The Goofy Accountant

"Yejun-ah... I need you to keep it together.. just for awhile okay? We'll fix this. We're going to meet everyone in the private booth area at the cafe where we could deal with this matter in a more private setting."

Yejun walked past the girl that was just infront of them. He did it with smirking at her and looking at her from head to toe. The girl gave an irked expression as a response. He knew exactly who she was and noticed that she has been loitering infront of his building looking for Wonshik. He knew that it was about to get messy and relied on Wonshik to clean up the mess he made before he does something he could not fix by himself. This is what happens when you get attached to your flings or find yourself a clingy person for a fling.

"You're back so soon?"

"I have a meeting."

"The back is being cleaned up at the moment. How many are you expecting?"