Concerning the Invitation

Zero woke from his deep slumber. He groaned as his eyelids fluttered open. He slowly rose from the bed and stared at the window. The sun was blazing its lights through it. The window was small compared to that of Kwan's. He then began to study the interior layout of the room.

The walls were painted beige with dark brown cornices framing the ceiling. All the furniture were made of the same shade of the wooden color while the floor was a color of jade green; the color was so foreign to him that he just stood bare footed, thinking that he just might soaked in that color. It gave the room life and made it cooler. He gasped when he quickly turned around and looked at Kwan standing by the door with his hands behind his back and the brightest smile he has ever seen.

"How are you feeling?"

"I feel... somewhat tired."

"That's good. Tired is good. Come to the dinning hall we have a lot to discuss."