by his own wife.

Sofiya, who had entered and was behind him watching his actions over his shoulders, had this frown on her face.

She was already unhappy over this whole thing but what was this plan of her dear husband?

"Isn't this too one-sided?" Sofiya asked, sitting down next to him.

Ali turned towards his beloved wife, genuinely puzzled.

"How so?" he asked, "There is no force whatsoever."

Sofiya waved her hand over the notebook and stated, "Yes, it does appear at first glance as if everything is all right, but there is one little thing."

"Yes?" Ali prompted, listening to his wife seriously.

"Everything is to Ziad's favour," Sofiya replied.

Ali frowned a bit at that and pointed towards the paragraph that stated the girls could also back out if they found Ziad unsuitable. Before he could say it, Sofiya placed her hand on his, and looked at him gently, "Yes, I saw that. But what I am referring to is that whilst Ziad has ten bride candidates to choose from - the girls themselves only have Ziad. In other words, until the day he finds them unsuitable, or when the girls themselves find him unbearable, then they are free."

She gave a small smile, "And let's face it. I may be biased, but I doubt any of those girls would really find him unbearable. Ziad is the sweetest and most thoughtful boy I know."

Ali grinned a bit at that, saying, "Yes, takes after me."

Sofiya just smiled at that and nodded indulgently, then continued, "And if Ziad is the only one that they get to know, and they know that he's their possible husband, I doubt they - or their families - will even let themselves know other boys. It is tantamount to them being unfaithful."

Ali frowned at that, leaning back on his chair. He could begin to see what his wife was trying to say.

Undoubtedly, that would most likely be the scenario.

When he thought back on his own ten bride candidates, he realised that it was true that until he made that choice, the girls could not know other boys. Well, not that they didn't have guys for friends, but their contact and behaviour were strictly monitored.

He had never realised it before.

It was undoubtedly unfair.

Seeing that her husband had begun to understand, Sofiya said, "Instead of having them as bride candidates, why not just take off that label? Simply make it that he gets to know them and vice versa, then when he's older - say, about 14 - you can ask him which of those ten that he likes? That he would want to get to know better?"

"Would it not achieve the same thing?" Sofiya asked.

Ali shook his head, "Unfortunately, no."

He sighed as he thought hard about it, "If I don't make that 'booking', so to speak, then if their families get approached by others, then these girls would be unavailable."

"This arranged marriage aspect is, I believe, more cultural than religious," Sofiya pointed out, "So while I do understand it may be difficult, I don't think it's impossible. Why not try it out first? The other families may be open to it and you may start a new trend?"

"Actually, it's not like every family has arranged marriages, " Ali told her, "It's usually just within the older families and they're quite steadfast in it, really."

"So you're saying that it's such an old tradition that it can't be changed?" Sofiya asked.

"Perhaps," Ali replied, "Even if we are open to allow the girls to look for other groom candidates, it's still going to be seen as being 'loose'. Also, if other families approach them with the intention of forming a marriage contract, they would withdraw the moment they know of this arrangement."

Sofiya felt frustrated and knew that what her husband said was right.

"At least, in my way, the girls that aren't compatible can be 'freed' early, giving them a better chance for finding a more suitable partner," Ali said, hugging his wife to him.

It was one of those things within Ali's life that Sofiya couldn't quite understand. She tried to, but couldn't fully grasp while for Ali, it was so ingrained that it wasn't something that could easily be changed.

However, as usual, whenever there were differences in opinions or understandings like this, they never argued or resented each other. They simply made the best that they could under the circumstances.

Rome wasn't built in a day.

"But I will try," Ali said, holding her even tighter to him, "What you said makes sense. If they don't agree, then perhaps the other compromise is to have fewer bride candidates? Instead of ten, perhaps five?"

Sofiya thought about it, then shook her head, "No, I think at least, with your plan, the girls have a better chance. I can't imagine their choices being limited until they reach 18. Maybe you'll create huge waves with this that other families would start being more inclined to follow it."

Ali smiled and kissed her forehead, "That's what I am hoping for, too."

With that, Ziad's ten new 'friends' were finalised.