Protagonists and Misunderstandings

"Kwan" With shaky voice Damian croaked out.

Kwan wasn't able to answer but was shocked to feel tears streaming down his face. "oh" he was able to say. He felt numb and weak that he didn't even get to protest when he felt a set of strong arms embrace him. His knees gave out which made him cling unto Damian and began to uncontrollably sob. 

"I got you, boss. You can cry it out."

"I-I'm sorry."

"whatever for?"

"I'm gay and a pervert!!!"

Kwan wasn't really sure what he was or what his preferences really were. He just wasn't if it were boys or girls that he liked. He never even brought it up with anyone and no one questioned about it. 

"There's nothing really wrong with being gay, Kwan." He took a step back and pinched the other's cheeks thinking he was being silly if his long term friend and boss was thinking that he'd be disgusted. "I just can't say the same with you in a dress though. You look great in it."

"You're terrible."